I get told I that either look like Nona Gaye or Nia Long. Methinks it's my eyes.
JoinedPosts by sherah
Be honest...What movie star do you look like?
by Botzwana ini am curious as to what the members here look like.
be totally honest now.
not everyone looks like a knockout or mr. buff.... .
Some observations from the KM Elder School I wanted to share with you.
by miseryloveselders inmy school was a couple weeks back, and it was interesting to a degree.
to be honest with you, it reminded me of a police crime scene investigation with yellow tape.
what i mean is, in one respect it was business as usual.
Thanks MLE, hope you feel better soon.
SMH at the stupidity of the GB? Why does the GB think that higher education is the only issue threatening their ranks? They seem focused on it, like it's the only hole in the sinking ship of the WTBS.
Elder wants to do "other activities" with me
by InterestedOne ini'm fully aware that this is a cult, and i was waiting for the social elements to kick in.
so far, i have just been doing the "bible study," discussing doctrine, etc.
however, recently one of the elders said he wants to get together with me to do other activities.
IO, check your pms.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."- Michael Corleone in Godfather III. Sorta reminds me of my life.
by miseryloveselders inmost of you recognize that line from the godfather iii, which wasn't the greatest film in my opinion, but that line was classic.
it perfectly depicts my life as it stands now.
i'm at a crossroads in life, and my heart is being tugged in different directions.
You are a compelling writer, thanks for sharing the real MLE. I can relate to the guilt of leading a double-life and trying to atone for my sins by going hard for the dub lifestyle. I think you are at a critical point in your life. Hope you continue to share more of your story.
Elder wants to do "other activities" with me
by InterestedOne ini'm fully aware that this is a cult, and i was waiting for the social elements to kick in.
so far, i have just been doing the "bible study," discussing doctrine, etc.
however, recently one of the elders said he wants to get together with me to do other activities.
BP beat me to it!
The social structure of JW prohibits unmarried men and women from being friendly and/or dating unless they are planning to get married. Women studying with men is frowned upon, she probably got a good talking to by her elders. Passing you off on another congregation was done intentionally to keep you to apart. These brothers are sizing you up to see if you really want to become a JW or they are trying to see if you are trying to get with your friend.
Personally, I think it's a bad idea to study for woman. Especially if you don't know if she feels the same for you.
I like BP's advice but do so discreetly. Check your pm's.
Elder wants to do "other activities" with me
by InterestedOne ini'm fully aware that this is a cult, and i was waiting for the social elements to kick in.
so far, i have just been doing the "bible study," discussing doctrine, etc.
however, recently one of the elders said he wants to get together with me to do other activities.
The WTBS is on a campaign to recruit males, they are in desperate need of ms's and elders. Maybe this elder sees you as potential.
Are you romantically interested in the female friend?
Florida Holding No Refusal DUI Checkpoints. If You Refuse They Stick A Needle...
by minimus inin your arm by judge's order.
(a judge will be there at the checkpoint) and of course, if you are legally drunk, you'll be arrested on the spot.. so this weekend in tampa, they'll be sticking needles in your arms if you refuse their demands.
they say they'll be heavily advertising the area that they'll be at over the holiday..
In PA, a refusal is an automatic one year license suspension at the time of arrest. If convicted, another one year license suspension.
What was your first vehicle? (pics!)
by sabastious inmine was a 1986 ford courier i got after working a summer and obtaining $600.00.
it was a beater and i named him earl.
like this one just white and more zombified:.
It was 10 years old when I got him....he was so good to me. The previous owner was elderly and it was garage kept. I'm still mourning his loss.
A Big Thanks to John Williams at Bethel
by mentallyfree31 inabout five years ago, john williams came to philadelphia, ms as a visiting bethel speaker for our special assembly day.
i was well acquainted with him, as he had been to my kh before as a special weekend speaker, and also to a neighboring congregation.
in his afernoon talk, he goes off about social network websites and he made this statement: "brothers, make no mistake about it, myspace is no place for christians".
Mad Sweeney, I think that he's the same bro.
Stumbled across a recurring theme in WT: teach 'the organization' to your kids
by sd-7 inyesterday afternoon, right before i was about to take my wife to the kingdom hall (no, i'm not attending, haven't been in 9 months, strangely enough am still thinking of returning if it would help my marriage, but it won't), i happened to notice her opened october 15th, 2010 watchtower.
around page 25 or so, there was an article that caught my eye.
it instructed parents to teach their children to 'not act independently of the organization, even in small matters'.
Sorry for going off topic...
SD-7 I shudder to think of what this regime will do if they start tampering with medical or other life-or-death issues...
Their blood stance draws enough unwanted, negative attention. Anything more will get them the dangerous cult label from international govts and medical authorities. The WT is trying to appear normal, framing the blood issue as one of religious freedom and personal choice regarding medical procedures. To some extent they are able to sell this . Tampering any further will cost them.