Oh and I'm 27, she's 23 or 24...
JoinedPosts by tryingtoexit
A Hypocritical Witness Story
by tryingtoexit inso i have this girl i've grown up with right.
she's about 4 years younger than me and always had a crush on me in our teenage years, but i never dated her cause i looked at her like my lil sister or cousin.
i get married in 2006, and she doesnt come because she was too hurt to see me make that step and it not involve her...because of this we lost touch for a while.
A Hypocritical Witness Story
by tryingtoexit inso i have this girl i've grown up with right.
she's about 4 years younger than me and always had a crush on me in our teenage years, but i never dated her cause i looked at her like my lil sister or cousin.
i get married in 2006, and she doesnt come because she was too hurt to see me make that step and it not involve her...because of this we lost touch for a while.
@ Butterly- Yeah my wife reads them with me, she has a guy named Cam she grew up with "in the truth" that texts her and sends her pics and they have small talk, and I know about it. It's just MY friend is always flirting, and my wife thinks it's funny cause she knows I dont entertain the silly words she be throwing at me, but yesterday was hilarious, like how you gonna be the true definition of a sinner but want no ties with a soon to be ex-JW? Strange...and no your comments didnt offend me, it may appear as I was encouraging flirting but I dont, I usually show my wife what she says and then we laugh and talk about what I should say back, I know it's wrong to mess with her like that, but she's got a boyfriend so I dont care, lol. But nah she doesnt like drama, I talked to her this morning, she called and said she wouldnt tell anybody my feelings so that I can handle it when I'm ready, but she's worried for me that I wont get everlasting life, that was about it. And your story is quite interesting, I guess I left out alot of details in the original story, I just planned on typing what happened to show the logic is so dumb. But, she has a man, and she knows I'm married and how I feel even if I was single she couldnt be with me, but she lives in her own world, she just thinks from what she heard from my relatives 2 years ago, that one day I'll be divorced cause I was having problems in my marriage, but she thought I would still be a witness when it was all said and done. So me telling her I'm not going to be a witness anymore shocked the hell out of her. We rarely talk as it is, but I still got love for the girl, and I like I said I know its wrong to let her say certain things to me, just as it's wrong for my wife to have a guy compliment her in texts all the time. We both laugh at it, but my way of dealing with it was dropping that bomb on her. Plus she lives 300+ miles away from me, and 60 miles from my parents, I'm not worried about anything, my wife think she's delusional. I think she'll be okay if she can wake up and smell the coffee like me, but like some of you guys above said.......there's tons of witnesses in or out that still believe what the WTS teaches and will shun others despite what they're doing, I simply cant comprehend why people do that...
A Hypocritical Witness Story
by tryingtoexit inso i have this girl i've grown up with right.
she's about 4 years younger than me and always had a crush on me in our teenage years, but i never dated her cause i looked at her like my lil sister or cousin.
i get married in 2006, and she doesnt come because she was too hurt to see me make that step and it not involve her...because of this we lost touch for a while.
So I have this girl I've grown up with right. She's about 4 years younger than me and always had a crush on me in our teenage years, but I never dated her cause I looked at her like my lil sister or cousin. I get married in 2006, and she doesnt come because she was too hurt to see me make that step and it not involve her...because of this we lost touch for a while. We got back in touch through myspace and I was seeing how she was a totally different person, she was going to clubs all the time, wearing crazy revealing clothes, and getting drunk out of this world. Even though at the time I was still a Jehovah's Witness......I never once judged her or treated her any different. Over the years she would get wind through our mutual friends that my wife and I were having problems, this led to her in 2007, to start sending me pictures of her in the restroom at the kingdom hall or other random pictures and verbally flirting with me via tx message. Once again I've known her my whole life so I just brushed it off, never once flirted back, just said I'm flattered every now n then.
These past 2 years I've noticed alot different from the girl I grew up with, she uses profanity like crazy, was having sex with her "spiritually weak" boyfriend 3 times a day and never to this date has told anyone about it. I never judged her or treated her any different...
Last week she's talking to me crying, I see she has a romantic interest from Facebook so next time she tx's me: "Hey Boo" I respond: "Hey, how is your other boo?"
She says "We're having problems, he wants to go to Florida to play football, he's got every college trying to recruit him. He wants to go to the NFL badly and has the talent to do so, but I dont think I want to be apart of that lifestyle. He said he would give it all up for me but I dont wanna hold him back"
Me: "Is he a Witness?" (just wondering cause how can a sister everybody think is in good standing be on boyfriend number 209578345 that isnt strong in the truth)
Her: "Yeah but he doesnt go like he should"
So I'm thinking neither do you, but I really dont care because I'm on my way out the cult so I could careless about the guy and his stance with JW's, but I try to offer some advice, to not let the relationship continue on if you are positive you're going to want out down the line because of him being exposed to "groupies" in her words.
Which leads to today.....she sends me a pic as usual saying "Hey Sexy".....and I'm thinking....for somebody so upset over your current situation you sure dont mind txing a married man and sending him pictures. I thought even though I did grow up with her, I have to let her know PARTIALLY where I stand with the cult and this will probably make her chill some on the heavy texting without hurting her feelings or whatever.
