The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
If you think Miss Keller's hand sign is just a coincidence, then you are truly gullible. If you were deaf, and wanted to develop a hand sign to tell someone that you love them, what would it be? A hand over the heart would be reasonable. There is no way that any reasonable person would develop the hand sign that Keller invented, paralleling an existing hand salute to Satan. It is abundantly clear to see that Keller's hand sign praises the Devil.
JoinedPosts by Weeping
Helen Keller and the horned hand or mano cornuto
by Weeping inthe "el diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "i love you.
" while at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, i get it!
" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, helen keller, was herself an occultist.
mothers anguish over satanic son
by Weeping ina cape town mother is living in fear that she may lose her son to a demonic curse.. .
the frightened mother says her 12-year-old boy has vanished from home four times since an evil voice started luring him away.. .
local holy men say there are satanic forces at play, trying to steal the boy's soul.. .
A Cape Town mother is living in fear that she may lose her son to a demonic curse.
The frightened mother says her 12-year-old boy has vanished from home four times since an evil voice started luring him away.
Local holy men say there are satanic forces at play, trying to steal the boy's soul.
Athini Magqabini appears to be a regular boy who loves playing with his friends and having fun in his Philippi-East home.
But when he hears the voices in his head, he wanders off and speaks in a strange language in a trance-like state.
He was once found standing upright, clinging to a pole with his eyes shut in what appeared to be a deep sleep.
His mother Phumla Magqabini, 38, is at her wits' end after Athini recently disappeared for the fourth time in five months.
Last Sunday, she again relived the terror that comes with each disappearance.
Athini vanished while playing in a park with friends in MC Crescent in Marcus Garvey Informal Settlement, Philippi-East.
"When he went missing he was found sleeping under a tree five days later," Magqabini said.
"He just wandered off while playing with his friends and was found in Crossroads by a man who saw him sleeping under a tree.
"He tried to run away but the man caught up with him and took him to the police station."
She said that that night Athini had been restless.
"He danced all night long even though there was no music," she said. And he spoke in a strange language she could not recognise.
"We couldn't make out what he was saying," said the distraught mother.
Magqabini said her son has told them he is merely obeying strange voices calling him to follow them at night.
He said the voices started speaking to him in November last year when he was completing Grade 5.
"The first time he vanished was after I sent him out to buy milk. Three days later he was found sleeping behind a house in the neighbourhood," said Magqabini.
"The second time he disappeared (was) after his father sent him to the shops and he was found three days later holding on to a lamp post (while) in a deep sleep."
Magqabini said the third time had been when Athini took his toys to play with friends outside the house but never returned.
"Again, three days later he was found wandering in the street," she said.
Magqabini said the desperate family had consulted a faith healer who told them satanic forces are influencing her son.
"I curse the person behind all this. I love my child very much," she said.
"We are Christians and I pray to God to save my little baby."
Her local pastor Reverend Reuben Nyobile of the Baptist Pentecostal Church agrees that satanic forces are at play.
"There is a lot of demonic practices in our communities and some parents are not aware how their children are lobbied into satanism," he said.
Magqabini said her son gets emotional when trying to explain his actions.
"When we ask him (Athini) what the voices are telling him to do he says they tell him to follow them and then he starts crying," she said.
When the Daily Voice visited the house, Athini was holding his five-month-old brother while his mother was busy in the bedroom.
"I have to close the gate and keep an eye on him. I have sleepless nights every time he disappears," said the mom.
"I suspect there is a dark side in my son's life. The strange dances, the screams. We fear for the worst ... that he may vanish and never return." -
Zeitgeist, just nonsense? Please explain.
by cyberjesus ini recently watched the movie along with the second part thanks to several people mentioning it on this forum.
i have seen both people against and pro.
what are your thoughts?
I was conned into watching a portion of it. I turned in off. The only conspiracy is the the conspiracy of Satan to turn you away from Christ. I may do some research on the filmaker. I'm certain he will have ties with satanic organisations.
Wernicke's Aphasia.
Individuals with Wernicke's Aphasia are able to produce sounds, phrases, and word sequences. While these utterances have the same rhythm as normal speech, they are not language because no information is conveyed.
Is Rock music satanic?
by Weeping inin the following statements, rock musicians testify of an outside power that has taken over them while writing and performing rock music.
some of them have actually identified this power as demonic: .
in smash hits magazine, bon jovi says: ".
