1. I get hit on everyday...not bragging and SURE as heck do NOT think I'm 'all that'. But I'm tall and am chesty sista - so yeah - EVERYDAY some dude is in my face trying to get my number, pulling his car over to talk to me, sending me an email or IM (at work) to get to 'know me better', or is just trying in some way shape or form to get IN my pants!!! LOL. I'm not stupid, I know what they are doing - but - I'll be damned if I quit my job BECAUSE of it. Please! Jehovah expects you to resist temptation - NOT be an idiot. hahahahaha. And I'm a grown arse woman...I can handle it when random people come at me. When did it become SO difficult to say 'no' to unwanted advances?
2. I too turned down college letters - but - I also APPLIED at those colleges and took my SATs. Was a gifted honors student and on Honor Society, so of course college was pushed heavily in my face at school. I had every intention to go to school away from home, and then at the final hour changed my mind (parents threatened me) ... so yes I can say that same thing. Still, I admit that I pursued those schools from the start. The ONLY people that have colleges chasing them are 'athletes' who actually PLAY on the school team and are watched by coaches and scouts or scholars. SO if a brother talks about a 'basketball scholarship' he turned down - what the HECK was he doing to get noticed??? he HAD to be playing on the school team, or some off campus league in order to get that type of attention.
3. I work FT, never really had a desire to reg pioneer, go to Bethel, or move where the need is greater....and guess what....i'm STILL ok! I travel a lot, I support myself, and Im a good person and a great friend.
Where's My assembly part?????????????????????