check it out at 3:11 (think about the numerical significance).... .
hmmm..... .
check it out at 3:11 (think about the numerical significance).... .
hmmm..... .
okay seriously.. What i am thinking is that this may just be a piece of graphics he found on the web and was sufficiently nutty for his movie.. but it would be fun if there was a deeper connection :-)
The "deeper connection" you say?
Well, the deeper connection is that B'nai B'rith, the Jewish organization that paid Russell and the WTS all those funds to promote Zionism makes a direct connection with Kabbalism! Of course, the money influenced the doctrination.
The direct link between JWs and the secret Jewish societies is why they were targets of the Nazis! Not because they didn't like blood transfusions or thought Jesus was Michael the Archangel. They were considered a spying arm of the Jewish underground.
Now we learn the "Plan of the Ages" and pyramidology are directly connected with Satanism and the Kabbala? What a big surprise!
The Bible prophesied the corruption of the WTS by Freemasonry in the parable of the "wheat and weeds." It says that when the wheat was planted, the Devil came and planted weeds, so that when both came up the weeds were already there. That means the WTS was corrupted early on, as evidenced by JF Rutherford trying to make CT Russell the "Faithful and Wise Servant" and the "angel of the congregation of Laodicea", a concept they later dropped in 1927. PYRAMIDOLOGY? What has that got to do with the Bible? Nothing. It's Satanism.
But, since true elect were already gathered in this "flock", it was decided to let the "wheat and weeds grow up together until the harvest". That is, God would wait until the 2nd coming before he would separate the wheat from the weeds within this organization, or the "sheep from the goats."
Anyway, we know where the DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES came from. We know where the winged sun disk came from. We know why Russell is buried under a seeing-eye pyramid. The Jews financed the WTS just like they financed lots of other organizations to accomplish their goals.
Now Jehovah has cast out the WTS and taken his faithful sheep out as he has 'other sheep, not of this fold" (i.e. not the fold of JWs).
Everything has happened just as prophesied, including the second coming in 1992 and the apostasy of the WTS GB.
We are now looking at potential Armageddon by 2011 AD?
Christ eats the scrolls which is sweet to taste but bitter to the stomach. That's what this is. It's wonderful the millennium is coming, but it also means 2/3rds of the population will not be part of the millennium. Bittersweet.
check it out at 3:11 (think about the numerical significance).... .
hmmm..... .
Check out page 445 where December 25th is the "Annunciation to Mary". That is the time when the heavenly nature of Christ as Michael the archangel COMBINED with human flesh.
If you follow the video, you will see at 1:27 that the SUN GOD is linked to Jesus Christ.
December 25th was originally the winter solstice when initiated as the birthday of Mithras, the Satanic usurper of Christ as the Sun. But because the calendar was not perfected and didn't have leap years, etc. going back in time, the solstices and equinoxes fell later and later on the Julian calendar. Thus during the Neo-Babylonian times when investigating astronomical events, the spring equinox would fall around the 28th of March. It is now the 21st of March and is consistent. So over time the date got earlier and earlier over 2500 years. The same with the solstices. Now the winter solstice consistently falls on December 21st, the summer solstice on June 21st. The spring equinox on March 21st (Rosie McDonald's birthday! no relation) and the autumnal equinox on September 21st.
Meaning originally the birth of Mithras on the 25th matched the winter solstice at that time. The were the same date when Christmas was established. But since then, the solstice has moved and stabilized on December 21st, even though Christmas is still celebrated on the 25th. It's rather ironic, but we can see through this. Clearly, Jesus Christ as the "bright morning star" in the Bible is linked to the Sun, or at least the physical manifestation of Christ ("transmigration" from spirit to flesh) occurs around the time of the solstice, December 21st.