"Where? Show me in the bible where it says that all music should be banned."
I am not saying it should be banned. It was not a part of worship mentioned in the new testament. And in the old testament it often led to badness. So at the least, it's tolerable to God. But definitely not music influenced by satan or music that actually celebrates demonism and sex perversions.
Is Rock music satanic?
by Weeping inin the following statements, rock musicians testify of an outside power that has taken over them while writing and performing rock music.
some of them have actually identified this power as demonic: .
in smash hits magazine, bon jovi says: ".
I find it interesting that while God tolerated music making with mechanical instruments in the old testament, In the New Testament, it's conpicuous by it's absense. I remember one brother saying "I don't mind a piano or organ at all. As long as it sits in the basment and isn't used!". Music was allowed along with a few other customs (polygamy etc). But I feel it was done away with as acceptable. Music with a heavy beat primarily originated in pagan tribal worship. The beat whipped the tribe into a frenzy where they would become trancelike and engage in sex perversions and sacrifice.
Ana_dote himself just stated when he was writinghe couldn't be bothered with any distraction or anything else and the music came out of nowhere. That's very self centered. Ignoring everything else on obsessive music making. Do you think Satan is gonna appear and actually tell you what to write? Of course not. But he can influence your mind. Many of the musicians quoted above have completely surrendered to this and are actually willing to be a vessel for Satan.
Is Rock music satanic?
by Weeping inin the following statements, rock musicians testify of an outside power that has taken over them while writing and performing rock music.
some of them have actually identified this power as demonic: .
in smash hits magazine, bon jovi says: ".
We should be encouraging him and give reassurance that its safe here at JWN
Im a Woman, BTW. I did try drugs as a young woman. I did alot that I regret. I smoked marijuana, attended a rock concert, was promiscuous. Finally, I sunk to the point of becoming friends with satan worshipers.
Is Rock music satanic?
by Weeping inin the following statements, rock musicians testify of an outside power that has taken over them while writing and performing rock music.
some of them have actually identified this power as demonic: .
in smash hits magazine, bon jovi says: ".
In the following statements, rock musicians testify of an outside power that has taken over them while writing and performing rock music. Some of them have actually identified this power as demonic:
In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says: ". . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page of LED ZEPPELIN both claim that they don’t know who wrote their occultic song Stairway to Heaven. Plant testified: “Pagey had written the chords and played them for me. I was holding the paper and pencil, and for some reason, I was in a very bad mood. Then all of a sudden my hand was writing out words. … I just sat there and looked at the words and then I almost leaped out of my seat” (Davin Seay, Stairway to Heaven, p. 249).
“I’ve always considered that there was some way where we were able to channel energy, and that energy was able to be, from another source, if you like, like a higher power or something, that was actually doing the work. I’ve often thought of us just being actually just the earthly beings that played the music because it was uncanny. Some of this music came out extremely uncanny” (Bill Ward of BLACK SABBATH, cited in Black Sabbath An Oral History, p. 7).
“It’s amazing, ’cause sometimes when we’re on stage, I feel like somebody’s just moving the pieces. ... I’m just going, ‘God, we don’t have any control over this.’ And that’s magic” (Stevie Nicks of FLEETWOOD MAC, Circus, April 14, 1971).
ANGUS YOUNG, lead guitarist for AC-DC, is called the “guitar demon”; and he admitted that something takes control of the band during their concerts: “’s like I’m on automatic pilot. By the time we’re halfway through the first number someone else is steering me. I’m just along for the ride. I become possessed when I get on stage” (Hit Parader, July 1985, p. 60).
“We receive our songs by inspiration, like at a séance” (Keith Richards of the ROLLING STONES, Rolling Stone, May 5, 1977, p. 55).
“I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of darkness ... that a lot of people don’t believe exists. The power of the Devil. Satan” (LITTLE RICHARD, cited by Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, p. 206).
JIMI HENDRIX’ girlfriend, Fayne Pridgon, said: “He used to always talk about some devil or something was in him, you know. He didn’t know what made him act the way he acted and what made him say the things he said, and the songs and different things like that … just came out of him. It seems to me he was so tormented and just torn apart and like he really was obsessed, you know, with something really evil” (sound track from film Jimi Hendrix, interview with Fayne Pridgon, side 4, cited by Heartbeat of the Dragon, p. 50).
