kramer3 hours ago
You have trouble writing in coherent english don't you?
7/15/2010 wt says"in more recent times opposers of true worship similarly used the threat of isolation in an effort to put fear in the hearts of true christians.
sounds a lot like shunning.
You have trouble writing in coherent english don't you?
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
π sorry, got carried away with the romance!
Hello mrs.Eden !
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
scotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
don't they realize its not mandatory?"LOL!!!!!π
One of the things I could never get my head around was the whole biblical/JW gay hate thing. Even as a kid, just didn't get it, I used to reason 'why would god make people/animals gay then condemn them for it?'(I had seen my dogs get very gay btw). My best friends saintly mum would explain that you had to date with marriage in mind because otherwise people got hurt, and not hurting people was the first law of being a xtian so the JW procriation/dating/sex rules weren't some stuffy 'moral victorian thing' it was just about respecting others feelings before your lust. That's why it was ok to fancy who you fancied, just not act on it.
I wonder what excuse she would have used now it's ok for gays to marry?! I guess as long as they date with marriage in mind....
She also used to say "you are always going to fancy people!", I wonder what she would have made of the 'confess your sinful thoughts to an elder' thought police rules of today?!(she passed away btw).
It's crazy that Turkey is fighting the Kurds. Turkey has to face reality, the Kurds need their own homeland, any fool can see that. They have been victims of persecution for decades and more. Once they have their Kurdistan home they will be an allay of the west & a further bulwark against isis.
We can also aid this new nation to build a stable homeland for some of the present refugees.
last three years that mark sanderson was apointed(announced)september 1,2012.
Smiddy Then along comes the Apostle Paul who never met J.C., and has an obvious disdain for women who need to be put them in their place .
Right on Smiddy my brother. Plus it has been said by Bible scholars that some of Pauls' most vitriolic anti female rants weren't even writen by him and are 3/4th century Roman additions.
ive been having an email exchange with a jw family member and the discussion seem to have become a bit heated and im not quite sure why.
i dont think ive said anything obviously offensive and ive been very careful with my wording.
but i think im sometimes a bit tone deaf with these things.
Best ever description of a discussion with a JW about scientific theories or life in general really! Thanks Thesrumbler83 πππTalking to him about religion and science is a bit like playing chess with a pigeon, he knocks the pieces over, shits all over the board and struts around like he won.
Any chance of emailing me your second post as I cannot read it and it looks fantastic, I wish someone would do a post on how to formatt, I rubbish at it too
8m + are undeniably being systematically instructed via talks & publications on how to speak out of both sides of their mouths!
i'm going to designate this practice as "the ipcress schizophrenia.
" (induction of psycho-neuroses by conditioned reflex under stress".
Ha! I didn't know that 'ipcress' stood for that. Love your posts.
SEARCHER "Magnificent seven"LOL
this may sound insane but i literally have blood on my hands as i have just come home from a counselling session that went wrong...i wanted to collate all that has happened and record policy is against it.
i said "what am i alive for then if not to tell the truth" she tut tutted and i walked out sadly in despair.. when i got to the ground floor there was a young girl screaming her head off.
she was afraid, that is all she was...........afraid.
Take BERTIE ECCO, love you too π£πππ³watch out for those headshrinkers though (psyciatrists....not psycologists) as the medical model of mental health I am not sure of
Seems more like a policing service, protect themselves first. Not like you, lovely women . I hope your sisters respond one day xxxx
anyone who has read what happened here, both to the ancient site and also the grizzly murder of antiquity scholar khalid asaad, consider this.
what religious/theocracy on earth now most resembles the stories of "god's chosen people" of the old testament?
probably isis does.