There seems to be even more cosmological significance to this because in 2 BC the lunar months aligned very closely to the solar months, so that the winter solstice in 3 BC, when the transmigration would take place, caused the 8th day of the Festival of Booths, the date Jesus was circumcised, to fall very near the autumnal equinox. Thus there is a suggestive alignment of certain events regarding Jesus that has astronomical-astrological significance.
That's why the Mayan calendar's end of an age on the solstice, December 21, 2012 cannot be ignored. It is Biblically significant as well as cultically significant in regards to the Christ and the connection of Christ to the sun.
This is the basis of the 3-1/2 days of death of the "two witnesses" at the time of the second coming in 1992. There seems to be a "competition" or a window in the ASTRONOMY vs the ASTROLOGY of the birth of the Sun between December 21st and December 25th. The difference is 3-1/2 days. Thus technically, while the "two witnesses" prophesied the coming of Christ on December 21, 1992 (astronomically significant) it was interrupted by Satan through the UN and the WTS, who was a member of the UN at the time, having just joined that year, so that it was delayed by 3-1/2 days so that the 2nd coming messiah was "born" on the pagan (astrologically significant) holiday of Christmas.
Of course, Jehovah killed Fred Franz the next day on the 22nd of December 1992 for his involvement, keeping in mind the WTS officially joined the UN in 1992. Coincidence? Not likely. It's time to WAKE UP!! BTG is now being exposed!!!
could someone please point me in the direction of some threads disproving the chronology for the 1914 date?
my brother needs this for a discussion he's having with a jw.. thanks,.
Basically, you have a choice.
Use secular sources, which were revised, or the Bible.
The Bible gives us the interval of 483 years from when the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem" until the messiah arrives, which is 29 CE. That means the 1st of Cyrus falls in 455 BCE. Add 70 years to get to the last deportation, year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 52-30) and you have when Nebuchadnezzar began his rule, year 547 BCE.
The dishonest archaeologists make up stories about how the Jews changed their timeline and history without blinking, but as soon as you suggest the pagans revised their history for political reasons, even though that is clearly obvious, they wierd out and run away screaming "conspiracy theory! Save me!"
The Bible is always true. And there is no way around this. Ezra 6 14 and 15 forces you to limit the rule of Darius I to just 6 years rather than 36 years, so you know the Persian Period was expanded and all the current dates are incorrect, even if you just make that one adjustment. The Bible's chronology is the only one that clearly preserves the chronology for this period.
But now you can skip this entire period in question if you want and use 1947, the return of the Jews to their homeland to date the 70th jubilee. The jubilee is 49 years so ends in 1996. That means the 70 jubilee periods begin in 1435 BCE and the Exodus is the very first jubilee 49 years after the period begins, which is 1386 BCE. You can confirm that date by astronomical text now, the KTU 1.78 dates year 12 of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE, though indirectly. The Exodus occurred when his rule began, which is why he converted to monotheism in response to the 10 plagues. At any rate, the return from Babylon is also the beginning of a jubilee period, exactly 19 jubilees after the Exodus. 19 x 49 = 931 1386-931=455 BCE. So 1947 forces us to date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE now, even if you don't trust the Bible's interval of 69 weeks between the 1st of Cyrus to the baptism of Christ because of confusing interpretations.
could someone please point me in the direction of some threads disproving the chronology for the 1914 date?
my brother needs this for a discussion he's having with a jw.. thanks,.
I ask them to draw me up a list of Neo Babylonian kings showing which kings reigned in which year.
Very good.
Here's the correct NB timeline from Neb2 down to the end of the Persian Period.
