What really is the biblical support for this major doctrine of the WT society? When I was still a pioneer, we met a young lady at her door, crying and holding a small disabled baby, asking for an explanation. My friend, it was his turn at the door, started to mumble something about universal sovereignity. The lady literally threw us out, for a reason. I was so ashamed. Many times after that I was about to ring the bell again but just could not. An elder in the congregation reminded me about parents taking their kid to a painful operation (from the WT book You can live in paradise...) but that was no explanation: the parents do so because they are not almighty and have no other choice. Back to the WT explanation... so I wrote this story:
Jehovah, small Jesus and Satan are sitting at a sandbox.
Jesus says to Satan: My father built this sandbox.
Satan replies: Jehovah is my father too, my mom said so.
Jesus to Jehovah: Is that true? Does my mom know?
Jehovah to Jesus: Well, boy, when you grow up, you'll learn about some things... oh shit, those ants are climbing my leg.... they do not respect the Lord of creation...
Jesus to Jehovah: Dad, you did not answer my question, do not change the topic!
Jehovah to Jesus: My son, go to the ants... (Proverbs 6:6), you can learn many things from them.
Jesus answers: Dad, let those ants be. And they are not evil. You did not answer me.
Jehovah gets nervous: I shall get a hosepipe and rinse those ants to hell.
Satan is smiling...
Jesus goes to his Father: Dad, please do not put your anger on the ants...
After the sandbox is flushed, Jehovah seems more calm.
Soon after that, the ants are building up something again...
Jesus likes that: Look, dad, at the ants and get wise (Proverbs 6:6), you cannot prevent them!
Jehovah gets furious: Those ants shall know that I am Jehovah! (Ezekiel 36:23)
Satan gets hilarious...
Jehovah runs into the house to get some ant poison.
Soon after the ants get confused in their building project.
Jehovah boasts: What do you say now? Who rules?
Jesus answers: I still like the ants. Tell me, Dad, why is it not so that I could die but they not?
Jehovah thinks a while: Do not be silly, boy. Things like that only happen in fairy tales.
Jesus continues: Dad, is Satan really my brother?
Jehovah replies: Well boy, it just happened that...
Satans gets back: Jesus, guess what, whose money was used to buy me a new bicycle?
Jehovah admits to Jesus: ...eh... Satan is your brother, really.
Jesus looks at Satan and hugs him: Now I understand why you sometimes are jealous of dad. My dear brother!
Jehovah admits: I may have neglected you, Satan.
Jesus says to Jehovah and Satan: Dad, let us all be friends. Also let the ants live their own life free! They are innocent and brought by chance on our yard.
Jehovah replies: Out of the mouths of babes... (Matthew 21:16)
Jesus rejoices: And also Satan can play in this sandbox with us and go to and fro in it and walk up and down in it! (Job 1:7)