Somehow for me personally, nothing ever penetrated fully, until the ruling religious clergy class in my "congregation" attacked me and my family.
We were attacked and threatened for choosing to believe in the good news as defined and outlined in their own publications.
They were also highly offended and alarmed because I once dared to ask a simple question: "what is the gospel in one word?"
We were agreeing with the electronic Watchtower library and were attacked for this.
The issue was the same as in the 1980 Bethel witch-hunt and purge: the liberating gospel of grace versus apostate legalism.
Due to my experience, these are my favourite questions to help a JW, especially when they are doing the tolley-folley work:
- How long have you been a "publisher of the good news"?
- According to the good news, is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed?
The response is a confused deer-in-the-headlights look as the cognitive dissonance kicks in overdrive.
Then their answer "earned" demonstrates they have never heard nor published the good news.
Then I give them a shocked look of disbelief, with a long pause: "no it is imputed as a free gift".
If the person is honest-hearted and sincere I then recommend they search for and highlight the words righteous and righteousness in Paul's letters especially to the Galatians.