Dear all,
I'm back in Madrid (I've missed you!). I've just reread all the thread and I thank you all for your comments. It felt good to realize some of you -even women like Robdar and White Dove- could, at least to some extent, relate to my points of view.
I kept thinking about this subject over the weekend. In the last ten years especially I've told my husband a few times he is free as far as I'm concerned to have adventures if he so wishes, as long as he doesn't tell me or, if he absolutely feels compelled to let me know, at least spare me the details -not because it would hurt me, just because it doesn't interest me-. It wouldn't be hard for him to find other sexual partners: he's tall, has a beautiful body (he loves sports), is a very successful businessman full of initiative and courage (mind you, I can just as quickly draw his list of defects). He says to me there are of course younger girls that he would certainly enjoy going to bed with, but that he already had as many women as he could before he married me -22 years ago- (he's never been a witness) and sex with any of them can't compare to what he feels when we make love due to his deep feelings for me. Also that even if I grant him that freedom, he would still feel awful about it. Fair enough.
It's not that I'm intent on him having sex with somebody else. What I'd really love is to have the freedom to have sex only when I feel like it, and not for his sake. I don't even know what my real sexual needs are, since I've never had a long enough "vacation". If his having freedom to satisfy his needs elsewhere grants me my wish to decide when I want to make love without feeling I'm "holding it back" from it, I'm more than willing to grant him these liberties. But he still won't.
Oh well. I have to leave you now, because my husband is urging me to put my son to bed so we can "enjoy the rest of the evening together". I wonder what he means by that... Ha, ha! See you tomorrow everybody.