563 JOS20 NABOPAL-02
562 JOS21 NABOPAL-03
561 JOS22 NABOPAL-04
560 JOS23 NABOPAL-05
559 JOS24 NABOPAL-06
558 JOS25 NABOPAL-07
557 JOS26 NABOPAL-08
556 JOS27 NABOPAL-09
555 JOS28 NABOPAL-10
554 JOS29 NABOPAL-11
552 JOS31 NABOPAL-13
551 NABOPAL-14
550 JHK01 NABOPAL-15
549 JHK02 NABOPAL-16
546 JHK05 NEBUCH2-02 (19)
545 JHK06 NEBUCH2-03 (20)
544 JHK07 NEBUCH2-04 (21)
543 JHK08 NEBUCH2-05 (22)
542 JHK08 NEBUCH2-06 (23)
541 JHK10 2ND DEPORT. NEBUCH2-07 (24)
540 JHK11 JHC.3 3RD DEPORT. NEBUCH2-08 (25)
539 ZED01 NEBUCH2-09 (1st exile of Jehoiachin-month 5)(26)
538 ZED02 NEBUCH2-10 (2nd, month 5)(27)
537 ZED03 NEBUCH2-11 (3rd, month 5)(28)
536 ZED04 NEBUCH2-12 (4th, month 5)(29)
535 ZED05 NEBUCH2-13 (5th, month 5)(30th of Nabopolassar)
534 ZED06 NEBUCH2-14
533 ZED07 NEBUCH2-15
532 ZED08 NEBUCH2-16
531 ZED09 NEBUCH2-17
526 NEBUCH2-22
524 NEBUCH2-24
523 NEBUCH2-25
522 NEBUCH2-26
521 NEBUCH2-27
520 NEBUCH2-28
519 NEBUCH2-29
518 NEBUCH2-30
517 NEBUCH2-31
516 NEBUCH2-32
515 NEBUCH2-33
514 NEBUCH2-34
513 NEBUCH2-35
512 NEBUCH2-36
511 NEBUCH2-37
510 NEBUCH2-38
509 NEBUCH2-39
508 NEBUCH2-40
507 NEBUCH2-41
506 NEBUCH2-42
505 NEBUCH2-43
504 NEBUCH2-44
503 NEBUCH2-45
502 EV-MRDK-01
501 EV-MRDK-02
500 EV-MRDK-03
499 EV-MRDK-04
498 EV-MRDK-05
497 EV-MRDK-06
496 EV-MRDK-07
495 EV-MRDK-08
494 EV-MRDK-09
493 EV-MRDK-10
492 EV-MRDK-11
491 EV-MRDK-12
490 EV-MRDK-13
489 EV-MRDK-14
488 EV-MRDK-15
487 EV-MRDK-16
486 EV-MRDK-17
485 EV-MRDK-18
484 NIGLSR-01
483 NIGLSR-02
482 NIGLSR-03
483 NIGLSR-04
480 NABON-01
479 NABON-02
477 NABON-04 BELSHZ-02
476 NABON-05 BELSHZ-03
475 NABON-06 BELSHZ-04
474 NABON-07 BELSHZ-05
473 NABON-08 BELSHZ-06
472 NABON-09 BELSHZ-07
471 NABON-10 BELSHZ-08
470 NABON-11 BELSHZ-09
469 NABON-12 BELSHZ-10
468 NABON-13 BELSHZ-11
467 NABON-14 BELSHZ-12
466 NABON-15 BELSHZ-13
465 NABON-16 BELSHZ-14
464 NABON-17 BELSHZ-15
462 NABON-19 BELSHZ-17
461 DAR-MEDE-01
460 DAR-MEDE-02
459 DAR-MEDE-03
458 DAR-MEDE-04
457 DAR-MEDE-05
456 DAR-MEDE-06
obviously the wt is a best a man made organisation and publishing company.
at worst it is far darker.. anyhow, i understand why an exjw would be cautious to join another organisation.. however, god does have one and it is called the church.. .
matthew 16:18 (new international version)18and i tell you that you are peter, and on this rock i will build my church, and the gates of hades will not overcome it.. it is not a denomination or even a religion, it is just the collective of all born again believers who have come to jesus and are build on his foundation.. 1 peter 2:4-5 (new international version) 4as you come to him, the living stonerejected by men but chosen by god and precious to him 5you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god through jesus christ.. ephesians 2:19-22 (new international version) .
