I have never paid enough attention to this to notice before. I went back and looked at this for a moment. So it seems that no one who was actually with Jesus at the last meal, ever mentions that he said to keep doing this. Only those who only had oral tradition passed down to them? Is this right?
If so that really changes things. I wondered many time why there is no mention of anyone in the early congreations having anything that resembeled a memorial meal as we know it today. Is that becuse it didn't really exist, or was Paul just sayaing to remember every time you had you regular meal, meaning you should always be thinking about Jesus?
I really need some talking points.
Also, I have asked why it matters so much that they get their memorial in on the smae evening if day is sunup to sun down, why try to cram 4 congreations in to rented facilities just so it can be on the same night? There is no biblical command for when it needs to be done (if you want to accept Pauls story) at any certain time frame.
Comments please!