JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Little Thought for Lurkers, oringinal sin?
by Diogenesister injust one little thought....adam & eve ate the fruit from the tree "of the knowledge of good & evil".
so..in other words, before they ate they did not know right from wrong...hmmmm so how can you blame someone who does not know right from wrong?.
for a crime to take place in human law you must have the act - 'actus reus' - and the guilty mind or 'mens rea' as it is termed.
Suicide or Real Freedom? - My Story As One Of Jehovah's Witnesses
by dubstepped in"sometimes i think the only thing i could do that wouldn't upset someone would be to kill myself.".
those were the frustrated words of my friend as we stood out in his large yard in the country, just about to enjoy a nice bonfire on a beautiful night.
what was it that could have been a lesser evil than killing himself?
wow, just wow.
Thank you so much for posting, the effort that you made for us all...I am definately going to look up the narcassistic family book, I really relate to the over sensative child stuff, in fact, if it's ok I would like to show my therapist your post as you have put so much into words I want to express but can't. In fact you have really opened my eyes to some of my own behaviours..
You guys are so inspirational, I wish you both much love & luck..Thank you again💕❤❤
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Little Thought for Lurkers, oringinal sin?
by Diogenesister injust one little thought....adam & eve ate the fruit from the tree "of the knowledge of good & evil".
so..in other words, before they ate they did not know right from wrong...hmmmm so how can you blame someone who does not know right from wrong?.
for a crime to take place in human law you must have the act - 'actus reus' - and the guilty mind or 'mens rea' as it is termed.
Just one little thought....adam & eve ate the fruit from the tree "of the knowledge of good & evil"
so..in other words, before they ate they did not know right from wrong...hmmmm so how can you blame someone who does not know right from wrong?
For a crime to take place in human law you must have the act - 'actus reus' - and the guilty mind or 'mens rea' as it is termed. No guilty mind, no crime, despite the act having taken place, as in the case of a young child for example.
How could they have a guilty mind before they knew right from wrong.
Surely we humans cannot be more just than God, can we?!!
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Does this sound like a man who is inspired by God?
by Coded Logic inabsolutely disgusting!.
HaHaHa ...I was seething when I first "Herd" that..funny how he uses scientists stats but forgets to mention that hat size & IQ are not even co related ...now I do think it's great for faders who are forced to go in service..
Do show it to householders!
btw StephaneLaliberte I do think it is hate speach, combined with toni morris iii homo tight pants rage someone in the US should report it to a womens rights group & get their lawyers on the case...this dude is a nutter
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Stop the war
by Diogenesister inhttp://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=d9bk76nb6bk please watch this link to a really great american video which features a touching clip of a dad trying to treasure & explain things to his son as they are both caught up in the paris attacks.
it starts with an interview with a muslim victim of the attacks and ends with wise words on the effects of war on kids everywhere , including american sanctioned drone strikes in syria.
its about 10 mins long..
Incidentally, it is not superstition alone which provides the perfect petri dish for manipulation. Any emotion is capable of allowing one to be manipulated - even love. Not allowing our emotions to dictate our behaviour but instead allowing positive emotions to enhance clear thinking is key. If humans are to progress to the next level of psychological evolution, we HAVE to stop letting our emotions preside over our thought process and make an earnest effort to think critically.
Just my two cents.
Secretslaveclass Fantastic as always, we are still so primative in our thinking I do agree fully we need to rid the world of superstitious belief systems. thank you everyone for these interesting & informative posts,
Kaik you are right, my post was driven b y emotional reaction to the kid. Thank you for pulling me up on that👍
Think about how Obama won't say "Islam extremism" just "violent extremism". That is burying your head in the sand. Protecting the very root of the evil.
So true Freemindfade
Something nice, non-jw
by FadeToBlack ini was out with my 4 dogs last night around 10:30 under a bright moon.
it was frosty (-4 c).
i heard some noise in the field behind my house (my backyard is a national forest).
Polar bears hunt humans, I think they are the only animal that sees us food. My friends aunt had to shoot one once, it was way back in the 50's. She was alone in a smallish hut - was out with engineer husband who was away. Unfortunately it got wind of her and started taking her home apart. Once they have you that's it, they will keep going until they get you, she had no choice. It's funny when you see this sweet little old lady...she feels real regret but lived there for many years and knew she had no chance they are trully lethal.
We have foxes in our garden, they are everwhere in london and dont have to hunt there is so much in the trash! I have seen them carrying shopping bags in their mouths happily trotting home...
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Potted history of the Watchtower by SM McRoberts
by Diogenesister inthis is an extract of the latest post from the blog " rational compassionate living" by ex jw sm mcroberts.
i think it's an excellent compressed history of earth according to the watchtower, link to the rest is here enjoy & do check out the rest!.
"about 6,000 years ago the god jehovah decided to create adam.
This is an extract of the latest post from the blog " Rational Compassionate Living" by ex JW SM McRoberts. I think it's an excellent compressed history of earth according to the Watchtower, link to the rest is Here enjoy & do check out the rest!
"About 6,000 years ago the god Jehovah decided to create Adam. As an afterthought he also “built” Eve. But, before knowing right from wrong, these two foolish people disobeyed Jehovah (after Eve had listened to a talking serpent.) So Jehovah put the wicked fallen angel Satan in charge of them and all of the Earth and stepped out of the spotlight for about 4,000 years — except to drown nearly everyone and everything on one occasion; stage a bloody puppet-show with Pharaoh and Moses; help out with some Israeli wars; and order himself up a whole lot of burnt animals to savor the smell of."
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An Atheist Visits A Kingdom Hall
by Bangalore inhttp://nerdinthebrain.com/2015/01/25/why-i-spent-my-morning-in-a-kingdom-hall-partying-with-jehovahs-witnesses/.
he seems to have quite a positive view of jw's.. bangalore.
Nerd on the brain, I have not looked at your blog btw, but I will say that what attracted me to this site was how freaking hilarious it is most of the time, there are some well funny people in the ex dub world, this site included.
For my money, they are also some of the most compassionate people I've ever known too, which is why I think the JW judgementalism rancours so much with them, one of the many reasons they could not continue to associate.
But if I have to pick the one outstanding reason ex JW's leave the org it can be summed up in two words - the INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY of the Watchtower society.
On a personal note we also like to support our members through some unbelieveable hardships, so Label licker 🌷hope you're ok kiddo, we are all here for you, this newb doesn't know the runnin's😊
Eagerly anticipating the death of billions!
by stuckinarut2 insurely someone who eagerly looks forward to the death of billions of people (including babies and children) is not emotionally healthy?.
yet, that is the key belief "happily" anticipated by witnesses.... food for thought?.
🐯 Lion, thinks to himself......
"65 million years of evolution for this....posing with a beachball for a crowd of half - witted comedy hat - wearers. "
Eagerly anticipating the death of billions!
by stuckinarut2 insurely someone who eagerly looks forward to the death of billions of people (including babies and children) is not emotionally healthy?.
yet, that is the key belief "happily" anticipated by witnesses.... food for thought?.
I think those people are having a good laugh in the "Whose got the silliest hat competition"!Link +1 / -0