So my question is this to those who do not meet with believers because they do not want to join an organisation.
Have the WT robbed you of many things God has for us meeting together collectively, sharing communion, worshipping, praying, prophesying and such?
NO STEPHEN. The Bible says gather yourselves together. It didn't limit that to a Kingdom Hall (i.e. now pagan temple!) The INTERNET! The internew is where we gather together. Right here! Isn't this fellowship? Of course. Don't we get support? Of course! We can gather together when we leave the WTS at the discussion group of our choice!
Will we get the support we need or agree with every doctrine discussed? No. But most of the people here share the same pain of having been a witness and we find information and support and friends here. So the idea that there has to be some formal organization around for us to join just isn't necessary.
Even the WTS will tell you going to these discussion boards is "bad association", so it definitely works.
Further, Daniel says in the last days those with insight will shine like the brightness of the stars...
3 “And the ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.
4 “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”
Now remember Joel? How God will pour his spirit out among all kinds of people? Young and old? This is clearly AFTER the WTS has been disfellowshipped and abandoned. But how will a lowly person spread a worldwide message? Easy! YOUTUBE!! The internet!!! Individuals given special insight will be posting that information in discussion boards and on YouTube or on webpages. You have to seek knowledge and you'll find it!
Now just reflect. God giving holy spirit and understanding to individuals doesn't work with the WTS who wants to control everything. So they must be OUT! God does not use a central temple organization after 1996 to dispense advance spiritual food. But it comes from individuals who shine brightly because they utilize the internet! It's strange in modern fulfillment, but it is clear that is what is happening now.
Likewise, there are thousands of XJWs and others whom you can befriend and associate with and discuss things with. Even those who don't agree with you or think you need psychiatric help are basically nice. Nicer than the boot waiting for you at the kingdom hall by the evil elders!
So you don't have to forsake gathering yourself together. In fact, since that is a requirement, it means you need to keep up with the XJW internet community. Until they shut the net down, you will pretty much be up to date on whatever is going on and you'll have plenty of company! So those leaving miss NOTHING in the way of good association.
Also, whenever you see a beautiful Mother Goddess, or Venus, or Isis, or Ishtar, think directly of Satan.
And when you see the Watchtower, know that it is a Satanic symbol of her secret Mysteries that the WTS is part of. Choosing the Watchtower as a symbol of the organization is not a mistake, but directly related to esoteric Satanism. The Watchtower is one of Satan's cultic secret symbols.
"And they took no note until the flood came and swept them away."
BUT, as Ezekiel says, all this will be exposed and it is now being exposed. Who Satan really is and what pagan, Satanic cults she influences. Right at the top, of course, is God's own temple organization, JWs!! But it is time to "get out of her my people!"
JFYI. You know Jesus is Michael, the archangel. He's very prominent. But Satan was prominent also.
The original arrangement in Heaven for Satan and Michael is depicted on the Ark of the Covenant, which represents in heaven, Holy Mount Zion. So two angels are connected with God's Holiness. One is Jesus Christ, of course, the other is an angel paired with him on Mount Zion who served as his wife.
That is why Satan is called a woman at Genesis 3:15 and the war between "The woman and her seed" and Christ and his seed, is what is being talked about. Everybody understands that Satan, the woman, bruises Christ in the heel when Christ is forced to be killed at the first coming. But in the end, Satan, represented as the woman and the snake, is bruised in the head, meaning fatally wounded, when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire.
Now in esoteric Jewish pagan culture, where you actually have Satanists, they actually know and recognize Satan as the "snake-woman" Mother Goddess. True to form, where a lot of paganism shows up in subliminal are or even not so subliminal art, we find Satan clearly and consistently shown as a woman, a snake-woman, in scenes in art of "The Fall".
