Reverse shunning reserved for the most rotten/evil:
"In the light of your militant disobeying of the truth of the good news I never want to hear from or about you again"
seeing as im being shunned by my family and friends.
i've decided to turn the tables and shun them back - but using the same methodology and reasoning they use on me.
i've written the following letter:.
Reverse shunning reserved for the most rotten/evil:
"In the light of your militant disobeying of the truth of the good news I never want to hear from or about you again"
this is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
A contrite council of popes?
Hardly... the Watchtower is far behind the Catholic Church they so love to loath.
i read the word "spiritual" sometimes on the site.
what exactly do the jw's mean by it ?.
I agree.
More of a bewitching evil spirit best I can tell...
i read the word "spiritual" sometimes on the site.
what exactly do the jw's mean by it ?.
Having stolen their followers' (faith and) spirituality they proceed to hide the theft by substituting it with religiosity.
Then they redefine spirituality to mean religiosity.
Job done.
Dirty criminals.
so i hooked into meeting via phone this week to listen in and was shocked at the absurdities mentioned in the study article (2016 may watchtower: "go,..and make disciples of people of all the nations").
the answer is obvious—only jehovah’s witnesses.
the answer the missionary priest gave in no way proves that jws are the only ones "preaching the good news".
There is a good reason no JW can explain the difference between proselytising and evangelising.
They proselytise - teach religion.
They do not evangelise - teach the evangel or gospel of grace.
i am hoping someone will take a look at this and be able to help me with my question.. i was baptized in 1973, you know, because i was a teenager and old enough to stand on my own when armageddon descended in 1975. .
perhaps elders, or any former elders especially, but anyone who was around then could help me with this question, because i honestly don't recall, and really need to know.. what were the baptismal questions the candidates responded to back then?
were we still asked if we repented of our sins, turned around, and were being baptized in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit?.
Virgochick, I have come to see water baptism as a (public) symbol or shadow of a higher spiritual reality and legal transaction which is being affirmed by the one being baptised:
"By going under the water I identify with Jesus' death where my sin (dysfunction) was imputed to him, and by coming up from the water I identify with Jesus' resurrection where his (perfect) righteousness was imputed to me as a free gift".
I have affirmed this transaction in my heart when coming to faith in around 2006 (and being born-again spiritually).
I have not felt the need to annul my Watchtower baptism as it was done with a genuine heart for God, albeit in a religious cult with no heart for God.
When I feel moved to I will undertake baptism again with friends and family in a public place quite apart from any organisation or clerical authority. I would actually prefer if we could baptise each other as a family so that no one can claim us as "theirs".
it was a mild surprise, learning that a brother and sister-in-law had began re-associating with jehovah's witnesses after at least 25 years of being away.
the couple, of hispanic ethnicity, are in their early 60's, with their five children all grown and independent.
the family had been considered nominal jws, infrequently attending meetings, rarely in field service, but using the annual convention as their family vacation.
"morass of inconsistencies" (Ray Franz)
hello brothers, .
does anyone know of a link to download the 2015 wt library for mac that works?.
Welcome Darran
When your WT library is up and running you may want to research:
"Is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed"?
Hint: find and mark all the times Paul talks about righteous/ness.
Greetings and best wishes
i'm reading an excellent book about defectors from the mormon church called differing visions: dissenters in mormon history.
through a collection of essays from many academic authors it looks at the life stories of dissenters and reasons for departure, as well as analysing the impact of their dissent on the church itself.
fascinating stuff and makes me wish there was a similar volume looking at the key dissenters from jws/watchtower and the impact they had.
LOL SBF - Lloyd Evans... and some even took the bait...
"Fascinating stuff and makes me wish there was a similar volume looking at the key dissenters from JWs/Watchtower and the impact they had."
Could I nominate the eminently qualified TerryWalstrom for compiling such a compendium?
Hasn't Terry got a book out on Watchtower history?
from an article in the catholic weekly:.
watchtower intolerance.
watchtower law states: “most firmly hold and in no way doubt that every apostate or dissenter is to be destroyed at armageddon, unless before the end of his life he repents, and restored to the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.” .
No actually not from "The Catholic Weekly" - paraphrased/edited from the Watchtower's Awake publication:
*** g83 11/8 pp. 4-5 Intolerance—From Past to Present ***
Catholic Intolerance
Catholic canon law states: “Most firmly hold and in no way doubt that every heretic or schismatic is to have part with the Devil and his angels in the flames of eternal fire, unless before the end of his life he be incorporated with, and restored to the Catholic Church.”
And up to this day the oath of allegiance of Roman Catholic bishops states: “With all my power I will persecute and make war upon heretics.”
Thus intolerance was built into Catholic thinking.
But justifying this attitude, the authoritative French Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique states: “Being the guardian of revealed truth, faith and morals, the church cannot tolerate the spreading of any teaching that is harmful to the faith of the faithful.”