“You can’t describe it [playing rock music] except to say it’s like a mysterious energy that comes from the metaphysical plane and into my body. It’s almost like being a medium....” (Marc Storace, vocalist with heavy-metal band KROKUS, Circus, January 31, 1984, p. 70).
“They [The Beatles] were like mediums. They weren’t conscious of all they were saying, but it was coming through them” (YOKO ONO, The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Berkeley, 1982, p. 106.).
“[Of his music JOHN LENNON said] “It’s like being possessed: like a psychic or a medium” (The Playboy Interviews, p. 203).
“I really wish I knew why I’ve done some of the things I’ve done over the years. I don’t know if I’m a medium for some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it’s not what I think it is—Satan” (OZZY OSBOURNE, Hit Parader, February 1978, p. 24).
Jimmy Hendrix once said, "I can explain everything better through music. YOU HYPNOTIZE PEOPLE... And when you get people at their weakest point you can preach into the subconscious what we want to say. That's why the name "electric church' flashes in and out."
Led Zeppelin (From the song Houses of the Holy): "Let the music be your master, won't you heed the masters call? OhSatan"
“It’s amazing that it [the tune to ‘In My Life’] just came to me in a dream. That’s why I don’t profess to know anything. I think music is very mystical” (John Lennon, “The Beatles Come Together,” Reader’s Digest, March 2001).
“I felt like a hollow temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving to be replaced by another” (John Lennon, People, Aug. 22, 1988, p. 70).
“The music to ‘Yesterday’ came in a dream. The tune just came complete. You have to believe in magic. I can’t read or write music” (PAUL MCCARTNEY, interview on Larry King Live, CNN, June 12, 2001).
“It happens subliminally. It’s the music that compels me to do it. You don’t think about it, it just happens. I’m slave to the rhythm’ (Michael Jackson, explaining the reason for some of the filthy sexual gestures during his concerts, during a 1993 Oprah Winfrey interview, The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993, p. A10).
“When the Siberian shaman gets ready to go into his trance, all the villagers get together... and play whatever instruments they have to send him off [into trance and possession]. … It was the same way with The Doors when we played in concert... I think that our drug experience let us get into it... [the trance state] quicker.... It was like Jim [Morrison] was an electric shaman and we were the electric shaman’s band, pounding away behind him. Sometimes he wouldn’t feel like getting into the state, but the band would keep on pounding and pounding, and little by little it would take him over. God, I could send an electric shock through him with the organ. John could do it with his drumbeats” (DOORS keyboardist Ray Manzarek, cited by Jerry Hopkins and Daniel Sugerman, No One Here Gets Out Alive, pp. 158-60).
“Rock has always been the devil’s music, you can’t convince me that it isn’t. I honestly believe everything I’ve said—I believe rock and roll is dangerous. … I feel that we’re only heralding something even darker than ourselves” (DAVID BOWIE, Rolling Stone, February 12, 1976, p. 83).
“In the end you have to look at a song and not know exactly where it came from” (BRUCE SPRINGSTEIN, Dateline, Dec. 14, 1998).
Flea (from the Red Hot Chili Peppers): "Music is really great, it can, it can, it can move, you know a large group of people, it can inspire and move a large group of people--then revolution can happen"
“That certain feeling happened to me in a big way quite often with the first King Crimson. Amazing things would happen--I mean, telepathy, qualities of energy, things that I had never experienced before with music … you can’t tell whether the music is playing the musician or the musician is playing the music” (Robert Fripp, guitarist for KING CRIMSON, Down Beat, June 1985, p. 61).
“I believe inspiration comes through me and that I channel it” (Jim Kerr, SIMPLE MINDS, cited by Steve Turner, Hungry for Heaven, p. 147).
John McLaughlin, leader of MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA, testified: “One night we were playing and suddenly the spirit entered into me, and I was playing, but it was no longer me playing” (The Rock Report, p. 58).
Glen Tipton of JUDAS PRIEST says, “I just go crazy when I go onstage … it’s like someone else takes over my body” (Hit Parader, Fall 1984, p. 6).
In 1974, JONI MITCHELL told the press of a male spirit who helps her write music. “Joni Mitchell credits her creative powers to a ‘male muse’ she identifies as Art. He has taken so much control of not only her music, but her life, that she feels married to him, and often roams naked with him on her 40-acre estate. His hold over her is so strong that she will excuse herself from parties and forsake lovers whenever he ‘calls’” (Why Knock Rock? p. 112, citing Time magazine, Dec. 16, 1974, p. 39).
