Terry, I get all fired up about wtbts, and want to scream from the rooftops....until..comes along my 87 yr old diabetic, slightly confused neighbour (who knows nothing about my background )but lovingly comes around for a feed once a month and brings me the watchtower and awake.."oh its wonderful being a witness...you get to know EVERYTHING when you are a witness, the society took me to see the garden of eden..we saw this little pool, all thats left, yes!" . Actually she really has been to every continent bar the south pole with "the society" and it must be said its not bad for an immigrant seamstress from Jamaica who came over in the 50's, how many of her generation are so well travelled?I can barely list a country she hasn't been to (and has an anecdote about). Anyway, how do I tell one who has lost everyone in death including a beloved daughter, whose health is failing fast that its all claptrap??
I agree with you wholeheartedly...I could not begin to replace what I would take from her..really, what would be the point at this stage?