So in fact, the cultic representation of Satan in Eden, is more Biblically accurate depicting him as a woman connnected to the snake, than we generally view Satan, which is a male angel opposed to Christ.
Now the key Biblical scripture here, since this toopic is CHERUBIM, is where Satan is called a cherub. Satan is called the cherub that is "covering."
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? What is a "covering cherub"? There are two covering cherubs. They are the two angels on the Ark of the Covenant whose wings COVER the ark. Their wings meet to completely cover the Ark!
“‘“You are sealing up a pattern, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 In E´den, the garden of God, you proved to be. Every precious stone was your covering, ruby, topaz and jasper; chrys´o·lite, onyx and jade; sapphire, turquoise and emerald; and of gold was the workmanship of your settings and your sockets in you. In the day of your being created they were made ready. 14 You are the anointed cherub that is covering , and I have set you. On the holy mountain of God you proved to be. In the midst of fiery stones you walked about. 15 You were faultless in your ways from the day of your being created until unrighteousness was found in you.
16 “‘“Because of the abundance of your sales goods they filled the midst of you with violence, and you began to sin. And I shall put you as profane out of the mountain of God, and I shall destroy you, O cherub that is covering , from the midst of the fiery stones.
17 “‘“Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You brought your wisdom to ruin on account of your beaming splendor. Onto the earth I will throw you. Before kings I will set you, [for them] to look upon you.
So you see, Satan is the second covering cherub! One is represented as a cherub with the face of a man and a lion, the other as a PALM TREE! This is the basis of depicting Satan in the mother Goddess form as a tree, resembling a date palm, which is the esoteric heavenly IMAGE of Satan, the Mother Goddess. The artistic representation of Satan as "Diana of Ephesus" is based on converting the concet of the palm tree into the goddess.
This is based on the PALM TREE figure and identity of Satan as the palm tree cherub who has a place in Mount Zion, God's Holy place, as the original covering cherub and "woman" or wife of Michael the archangel. Note how she wears a TOWER precisely in design that the Wathtower Society uses to represent itself. That's where it comes from. Directly from the connection of the Watchtower with SATAN himself/herself!
GENESIS 3:15 So at Genesis 3:15 you have to realize that Jehovah made pronouncements to the 5 principals involved: the snake, Eve, Adam, Satan and Jesus Christ:
Snake: You'll eat dust, lose your legs.
Eve: Birth pangs, lust after your husband.
Adam: Sweat and pain of a cursed earth.
Jesus/Michael: I will put enmity between you and Satan (the woman, your ex-wife) and between your seed and her seed (her demon angel followers).
Satan/THE WOMAN, ex-wife of Jesus: He (Jesus/Michael, your ex-husband) will bruise you in the head (i.e. kill you permanently, after the millennium when he throws you into the lake of fire) and you will bruise him in the heel (kill him temporarily for 3 days and 3 nights).
SUMMARY: Both Jesus Christ and Satan are called "cherubs" in relation to their heavenly nature, they each are one of two specialized cherubs called "covering cherubs" that are associated with the Ark of the Covenant and Holy Mount Zion. Satan is kicked out of Mount Zion after the rebellion in Eden, but Christ gets a new wife to replace his former beautiful wife. That new wife comes from the earth due to Christ's love of mankind. So the 144,000 (actually 1,440,000) replace Satan as Christ's wife as well as Satan's connection with Mount Zion and God's temple. Now the Bride Class become the holy temple along with Christ as the cornerstone in which God dwells. That is, Jehovah is completely surrounded by is most ardent ones who love and respect him. Christ is thus said to be in the "bosom" position of the Father.
So now, when you think of Jesus and Satan as "angels" also think of them are "covering cherubs"!!
am i being silly or do some other religions have a different understanding of who the 'other sheep' are?.
when i was a jw, i could see so clearly that this group is the gentiles.
that is, of course, reading the text 'in context', rather than simply placing it in a flakey jw leaflet.. why can jehovahs witnesses not see that they are so wrong on this point?.