“I wake up from dreams and go ‘Wow, put this down on paper,’ the whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face. I feel that somewhere, someplace it’s been done and I’m just a courier bringing it into the world” (MICHAEL JACKSON, Rolling Stone, Feb. 17, 1983).
“When I hit the stage it’s all of a sudden a ‘magic’ from somewhere that comes and the spirit just hits you, and you just lose control of yourself” (Michael Jackson, Teen Beat: A Tribute to Michael Jackson, Summer 1984, p. 27).
GINGER BAKER, drummer for the popular ‘60s band CREAM, said: “It happens to us quite often--it feels as though I’m not playing my instrument, something else is playing it and that same thing is playing all three of our instruments. That’s what I mean when I say it’s frightening sometimes. Maybe we’ll all play the same phrase out of nowhere. It happens very often with us” (Bob Larson, Rock and the Church, p. 66).
JOE COCKER, who contorts grotesquely during his performances, claims that something “seizes” him when he songs rock & roll (Time magazine, cited by Bob Larson, Rock and the Church, p. 66).
Lead singer Perry Farrell of JANE’S ADDICTION performs in a “frenzied trance-state” like that of a shaman.
“When I’m singing and in touch with the energy I’m generating, I sometimes literally have no awareness of where I am. The ego disappears, and me and my surroundings with it. … that’s the reason I’m in music--to achieve that feeling” (Daryl Oates of HALL AND OATES, interview with Timothy White, 1987, Rock Lives, p. 592).
The original recording of “I Put a Spell on You” was done after the SCREAMIN’ JAY HAWKINS and his band members got drunk and “some type of presence seemed to seize him.” He began “grunting, growling, screaming, gurgling in strange unknown tongues, and wildly dancing around the studio” (Heartbeat of the Dragon, p. 40).
Crosby of Crosby, Stills & Nash made that plain enough when he bragged, "I figured that the only thing to do was steal their kids. I still think it's the only thing to do...I'm not talking about kidnapping...but about changing young people's value system."
The sexuality of music is usually referred to in terms of rhythm, it is the beat that commands a directly physical response. Music with the heavy, hard beat got the name "Rock and Roll" when a disc jockey coined the term from sex in the back seat of a car. The rock beat is Satan's sound of lawlessness. The rock beat is musical perversion. Every knowledgeable musician knows that the term "rock" really means a shameful act of lust. But that is not the only problem! The beat of rock is nothing new. Pagan, animistic tribes had the "rock beat" long before it came to America. They use the driving beat to get "high" and bring them into an altered state of consciousness. Traditional drumming and dancing techniques are designed to achieve the Shamanic State of Consciousness. You see, the beat is a vehicle for demon infestation.
Satanism reaches into South Aftrica
by Weeping in
government official exposed as satanist.
how many are in our own congress and churches?.
Government official exposed as Satanist. How many are in our own congress and churches?
Why I still have faith in God
by Weeping ini went through a depression several years ago.
after it had been several months and my husband was working long hours to keep our house we were so heavily in debt.
and he had gone and left me all alone.
I went through a depression several years ago. After it had been several months and my husband was working long hours to keep our house we were so heavily in debt. And he had gone and left me all alone. And there I was dying in that house, I hadn't cried, I hadnt laughed and I went to the kingdom hall and heard this little man with a squeaky voice singing. And I saw his thankfulness. He saw the greatest gift we could ever receive. And I listened to that little voice and all of a sudden I felt that river that flows from the inside and I began to cry and cry and cry, because of that song. I was able to get my tears back again.
The tears came but yet I had not received my joy back. I could cry, but the laughter hadn't come. I used to always find something funny. I needed a miracle to recieve my joy. One night we went to bed and in the middle of night all of a sudden I was carried away in a dream and I was walking along a sea. And it was so beautiful. And I thought, where am i?And as I walked in this beutiful area, I heard someone talking. I turned and saw behind a tree and it was someone I recognised. And he was wearing a robe and talking with several men. One of these men was Jesus. And he began to laugh with an unbelievable joy. he learned clear back and began to laugh and laugh and laugh. And I began to laugh and I was laughing with the disciples and I woke straight up in the bed laughing and laughing. My husband said Honey you are laughing again and tears welled in his eyes.
And I know that that was my cure and I accepted it. Even today, when I feel sad, I'll remember that dream and laugh and thank God for his grace on us all.