Well done.
Please keep us posted on your next conversation/s.
My favourite:
"Is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed?"
the city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
Well done.
Please keep us posted on your next conversation/s.
My favourite:
"Is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed?"
The graph above shows a strong correlation between equality and health for around 21 countries that fit the researchers' selection criteria.
The researchers it seems have concluded causation in this case.
Some statistics I have seen suggest a 60% average church attendance for the USA, whereas I remember Norway being around 3%. High correlation. Causation?
Facts above, controversial graphic below:
The Spirit Level : Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger
By (author) Richard Wilkinson , By (author) Kate Pickett , Foreword by Robert B Reich
It is a well-established fact that in rich societies the poor have shorter lives and suffer more from almost every social problem.
"The Spirit Level," based on thirty years of research, takes this truth a step further.
One common factor links the healthiest and happiest societies: the degree of equality among their members.
Further, more unequal societies are bad for everyone within them-the rich and middle class as well as the poor.
The remarkable data assembled in "The Spirit Level" exposes stark differences, not only among the nations of the first world but even within America's fifty states.
Almost every modern social problem-poor health, violence, lack of community life, teen pregnancy, mental illness-is more likely to occur in a less-equal society.
Renowned researchers Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett lay bare the contradictions between material success and social failure in the developed world.
But they do not merely tell us what's wrong. They offer a way toward a new political outlook, shifting from self-interested consumerism to a friendlier, more sustainable society.
This companion chart shows what the index is made up of (both from the book "Spirit Level"):
jws like to think they have found the one true religion.
but like so many other religious people, it's usually the religion they were born into, the only religion they know because it's the first one they found or, at the most, one of two or three (typically the second one after they left their first / born-in faith).. the trouble is, there simply isn't enough time to explore and investigate each and everyone of the many thousands of belief systems, religions and sects around the world.. think of it this way: which is the best neighbourhood to live in where you would be most happy and most successful?
not just in the city or even the country you are in, but the entire world.. how would you ever know?
Personally I have come to conclude that the Watchtower organisation had at least one thing right, until they abandoned this teaching in 1950: all religion is a snare and a racket.
References (books written by JF Rutherford):
so, i am around 50,4th gen born in- christmas.
strange thing this christmas thing.
i've been watching people this year, really watching them.
What I like about the Christmas carols is that it filters out religious legalism, moralism, judgment, hypocrisy, clericalism, magisterium, fear and guilt.
These spiritual toxins just don't set well to music...
Thank God!
aren't there christian denominations who do not make false end of the world predictions but who nevertheless believe that the world will eventually end and paradise (whether in heaven or on earth) will come?.
it seems the watchtower was just jumping the gun when they made false end of the world predictions but they are nevertheless the right: the world will eventually end and paradise will come..
The Watchtower is dead wrong about "the end" and about Armageddon.
"The end" is the fall of religion, and the rise of man.
And Armageddon is a situation - a long war - not an event - the war between ideological opposites: religion and its nemesis the liberating gospel of grace.
According to religion, eternal life, a right standing with God, and a clean standing with God, are earned.
The gospel message says they are imputed as priceless free gifts to any that will receive them (Rom 3:23-28).
“Religion and its defenders have always been the most insidious enemies of the true faith precisely because they are not glaring opponents; they are imposters" (“Waking the dead” by John Eldredge)