I am not going off on Islam, all I want to know is if this group of writers and men were to put themselves back in the shoes of the First and Second Century Christians, would the shoes fit or would they be cowards? Almost no followers of the Watchtower Society are emulating what the First and Second Century Christians practiced and it gets worse as time goes on! The qualities the Watchtower preaches as being good are only found during the 20th Century or by Cult Leaders like David Koresh or Jim Jones! The Watchtower had to drop Pastor Russell from their list of Anointed because even he would condemn the current leaders of the Watchtower as useless or worthless fake Christians.
Justin Martyr in his dialogue mentions that Christians do not practice abortion or allow children to die by exposure. Justin say's Christians take the children because they will end up as sex slaves or worse if allowed to be taken by ruthless people. Jehovah's Witnesses are not helping with adoption agencies, working with victims or helping the Poor, they want applause for doing nothing! The Early Church Fathers and letters mention the vast amount of good the Christians did for everyone, not just their own members!
Islam commands it's members to give to charity, they got the Watchtower beat on that basic tenant of humanity. Maybe the Watchtower might get more members if they were not so selfish and focused on their leaders!
Have you ever noticed the Watchtower constantly tells it's members through talks and writings they need to "do good to Christ's brothers (meaning those at Bethel since all other brothers of Christ are questionable or mentally ill) only, they rarely speak about doing good to the members in the congregation? All focus is on the structures, not those who attend them, everything about this religion is based on numbers and what you can see, how does the Jehovah Witness Religion expect to stand up to the Great Persecution when they have no courage or love binding it together, they are truly the "Religion of Hate!"