Have you never had a witness give you a gift of a frame with a scripture in it? I was thinking I could return the favor.
i saw this in the clearence bin and couldn't pass it up.
the frame came with a grand mother, mother, and daughter picture in it.. .
Have you never had a witness give you a gift of a frame with a scripture in it? I was thinking I could return the favor.
i saw this in the clearence bin and couldn't pass it up.
the frame came with a grand mother, mother, and daughter picture in it.. .
I saw this in the clearence bin and couldn't pass it up. The frame came with a grand mother, mother, and daughter picture in it.
here is an interesting first hand account of the gulf oil rig disaster.
i bold faced the operating pressure of the well.
in the article bop= blow out preventer.. .
does anyone know where is it where the society is referencing how if you were to find your religon wasn't being truthful would you trust them with other beliefs?
of course they were reffering to other religions..i cannot recall where that is..anyone remember??.
thank you in advanced,.
This thread has the makings of a great article.
Jesus evidently meant it is OK to question your religion.
i have gotten around the compression on the wt cd, and i have been playing around a bit.
what i have done is for each year between 1950-2005 i have extracted all bible citations in the wt articles on each year (about 500'000-1'000'000 quotations!
) and summed them if they occured more than once.
good work.
I have seen the 2009 CD online here if that helps for more recent information.
it is here in writing the new generation change.
on page 5 of the of the wt while talking about the annual meeting report.. "john barr gave the third and final talk.".
"john barr made clear that the gathering wound not continue indefinitely.
Teel, I intend to go to this study also, I want to see the gears grind on this one.
while looking up whether jw nurses are allowed to administer blood transfusions i found this little gem from.
watchtower 15th november 1964 page 681 .
''the use of blood in adhesives for manufacturing plywood and other commonly used materials has now come to the attention of christians, and we use plywood as an example.. much plywood is made using blood glue, but some plywood is blood-free.. a christian purchaser or contractor may seek to obtain blood-free plywood if he can do so; however, if he decides to use all types of plywood, it must be left to his conscience.
The Bible shows that blood is not to be taken out of a body, stored and then later reused.
Not in My bible it doesn't!!!
y'all are nothing like the people with whom i work, nor like those with whom i attended meetings at the kingdom hall.. what gives???.
lol.. sylvia.
this was always one of the main justifications for me in leaving the wt behind.
i was just wondering how many of you have ever reasoned in the same way.. i have often wondered how jesus christ would react if he came back to the earth now and how he would view the organisation who claim to represent his standards?.
would jesus really want to be associated with paedophilia, false prophecies, shunning, the destruction of families, lies, untruths, hypocritical leaders and the lack of love amongst members?.
Who else could Jesus be talking about apart from the JW's?
How about every organized religion using his name?
Are there any out there that don't claim you can be saved apart from them?
i went to the sunday circuit assembly and came back all riled up with all the nonsense.. the sunday program was on ''safeguarding your spirituality''.
''it is better to remain single and not marry.
that gives you more time for studying and the preaching work.