Sorry, but the sheep are all Christians.
Reflect on the parable of the 10 slaves sent out to do business. Each given a mina coin to do business with while the Lord was away to get kingly power, remeaning a period of time prior to the second coming.
One of the slaves only returned what he was given, not even putting it into a bank to draw interest. He just buried it and returned it. So the master pronounced him an evil slave and gave that mina to the slave that had a 10-fold increase. So that is what this is about. Even though the evil slave was condemned, Christ is talking about the faithful anointed among Jehovah's witnesses when he says, "Have no fear, LITTLE FLOCK!" Then when he says I have "other sheep" not of this fold, he is referring to the other 9 slaves who have gathered in his sheep.
See? Other sheep not of this fold. Other sheep meaning other followers of Christ.
So in essence, Christ takes out the wheat from the weeds, the good sheep from the goats in the WTS and then leads them to the secret organization of his "other sheep."
There are lots of secret cults in operation, some of them belonging to Christ. This is what is meant that God would provide a place in the "wilderness" for the woman who must flee from Satan when he is cast into the earth. God hides them in secret socities.
So when a witness who is faithful realizes the GB and the WTS are out if they pay attention, they can be led into the secret society world of the largest secret society of all, the slave that had a 10-fold increase. Now so close to Armageddon most of the faithful witnesses are now part of this secret society of the slave with the 10-fold increase.
So basically, that is who the "other sheep" are. The other sheep gathered by these other nine slaves. The evil slave is the WTS and their coin is given to another slave, meaning they are transferred to another flock where Christ is gathering his sheep. But Christ abandons the goats within the WTS, the stubborn ones who still think Jehovah is supporting the WTS.
This is actually happening. Of course, I could actually show up some of the people in the secret society and how some of it works, but that would be inappropriate, wouldn't it? So all I can say is that there are secret societies within the WTS with secret members and the WTS knows they exist and fight against them. That is what a lot of the subliminal artwork in the WTS is about...
i mean a prophecy made before the event, with specific detail that can be verified in history books.
nothing vague like 'reports of wars'.. .
The "70 weeks" prohpecy prophesied that the messiah would appear at the end of 483 years (69 weeks) after the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem.
The messiah appeared in 29 CE so that prophecy began in 455 BCE. So do we have any evidence that the 1st of Cyrus began in 455 BCE?
Yes. An eclipse occurred when Xerxes invaded Greece in the spring. When revisions were made this original year was moved back to 481 and then 480 BCE. But there are no eclipses in the early spring that year. In 424 BCE the eclipse is right there occurring on March 21st which is the early spring.
We can use this ecipse thus to date the year of Xerxes invasion, the original year. That means the Battle of Marathon was fought 10 years eralier in 434 BCE. Darius I died at Marathon. His history was later distorted. But presuming that is correct, then we can link the death of Darius in his sixth year in 434 BCE with the completion of the temple the same year. Ezra 6:14,15 clearly shows that the temple was completed in the sixth year of Darius by King Artaxerxes, meaning this was the accession year of Artaxerxes in year six of Darius. Darius son was known more famously as "Xerxes" but the Persian kings used double names and the double name for Xerxes was Artaxerxes, which is why the Bible is calling him "Artaxerxes" the successor to Darius I in his sixth year.
Based on the above, the temple would have been completed that following year in the last month of the year Adar, in 433 BCE after 22 years of work. That means the work began and the 1st of Cyrus is clearly dated by this ecilpse scenario to 455 BCE.
Se we have direct astronomical confirmation for the 1st of Cyrus in 455 BCE from this eclipse and others.
But the Bible also confirms the 1st of Cyrus would begin in 455 BCE. It is the beginning of 50 jubilees that lead to the final jubilee in modern times when the Jews would regain their homeland as the Bible promised. That final return would fulfill the 50th jubilee from 455 BCE, the return from Babylon. How do we calculate?
