Cindy Wigglesworth has compiled the "CPI Model of 21 Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Skills"
JoinedPosts by Fernando
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
For a while I have personally begun to see spiritual principles as universal.
And that there are a number of approaches that yield these principles.
In my experience religion (of all stripes) is hostile to authentic human spirituality since it cannot be patented, sold, bought or controlled (by the ruling religious clergy class). Religiosity is substituted in its place, with the clergy then conflating religiosity with spirituality (we haven't stolen your spirituality...).
Buddhism for example it seems is generally not regarded or conducted as a religion, and is relatively open and inclusive.
Much like so called "Christianity" was supposed to have been, save for the relentless efforts of the clergy.
I have heard horror stories emanating from some extreme "Buddhist" groups though. A friend was regarded and treated as having joined Satan after leaving a particularly controlling "Buddhist" group.
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
Thank you all folks for contributing to the conversation.
@Xanthippe. Thank you. I wanted to leave plenty of room for all flavours of the rainbow...
Introduction - Any Believers?
by Believer ini’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
Hello Believer and welcome from a fellow believer and member of the "nones".
I was introduced to the liberating gospel message (or word) whilst still in the Watchtower as a 3rd generation born-in.
I was deeply moved and knew immediately that I had to pursue this message which had clearly been hidden from us by religion.
I received the free gift of faith (intuition) exactly as in Rom 10:16,17.
I do believe religion by design steals our faith and salvation.
The Watchtower is only a gross caricature of this phenomenon which may be rather more muted and less obvious in more moderate groups that focus somewhat more on the gospel (although still countermanding it by mixing in religious elements such as legalism, moralism, ethnocentrism, gnosticism, clericalism, magisterium, liturgy and the like).
UPDATE: My existential crisis comes to a close
by Freeandclear inin case you read my other thread regarding my existential crisis and how it was making my life miserable and left me feeling hopeless, purposeless and joyless i though i'd share what's recently happened to me and my way of thinking and have i've for the time being resolved my existential crisis.
i write every day in a journal.
i've been doing this for years.
Congratulations on working through the process and finding resolution.
As a JW I was guided by religious dogma.
It is very different to be guided by intuition and spirit.
Welcome to JWC Lostsoul123.
This is a great place to explore life and freedom...
Interesting and varied characters...
And possibly even great friends...
You never know...
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
Whilst different definitions may appeal to different persons, I imagine most of us prefer the company of persons who have transcended their self-centered "ego self" and whose mindset and behaviour is other-centered and driven by their "higher self".
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
Yes, I suppose similar to IQ and EQ in that it is understood to be a type of intelligence which can be measured and which determines behaviour and outcomes in life and business.
I found 297,000 hits when searching Google.
Open discussion on "Spiritual Intelligence"
by Fernando init was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of si books, and si tests, out there.. what are your thoughts on si?.
It was a surprise to learn that there are quite a number of SI books, and SI tests, out there.
What are your thoughts on SI?
Need Suggestions/examples: Guide to helping family & friends break free
by LisaRose ini was going through my copy of steve hassan's combating cult mind control and it occurred to me that it would be great to have something like this specifically for us ex jehovah's witnesses.
while this is a great book, the examples he uses are mostly from people that were moonies, as steve is a former moonie and many people that have contacted him for help were relatives of moonies.
while cults all work basically the same, it would be nice to be have some ideas on things that are specific to jehovah's witnesses.
Most JWs are sincere I believe and genuinely want to please God and live a good life.
The only problem is they can't tell the difference.
They don't even know there is a difference.
That is until you ask them:
"Is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed?"
They will most likely answer "earned" which is completely contrary to the "good news" according to Paul who spoke repeatedly about how a righteous status is a "free gift".
Using the Watchtower library (even online) it is easy to check this by searching for and underlining each occurrence of the words righteous and righteousness in Paul's letters.
As soon as someone really gets that they cannot earn, deserve or pay for a right and clean standing then the apostate, legalistic and moralistic ruling religious clergy class lose their hold and power over them.