Now I understand how people outside the Organization felt when we pulled out "Dates" and other interpretations out of the air and expected us to accept it as gospel!
You agreed with a poster who is either ignorant or academically dishonest, no two ways around this! He drops out the name "Simon Magus", a name that first enters history from the Bible, the Book of Acts! Acts is considered by many Bible historians as "St. Paul's Defense documents". Since writing tools were very expensive during the First and Second centuries, (Acts of Apostles) manuscripts were not very common as people think. The claim is made that "Theophilus was the benefactor and Dr. Luke collected all the data from the beginning for use at Paul's Trial and his defense team". This "Dr. Luke" is the same person who was with St. Paul, they traveled together at various points of Paul's Ministry.
Now here's a very fascinating part, "Simon Magus(Simon the Magician) make's his first appearance in history in Acts 8:9. All other information we have of him is based off myth, ask yourself "If Paul never existed than Luke never existed either. If Luke''s words are fraud, we can delete everything from Luke's account and all the Christians too. Finally, If "Acts of Apostles is a fraud" as dropped in his claim, how in the world can you have Simon Magus and believe everything he wrote with any sanity? He wrote:
I don't think 'Paul' ever existed but was a litery creation of a second century church leader named Marcion. This story in 2 Coringthina 11-12 is taken alot from Simon Magus and Aollonos of Tyre. The reason for these text is ligetimize the celestrial diety Christ as having spoken to 'Paul' this making the Marcion church true to 'the gospel'..... which .BTW was heavy in gnosticism. I thought about sending this to Bart Erhman so he could see how the creators of myths are doing and what their producing, still have not decided because I am still trying to make any sense of his logic, it's really far out there!
This make's no sense whatsoever, making a square-circle would be easier in my opinion than making his claim real.
Your aware Simon Magus is the man who was suppose to fly? The Jews tried to mix up him with J.C. long after the fact. Simon Magus by legend is flying up in the air to prove he is the Messiah only to fall to his death when St. Peter made a prayer to Jesus Christ? So really, are you now going to except Simon Magus as a real figure of history while denying a well documented historical figure?
What kind of person tells you "Paul is not real", "The Bible is not real" and preaches a person from the Bible we have no verifiable evidence was competing with the Apostles as Messiah? Critical thinking skills are very healthy if your are trying to be skeptical, otherwise everything is game and all dogs hunt!
9 A man named Simon had been a sorcerer there for many years, amazing the people of Samaria and claiming to be someone great. 10 Everyone, from the least to the greatest, often spoke of him as “the Great One—the Power of God.”11 They listened closely to him because for a long time he had astounded them with his magic.
12 But now the people believed Philip’s message of Good News concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, many men and women were baptized. 13 Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the signs and great miracles Philip performed.
"The apocryphal “Acts of Peter” gives a legendary tale of Simon Magus' death: In order to prove himself to be a god, Simon performed magic in the Forum, and levitated up into the air. The apostle Peter prayed to God to stop his flying, and he stopped in mid-air and fell, breaking his legs. The previously non-hostile crowd then stoned him as an impostor, and he eventually died of his injuries despite the attentions of a sympathetic banished sorcerer named Castor.
Another apocryphal document, the “Acts of Peter and Paul”, gives a similar but slightly different version of the events, whereby Peter (along with the Apostle Paul who was also present) was imprisoned by the Emperor Nero for his actions in bringing down Simon Magus. Nero ordered that Simon's body be kept carefully for three days after his death in the hopes of him rising again