Have you met his family and friends? Has he discussed yourrs and his marriage plans with his family? Has he invited you to his kingdom hall?
If you and he still have a secret relationship, then you really should move on.
hi guys!
im very new here and i need a little help.. im not a witness, but i know all of the quirks and rules and whatnot because my long-distance boyfriend is a witness.
the issue, other than the obvious, is that i fell in love with him before he told me he was one of jehovahs witnesses.
Have you met his family and friends? Has he discussed yourrs and his marriage plans with his family? Has he invited you to his kingdom hall?
If you and he still have a secret relationship, then you really should move on.
the question is this;.
because you are members of this apostate site, yet are still willing to serve the wt soc as elders,.
do you still hope to .
BTW Why can't I cut an paste with Mozilla - it's crap.
You can but you can't right click the mouse to do so. Highlight, go to"edit" on the Menu bar and select 'copy'. Plant your cursor and return to 'edit' and select 'paste' to finish.
the question is this;.
because you are members of this apostate site, yet are still willing to serve the wt soc as elders,.
do you still hope to .
All of the threads blasting doubting active dubs, faders and elders about being active posters on this site are ridiculous. As was mentioned, they are a source of inside information. But more importantly, they have to find their own way out just like everyone else. There is no timetable for doing this. No one should feel they have do ANYTHING until they are good and ready.
boy am i tired of hearing this one.
yes folks, i heard it at the meeting this week...again.
the sm included a local needs part and this was the subject - family worship night.. apparently, regarding fwn, that time was never, nor now is, ours.
FWN is a joke around these parts. Most use the extra night to catch up on sleep, laundry, tv, anything but studing WT pubs.
MLE - Not to beat a dead horse but WT members are not bible scholars. The GB has gased up the minds of it's followers to believe that they are possess special knowledge of the bible and it's prophecies. Most WT members have not read the bible in it's entirety, they can only quote scriptures ad-naseum out of context.
I live in the NE and have found many persons who are knowledgeable about the bible and other faiths in general. For many of these people, their beliefs are deeply personal. They don't feel the need to spend every waking moment discussing, proving their faith, converting folk etc. This is contrary to what the WT teaches.
i am amazed at all of the dresses and skirts that i will never wear again.
i was joking the other day i need to have a garage sale and advertise to jw's.
tons of long skirts, and lots of dresses.
I didn't frump as dub but my style has changed now that I'm fading. I'm not as concerned about low necklines, hemlines and clingyness when shopping for clothes.
while having a conversation at a night club with two guys ( i go salsa dancing at least 3 times per week) i was telling of a story of a time i went with a friend to a strip club but we left because our consiences felt guilty ( my friend was still in bethel).
so i said "since i was a member of this religion".
at that moment one of they guys immediately asked me "which religion?".
I like your approach, tackling it from the Mind Control angle. Thanks for sharing.
i just got this information on the phone, from a local jw family member : the society is definitely downsizing its worldwide institutional network and they intend to disband their bethels in the three french overseas departements of martinique, guadeloupe an french guyana.
i've not heard about the fourth departement la reunion in the indian ocean but i gather that they might go the same way there.. i wonder , what about the decent amount of money i donated to them in order to build one of those bethels , is it bound to be siphoned off to brooklyn ?
objection, that was not included in the deal.
I heard about this today from a family member in WI.
Jamie Bowers - I wonder if this has to do nwith the French government eliminating the Watchtower's tax exempt status
My guess as well.
okay, i'm trying to think of a relatively inexpensive weekend getaway.
i really need a vacation, it's been awhile.
i don't count the conventions,ugh.
I know it's hurrican season, if you live near a port city (Balt, Philly, Ft Lauderdale etc) you can get a cruise cheap. Or find a vacay package for a Carribean getaway at a reasonable deal.
NYC is pretty in the fall with tons to do. Book a hotel in NJ and commute by train to the city, you will save on hotel & parking costs.
Spa weekend is also a great, relaxing idea.
I can't believe i use to have a crush on Bobby B, he's so bloated now....crack is whack Bobby!
Mike Tyson has two lead-left feet, his dancing is painful to watch, LOL.
it has been a year since i stopped attending meetings with the jehovah's witnesses.
as one year anniversary has passed, i thought it would be helpful to highlight some of the main events during this transition.
it may help others that are going through the same experience.
Thanks for sharing you and your family's journey!