Hi Jeff,
I agree with Tammy's thoughts. I cannot understand why you would want to tear down a Christian's belief because you are no longer a christian. That is exactly what the Watchtower does and teaches its followers to do. Which is to tear down others for the way they believe. Maybe you feel christians are against you becuase you no longer are one? I for one have no hard feelings towards you at all. And I like Tammy would never mock a Muslim, Jew etc. You should probably examine why you continue to do this to christians. Perhaps you have unresolved bitterness towards the WT?
About debating the flood, noah, jonah, etc. I would like you to consider this point. There are many christians who do not interpret the old testament stories as literal but see them as stories pointing to Christ. Many (including myself) believe the ENTIRE bible is about Jesus. That is the theme, not the kingdom of God like the WT teaches.
Here are examples, The story of the ark and Noah points to Christ as the savior (he is the ark), Jonah and the whale represents jesus being in the grave 3 days, Abraham and Isaac story about God asking Abram to sacrifice his son represents what God would do in the future with his Son. Hence Abram is God, Isaac is representative of christ. The sacrificial lamb God provided Abraham is Jesus too and the sprinkling of blood on the doorpost so the Angel of Death passes over the jews reprsents Christ's blood and his power thru it to save us from death. There are many others too, these are to name a few. Whether these stories are literal is not as important as the fact that they are being used to teach LITERAL truths about Christ.
There are some good book studies out there about the Types and shadows in the OT that point to jesus. Have you ever read anything like this?
About Jesus being a real person, I would like to ask you if you ever spoke to a practicing jew? I have a friend in my area Rabbi Joseph ( a female) who gives wonderful talks at Christian churches about the Jewish faith and she once told me it is laughable how some former christians go on to deny even the existance of jesus Christ when EVEN JEWS believe he existed. They believe he was a Rabbi, Lived during the biblical times, had a following of people, taught many of the things recorded in the NT and that he was a wise Rabbi. They also believe he was put to death for blashemy for claiming to be the son of God and that is where they disagree with Christians. To say Jesus never existed as a historical person even if you believe he is not God is one thing but there is ample evidence he did exist and it is recorded in non christian publications. However, I won't hijack this thread for another discussion on that topic as it is something that has been discussed many times on this board. Actually it has been discused to death if you ask me.
Jeff, whatever spiritual journey you are personally on, I really do wish you peace. We have all been spiritually abused by the WT and have had enough name calling, put downs, and people tearing down our beliefs to last a lifetime, wouldn't you agree? So I wish you luck. Please do not become a bitter person. I am sure you are a nice guy but sometimes you do seem a little angry in your posts. Any anger you have I think may be misapplied to Christians who are innocents and should really be directed to the WT organization. An organization that by the way is absolutely NOT Christian and continues to prove that fact by their fruits.
Peace, Lilly