Fantastic question Esse quam videri.
One that humans struggle with in the absence of a perfect standard of righteousness.
When measured against such a standard we all fall short.
How far?
A lot.
Even when we think we are doing well (Isa 64:6).
I believe that was Jesus' point regarding adultery.
If memory serves me right, he was talking to a friendly audience who thought they might be doing well according to their interpretation of the standard (the Mosaic Law).
Then he pointed out that even looking with a passion meant one fell short of the standard. That probably includes almost everyone on planet earth.
To answer your question though: I believe I am righteous in God's sight. I score 10/10.
How so, given the above (the fact that I fall far short of, and cannot attain the perfect standard of righteousness)?
I have received the "free gift" of imputed righteousness (justification).
At Jesus death, my dysfunction (aka sin) was imputed to him, and his righteousness was imputed to me (2 Corinthians 5:21).
If one marks every occurrence of the word righteous/ness in Paul's letters and summarises, he is talking exactly about this very thing.
The Watchtower of course denies that all men can be declared righteous as a "free gift", and instead need to become and remain a member of, and in good standing with their apostate religious organisation and hierarchy, and somehow earn, work, deserve or pay for an unattainable right standing with God.
To this end they have tampered with scriptures like Romans 5:18 and 1 Timothy 2:4 which is easily established by comparing the NWT with the KIT (both by Watchtower).