I say "Hey what's up?" Her: "Nothing, thought I'd send you a pic, I been thinking about you like crazy" Me: "Word? What have you been thinking about?" Her: "EVERYTHING, like all the what if's...." Me: "Well, Ive been doing alot of thinking as well, real soon I am no longer going to be a JW, I've done alot of studying and I was hurt to find out the truth about the truth" Her: "Wow, didnt see that one coming."
3 hours pass
Next she says: "How do you know that you've discovered the real truth?" Me: "I havent found the real truth, nor do I claim to have all the answers, I just know that I tested my faith and it failed horribly based on our own publications and teachings"
5 hours pass
LOL....all the contact has ceased
Then bout an hour ago she texted me saying: "I will always love you and have a relationship with you, but you do know this will kill any chance of us ever being together, because this will give your wife scriptural grounds for divorce, and therefore our contact will be very limited from here on out"
After that she hasnt said anything else...
Sooo I'm thinking: #1. How you claim you a spiritual minded chick when you dont even know the grounds for divorce mentioned in ANY bible?! #2. Look in the mirror at everything "worldly" you're doing in your life but you're going to cut me off because I investigated my religion and no longer decided to be in it? (Makes a lot of sense huh?) and #3. So I lost my chance of being with you because I dont want to be a JW anymore???
ROTFL!! Hilarious, how hypocritical man....I havent responded yet, I dont think I will, but the logic of even witnesses that dont live the way the WTS wants them too is even funny to me. I dont know where I've got this strength from, but I feel I'm ready to take on everybody and count my losses because in the end my freedom feels more important in my heart than ANYBODY......FAMILY......or FRIEND...
Just thought I'd share that silly little story with yall, sorry it's so long...peace.
Questions From Readers - April 15, 2015 Watchtower
by sd-7 innow, i'm not a prophet, but i would consider this article to be a uh, spirit-directed excerpt from what could happen--but we are not saying.
questions from readers.
is it necessary to offer thanks in prayer before eating snacks?.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
Thanks a mil Stephen
Living With Regret - what do YOU regret about being in the org?
by babygirl30 in1. getting baptized at 14 and not knowing what the heck i was 'signing' up for.
2. dating worthless, lazy, no work ethic, selfish 'brothers' who were supposedly approved all because they were baptized - but in the end - were a waste of my time and younger years in dating.. 3. subjecting my bf (back in the day) who was a non-jw to the whole jw experience!
i demanded that he study, i demanded that he change his religion in order to be with me, i made him sit with my parents and listened to them berate him (and myself) while they fed him all their haughty beliefs and requirements in order to date their jw daughter.
babygirl I swear I can identify with ALL of those, except switch the roles because I'm a guy but well said
I dont have much time, but here's one I regret, I wouldve never sat out of class all those years in elementary, and I wouldve ate every birthday cupcake I laid eyes on, and I wouldve never had 3 bible studies at the age of 7, lol.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
Thanks for the replies, gotta head out, will respond in a few hours
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
Sylvia- interesting stuff in that thread you posted. Yeah in Michigan where I'm from, the congregations were 98% black, I mean about 30 of em. And I never knew anybody that REALLY shunned anybody, but I speak only for those I know, not as a general consensus.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
Thanks again to a-ebody, I know yall just lookin out for me. And that means alot, because nobody else would take the time to help me like that. But maybe I will keep it short and simple, it's just when I first started having doubts, I had 3 pages worth of questions, and me and my father (over the phone) had a great conversation. He admitted alot didnt make sense he just kept saying "Jesus said if you dont believe me believe the works" so I had convinced my elder father of alot of things and he treated me no different, maybe it's because I am an only child, I'm his only offspring you know?
But like I said I'm prepared for the worst, I'm not trying to give no elaborate speeches or come across as this know it all, and they know my personality is nothing like that. I'm just basically saying here's the facts/reasons why I'm leaving, you agree? Cool, let's have a discussion, you dont agree? So what I'm still leaving and if I have to loose you in the process at least I tried. Yall might think my logic is strange but thats how I see it...
I guess I'll keep researching and studying, thanks again yall.
by tryingtoexit inokay so i'm very very very close to presenting all my evidence for why i no longer want to be a jw to my parents and my wife.
we will be together just the 4 of us during the christmas season as we have that time off.
i've gathered enough information in the past 12/13 months to do this, 607/1914, birthdays, faithful & discreet slave, cult mind control/fear, false prophecies, preaching, etc.. but one thing i am still unsure of or have trouble understanding/explaining is the true answer to some things in revelation.. i know many chrisitans believe they are going to heaven, but in my "deprogramming stages" i cant figure out:.
I appreciate your comments and I still want to share my thoughts with my family, we are very close and if they shun me, it's a sacrifice I am willing to take, I can NOT stand by and let my parents or my wife continue in the cult. And, if I loose the battle, at least I swung the bat ya dig?
Once again I really appreciate your concern and advice, but I just need to be "schooled" to what those things really mean (the questions I asked)
I am prepared for the worse and I couldnt agree more with you guys but it's a risk I am willing to take