Simon Second, have you any idea what a real hate crime is? Not the PC nonsense that get's promoted by the right xenophobic media. Real hate crimes are way more than just calling someone a name.
Actually I would say its the leftwing pc brigade but anyway.Hate crime comes in many forms. At one end of the continuam there is actual bodily harm with intent perhaps "gay bashing" at the other name calling (maybe at those who dont share your religous beliefs)and hurtful behaviour which surely includes shunning.The results can be pretty devastating with shunning, particularly when it involves the young, old or witholding natural family interaction like seeing the grandchildren. Yes its not bombing but it has resulted in death through suicide.
The point is, like poor child protection policies its unethical for an organization to make rules compelling members to shun.
Of course the libertarian in us will revolt at the thought of more legislatation against any form of personal choice but we are talking about a charitable organization . Not so long ago many forms of behavour by an organization were assumed to be impossible to legislate around - corporate manslaughter being one that springs to mind. Perhaps an appropriate term for the WT 'chain'shunning policy would be 'corporate enforced bulling'. Manipulative enforced hurtful personal behaviour.
Of course they only have the power you allow them to have, but that doesn't mean its not wrong and it doesnt mean they cannot be 'encouraged'to look at and improve WT policies by various methods.