I thought of another one - if you are putting air in your tires, the pressure is printed on the drivers-side door pillar.
Aha I knew that one - but no idea of the petrol one !!
Lisarose Short term memory halleleujah to that!!What was I just saying?
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
I thought of another one - if you are putting air in your tires, the pressure is printed on the drivers-side door pillar.
Aha I knew that one - but no idea of the petrol one !!
Lisarose Short term memory halleleujah to that!!What was I just saying?
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
right next to the fuel symbol is a little arrow which will point either to the left or right where the filler cap is. Brilliant!
Is that every car Simon?Yup, new one on me! And I'm only in my 3 rd decade of driving age!! The - ember mneumonic is daft for the reasons you pointed out too!
Blondie Wow - great post! Fevier is february in french too,?to do with Feverel?
Ucantnome & Millie Right and left is my problem too! For years I had to visualize my pianist at ballet lesson's as a child who was on our left.
Then, in my 40's, someone says "Anna right is the hand you write with. DOH!!!!
Just wondering - please dont be offended - how many JW deaths, suicide & blood refusal, versus how many Western deaths caused by terrorism*
as the saying goes, just sayin'
* not including middle eastern deaths/muslim deaths as that obviously runs into hundreds of thousands
say your prayers, little dub,and be sure you brush off...all the things you hear of.. if you wont, if you dont,youll be easy prey,when the apostate he comes.. out there, cruelly waging his sneaky tight-pants crusade.... be afraid... hell invade...thats his plan...the apostate boogeyman!.
xsomethings wrong, shades of gray,its been there all day,but you stay anyway..... full of lies, full of greed,mentally diseased,and hes probably gay.... helping in satans kitchen, cooking your faith away (wait, what?)....
dont wimp out... stifle doubt...thwart his plan... the apostate boogeyman!.
I think your chanellin' Slayer there...wow I want to get with puppy in that mosh pit!!!
On a totally musically opposite note I was watching a Burt Bacharat tribute concert last night and he was basically giving the whole thing to his mom who pushed him as a kid to play & practice - total support -we would not have that music if it where not for her enabling... it made me think of all that Witness talent wasted....kids prevented from fulfilling their potential and humanity now missing some
serious tunes, beautiful challenging art, powerful films or cures for who knows what & maybe even that ellusive "theory of everything"
my parents are visiting for not-thanksgiving.
dad started bringing up spiritual stuff and i almost screwed up my fade.. it's so hard to have a genuine discussion about the issues in the organization when you have become an atheist.
it feels icky and disgusting to have to pretend and nod your head at such platitudes as "you just need to have faith"..."trust in jehovah"..."jehovah will correct it"..."remember ray franz?
If the cappy fit's wear it!!
You are just great the way you are, don't worry about us here, you have too much to worry about without bein' worried about being a grumpy captain - love your posts btw, always so genuuine & real, no bs which is why I guess it's killing you to be dishonest to your Dad.
Puppy brand new I think mrs cappy is one cool mama & the little cappies too young to be a problem.
Just take it easy, DONT be hard on yourself. I suppose there will come a time when the little ones will put you in it "grandpa but the birds evolved from dinosaurs ....who is Jehovah?"
However you are new to this, only you know how best to approach dad, when the time comes...I understand how you feel, it's a nightmare..you just dont want to hurt them, go easy on yourself this is NOT YOUR FAULT OR OF YOUR DOING
an updated list of documents relating to the charity commission investigation into watchtower of britain and jehovah's witnesses are available on jw leaks.. jw leaks.
original charity commission press release.
press release.
Paradise, safegaurding of minor children & vulnerable adults, the trustees of each charity - in this case the BOE, are under law required to have in place & inpliment best practice policies regarding the above. If they do not, and recent court cases have highlighted problems, this reflects badly in public trust of charity status.
So...not sure but maybe charity commission can revoke charitable status, not sure if that would apply to specific congregations or all BTS of GB congs.
Watch the dark tower comply immediately if they fear loss of ££££ due to revoking of charitable status.
Just my take, maybe not 100 correct though xxx
the elders will keep you out longer as payback for you appealing their decision how dare you peon appeal the secret weapons design you stupid publisher.
Does the fact that there even IS an appeals process, and that certain appeals are upheld and the DF verdict reversed, does this show that the original decision and elders on the JC were not led by holy spirit after all?k
That is precisely why they never want to reverse a decision, even if there is shed loads of evidence the appellant is in the right - swines
the elders will keep you out longer as payback for you appealing their decision how dare you peon appeal the secret weapons design you stupid publisher.
I think, but I don't know for sure so sorry if I am wrong poopie & guys that poopie is very very close to some df ones & he is held captive at present in - however maybe he reached breaking point & went balistic, ? has been df for associating with df ones as I know he does?
"sometimes i think the only thing i could do that wouldn't upset someone would be to kill myself.".
those were the frustrated words of my friend as we stood out in his large yard in the country, just about to enjoy a nice bonfire on a beautiful night.
what was it that could have been a lesser evil than killing himself?
Thank you so much Dubstepped, I just saw my therapist but I didn't want to show her till I heard from you, I will email it to her with a message as she knows I wanted her to see it. It's hard for people who don't know the religon to get a sense of just how much scrutiny you are under & how much you deem yourself unworthy no matter what you do.
Your piece is marvellous, it taught me about feelings I could not identify in me as focusing on self knowledge & self care is frowned on by the WT unless its to boost 'productivity'.xxx anna