I don't think Geoff Jackson is stupid in the sense of a low iQ I think it's probably a little higher than average but as already pointed out his lack of education lets him down & puts him at a disadvantage.
He almost certainly started out as a genuine believer & missionary in the early days but with time has started to enjoy the kudos of being an "anointed" overeer & the closer to the seat of power he got the more of a brown-nose company man he became. You would have to be something of a non entity to be accepted by the others anyway.
I believe thats the nicest thing you can say for any of them. There are one or two exeptions like antony morris who probably bullied his way to the top or more likely just out 'hard core witnessed' everybody to earn his position.
What I find interesting is when these dudes decided they were anointed. I say that because with the younger ones, when they would have got baptised back in the 70's or even early 80's it was almost a given that you had to be really old WW2 generation AT LEAST to be amongst the 144,000. I know that one of the GB only decided he was anointed when be started getting close to the seat of power - maybe it was Ted Jaracz or Jack Barr, anyway the point is it would be interesting to find out. For instance Jackson was baptised at 13 in the early 70's & I really find it hard to believe he immediately claimed to be anointed. I guarantee they get the 'nod from God'only when it becomes apparent that it would be "politically useful" to be of the anointed class. I didn't know anyone under 60 in the 80's who was anointed. It was just accepted that the end being so near the anointed had to be elderly.
So bright?No. Educated?Never.Calculated careerists ?Yes.