JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
New song, "Who We Stoning Today" For my good friend Eric on JWSTRUGGLE.coom
by Greybeard ini wrote this song after watching eric's judicial stoning.
i used the words he spoke at the beginning of his video and added more words... here is to you eric, thank you for all you help at jwstruggle.com .
You are one very talented man, greybeard. Do you have any music published or a band etc?๐ ๐๐๐ -
Stop the war
by Diogenesister inhttp://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=d9bk76nb6bk please watch this link to a really great american video which features a touching clip of a dad trying to treasure & explain things to his son as they are both caught up in the paris attacks.
it starts with an interview with a muslim victim of the attacks and ends with wise words on the effects of war on kids everywhere , including american sanctioned drone strikes in syria.
its about 10 mins long..
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=D9bk76nB6Bk Please watch this link to a really great American video which features a touching clip of a Dad trying to treasure & explain things to his son as they are both caught up in the Paris attacks. It starts with an interview with a Muslim victim of the attacks and ends with wise words on the effects of war on kids EVErYWHERE , including American sanctioned drone strikes in Syria. Its about 10 mins long. -
Ollin Moyle Rutherford letter request
by Diogenesister inhi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
Thank you wifi bandit๐
Ha ha Rartherfraud!
Ollin Moyle Rutherford letter request
by Diogenesister inhi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
Hi all, Does anyone know of or has a link to Rutherford's letter to Ollin Moyle.
I 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether Boozerford could have had God's holy spirit.
Thanks all x
Gas prices today & the book study
by LevelThePlayingField inwe all remember, one of the main reasons for removing the bookstudy was the high gas prices, well, have you looked at the gas prices today?
nationwide, the lowest is about $1.65, the highest is about $2.67.
isn't that right about the same gas prices as when they cancelled the bookstudy in the first place?
Now Now Nicolaou, play nice!
Anyway their gallons are smaller - 3.87L to our 4.54L.
Aha! Does that difference hold true for tons and tonnes? It seems adding a few extra consenants makes things bigger/heavier etc gallon & gallonnes???!! 'Gas'has always been cheaper in the US - is it cos the UK is so small you can walk everywhere if you had to?
Getting back to the OP someone posted recently a letter & other info basically showing the hypocrasy of the ORG that was just worried about being liable when kids where victimized by paedophiles in these private homes they where 'ordered'into. I am guessing other safety issues, fire exits etc would come into play from a legal standpoint.
Gas prices??What BS, who the hell fell for that...oh er, that would be me.๐
Why does Antoine Leiris' powerful tribute to his wife, killed by ISIS in the Paris attacks, bother me so much?
by nicolaou inhere is the translation of monsieur leiris' words;.
friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred.
i don't know who you are and i don't want to know, you are dead souls.
Nic he can't allow himself the luxury of hating because it would utterly destroy him.
The problem with all these people is they believe in an after life. If isis knew the truth they would not kill. If Leiris knew the truth he would.
The Thief of Always
by YinzerDad inprologue... .
a brief precursor about myself.
i've been lurking around for almost 2 years.
WingCommander5 hours ago
I crush weights at the gym nearly every day, watch what I eat and what I drink, and also love to target shoot and collect knives. I like to watch 80's flicks and The X-Files.
I'm 36. Welcome to the forum.
Is this a joke?
I've just been watching Toast of London on the TV, maybe I'm just a bit over satire - ized?
That blog is one powerful piece of work.
I would love to know how they are doing if anyone knows.
Edit Agape I feel the same way, always had issues with this attitude.
Who said "If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem"
New Book About Jehovahโs Witnesses Starts Creating a Buzz in The JW and Ex JW Community
by GodZoo ina recently published book, by best selling author eugene walker has started creating a buzz inside the jehovahs witness community.
in his new book, "jehovah's witnesses exposed - what really goes on inside the kingdom hall walls", eugene walker brings to light hidden issues that many jehovah's witnesses now face in the organisation.. .
Just had a look at a sample - pretty basic & not well written.
I'd give it a big raspberry.
I try extremely hard now, because I want to , not out of fear. I try & work on the important things - like charity & caring for everyone ,& forget the unimportant things like the swear words (quite enjoy a good cuss sometimes!).