I was perplexed by that too. I wondered if is was only there to reinforce the cognitive dissonance that is needed to shrug off the whole chronology thing. Almost nobody can rattle off that sequence, anyhow"
Thank you for mentioning that, often we forget the Watchtower is trying to distract intelligent people from learning the truth, that's why they are attacking the Web and ExJWs who learned the truth and share factually based information to anyone thinking about joining or desiring to walk away from this deceitful organization! Thank you for all the help from good people running all the websites, JWN, JWStruggle, JW Facts, and JWSurvey too, JWN has the most dynamic and robust topics, we can't thank Simon enough for all his hard work!
You only have two choices unless you fade, think about what it means to come face to face with the fact you've been lied to your entire life about this religion! By yielding to cognitive dissonance you don't have to, you can have ideas like 1914 told to entire audiences and nobody can have a intellectual discourse because if you don't accept these teachings, your among the "fallen", "prideful", "evil slave", "lack of humility", "Agents of Satan" all because you followed the examples of good in Bible times. Think about Jesus Christ, if he showed up here they would dis-fellowship the very being they claim to worship or obey.
1. Cut your losses and move with life or the next goal waiting ahead for us, the way professionals and honest scientist do when their game or project fails. You don't get paid being a loser and failed hypothesis don't turn in to theories, move on with life!
2. Admitting your wrong is too costly to people, that's why cognitive dissonance is scary to all of us here. To step away from the Cult costs all your family, friendships, acceptance you got fooled or deceived by a group of ignorant or willful liars. Cognitive D make's avoiding painful reflection possible, you don't have to lose family inside the Cult, you can still count all your "God Points" even though they don't count in the real Bible or Jesus teachings. C.D. allows all sorts of people the gift of avoiding the truth, this part they taught on 1914 is nothing more than telling people "God is giving us more time to warn the wicked and change their ways!" like the Watchtower has done since the start of their long line of false prophecies and stolen lives they took!