Easy! If 455 BCE to 36 CE is 70 weeks, 490 years, representing 10 jubilees, then we need only count down to the 50th jubilee, that is add another four period of 490 years from 36 CE.
4 x 490 = 1960
1960 + 33 CE is 1996.
So the FIFTIETH JUBILEE, which is 49 years is the last 49 years ending in 1996. Remember 49 years is a jubilee period. The jubilee is celebrated the 1st year of each 49 years, but it is also the 50th following the previous 39.
So over a period of 2420 years, which is five periods of 490 years beginning in 455 BCE, the final JUBILEE, the 50th jubilee from 455 BCE, ending in 1996 begins in 1947! Of course, November 30, 1947 is when the Partition Agreement went into effect to restore the Jews to their homeland. Thus you have another prophecy being fulfilled in modern times that aligns with the true chronology of ancient times.
1947, the final restoration, is thus linked to 455 BCE and the baptism of Christ in 29 BCE. It is quite precise.
But perhaps the biggest fulfillment is Zech 13:8 which speaks of the two-thirds of the Jews who would die in the "great tribulation" which is the holocaust, just before their restoration.
Here's that prophecy showing two-thirds passing through the fire and remnant of 1/3 coming out of exile:
8 “And it must occur in all the land,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “[that] two parts in it are what will be cut off [and] expire; and as for the third [part], it will be left remaining in it. 9 And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, ‘It is my people,’ and it, in its turn, will say, ‘Jehovah is my God.’”
Everyone knows, of course, the basic numbers of the Jews killed during the Holocaust was 6 million out of 9 million. So that was fulfilled. But immediately after this tribultion, we find the restoration of the Jews to their homeland, which happened in 1947. So another definite Bible fulfillment.
Country | Estimated Pre-War Jewish population | Estimated Jewish population annihilated | Percent killed |
Poland | 3,300,000 | 3,000,000 | 90 |
Baltic countries | 253,000 | 228,000 | 90 |
Germany & Austria | 240,000 | 210,000 | 90 |
Bohemia & Moravia | 90,000 | 80,000 | 89 |
Slovakia | 90,000 | 75,000 | 83 |
Greece | 70,000 | 54,000 | 77 |
Netherlands | 140,000 | 105,000 | 75 |
Hungary | 650,000 | 450,000 | 70 |
Byelorussian SSR | 375,000 | 245,000 | 65 |
Ukrainian SSR | 1,500,000 | 900,000 | 60 |
Belgium | 65,000 | 40,000 | 60 |
Yugoslavia | 43,000 | 26,000 | 60 |
Romania | 600,000 | 300,000 | 50 |
Norway | 2,173 | 890 | 41 |
France | 350,000 | 90,000 | 26 |
Bulgaria | 64,000 | 14,000 | 22 |
Italy | 40,000 | 8,000 | 20 |
Luxembourg | 5,000 | 1,000 | 20 |
Russian SFSR | 975,000 | 107,000 | 11 |
Denmark | 8,000 | 52 | <1 |
Finland | 2,000 | 22 | 1 |
Total | 8,861,800 | 5,933,900 | 67% |
Two-thirds is 66.666%
So the Bible's prophecies are fulfilled and fulfilled precisely.
Now after this two thirds of the nation pass through the fire, then God would restore them and bless them and bring them out of exile. The Holocaust ended in the Spring of 1945. They Jews had their own land again and came out of exile on November 30, 1947. Now they are the State of Israel, a major world power! Just as the Bible said.
This gives us confidence for what to expect next, which is:
1. The destruction of Babylon the Great and the WTS and Christendom when the UN turns on the Illuminati-based secret societies now running the UN, namely the CFR, the Federal Reserve, etc, which are linked to secret societies like "Skull and Bones" which link back to Satanism and the ancient Mysteries of Babylon.