I believe this (also) happened soon after our family exited on the basis of a recorded talk (given in Australia at a local hall by the COBE) against the liberating gospel of grace, and against imputed righteousness. The apostate ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy hated that we had made and distributed copies, at the beginning of 2010, leaving them no "legitimate" wiggle room, and exposing them as frauds and enemies of God and man.
JoinedPosts by Fernando
Recordings of conventions and co talks
by GoUnion inare the parts on conventions and the talks given at congregations at co's still under the orders not to be recorded by the members?
i seem to remember an announcement like this when i was in, but i paid very little mind to it.
after learning about some of the more outspoken talks given by co's over the years i was curious what their official reasonings were for these bans.. it seems clear to me though that the ban is simply to give themselves some sort of plausible deniabiltiy and allow the co's to go on their little rants.
Opposing opinions
by GoUnion inany current or ex jw knows there is a lot of counsel against association with nice people that do not share your faith.
i think this is very damaging for personal growth, we never really can challenge our convictions, we become stunted in ability to reason and make personal decisions.
this is also why the organization has fought against "higher education" so hard.
I find that I have become much more inclusive and can now tolerate almost anything and anyone bar rabid (apostate Watchtower) religion/ists (and their secret yet prolific aberrant behaviour including fraud, rape and incest).
Discussion with some elders
by GoUnion inhello everyone just wanted to relate a situation that occurred a few days ago.
so i have quit going to meetings for a few months now based on some issues i have with the explanations of current doctrines.
my wife is none too happy with this but over the last few months we have had some date nights and have tentitively agreed to disagree.
In response to your question GoUnion, I would say that at its heart this organisation is indeed inherently evil.
Like all villains it is however well versed in camouflage (to hide what it is) and projection (accusing others of its own crimes).
Psychiatrist Morgan Scott Peck defined evil as "militant ignorance" and characterised it as "malignant self-righteousness".
If you were to make a study of the "Good News" according to Paul and examine the Watchtower organisation in this light, it becomes as clear as day.
You might be interested to do the following searches in the wt library:
- "legalism"
- "learning from an experiment that failed"
These great articles read as if written by Ray Franz.
Disturbing Footnote in Tomorrow's Study Article...
by HeyThere inarticle is basicqlly about families where a spouse is working away from home for an extended period, etc...a foot note says basically that some studies have shown that working away from home can cause serious consequences, such as infidelity, homosexuality, or incest.
pull it up on jw.org...that is what it says.
Blame shifting?
It sounds like they are denying that the toxic spiritual food they feed their followers is responsible for the very outcomes they despise.
No it is the followers' fault bacause of being away from home too long.
Lame and pathetic!
Thread Envy
by snowbird intranshuman mentioned that someone on the board suffers from thread envy.. are you jealous of other posters who just seem to be able to generate responses to their threads?.
And then there's Post Count Envy.
Uplifing articles
by SuperBoy inthere was a very funny comedian/writer in the uk called alan coren.
he died a few years ago, and his daughter, another writer, posted this article about him.
it is one of the most moving and uplifting articles i have ever read.
A wonderful reminder to focus on the many positives, which can end up creating more.
SuperBoy, to me this question is like asking why do control freaks do what they do.
Carl Sagan Quotation
by Mum inthe scientific mind can hone in on some great, but sometimes obvious facts.
i love this one:.
one of the saddest lessons of history is this: if we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
Too true.
Sounds a little like (spiritual) Stockholm Syndrome, where abductees and captives of the apostate Watchtower Organisation will defend it with their life.
org is dying
by lambsbottom ini don't understand why so many ex jws and faders think that the jws will continue to grow and thrive as a religion.
i still attend a meeting once a week and you can smell the death of the religion creeping up when you hear the talks, read the study wts and hear the letters from the gb.
the way the organization has changed is a sign that it reached its peak (in "healthy" membership) long ago.
I like your theory Mickey mouse, and personally think it may even be more fact than theory...
John 9 - disfellowshipped apostates reviled like the Pharisees reviled and cast out healed blind man
by yadda yadda 2 ini've always admired the mocking honesty and courage of the blind man who was healed by jesus when he was summoned by the pharisees.
he was thrown out of the synagogue for daring to tell the truth to the blind and arrogant pharisees.. the blind man's parents were afraid to say the truth out of fear of being cast out and ostracised by their religious community.
how strikingly similar is the situation today for many ex-jw's who have boldly spoken the truth about the watchtower's falsehoods and harm, and who were as a result reviled by being branded mentally diseased apostates, etc, and cruelly cast out of their jw community and shunned, sometimes even by their loved one.. i raise a toast to such ones for their bravery and love of truth.. john 9:8-34 8 therefore the neighbors and those who previously had seen that he was blind said,is not this he who sat and begged?
(John 9:22) . . .His parents said these things because they were in fear of the Jews, for the Jews had already come to an agreement that, if anyone confessed him as Christ, he should get expelled from the synagogue.
(John 12:42, 43) . . .All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in him, but because of the Pharisees they would not confess [him], in order not to be expelled from the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory of men more than even the glory of God.
(John 16:1-4) . . .“I have spoken these things to YOU that YOU may not be stumbled. 2 Men will expel YOU from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills YOU will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God. 3 But they will do these things because they have not come to know either the Father or me. 4 Nevertheless, I have spoken these things to YOU that, when the hour for them arrives, YOU may remember I told them to YOU.. . .