Btw, I think our member CalebfromFlorida had a theological qualification of some sort. He may even have been a qualified Rabbi.
Much missed member.
and i don't mean that stupid made up shit russell just invented only a 100 yrs ago.
he never passed the 7th grade and declared that the world was too stupid to understand the bible without him.. who do you follow and pore money into the watchtower?.
Btw, I think our member CalebfromFlorida had a theological qualification of some sort. He may even have been a qualified Rabbi.
Much missed member.
and i don't mean that stupid made up shit russell just invented only a 100 yrs ago.
he never passed the 7th grade and declared that the world was too stupid to understand the bible without him.. who do you follow and pore money into the watchtower?.
What becomes comparatively interesting is what WireRider pointed out that the WTS right to its very beginning inception did not have a academically trained bible theologian.
Which is interesting given that at the time one would have thought that a wealthy man with an interest in the Bible would have attempted to study at a Seminary at the very least - even if he did not complete it once assured of his new found Biblical'truth'.
Except, of course, it wasn't new found, it was almost completely plagiarized from Adventist theology, Miller's work, John Aquilla et al.
Not to mention the fact there are doubts about Russell's initial wealth - until, that is, he got the 'keys to his own publishing company' (Finklestein, JW.D, 2015)
Unsurprising, then, they would not want subsequent followers studying a subject the founders did not understand. Even the WT "oracle" W.Franze was only a second year undergraduate of ancient (not Biblical)Greek when he left to become a WT colporteur, or book & tract salesman.
And you don't need a theology degree to sell books.
for those of you that don't research this stuff i will give a little back story.
we all know about the moses exodus, but history and archeology didn't seem to confirm this event.
the only exodus out of egypt ever recorded was that of a group of asiatic tribes that had taken over egypt for a bit over 100 years called the hyksos and the followers of the pharaoh akhenaten who perpetuated a monotheistic idea of worshiping only one deity the aten.
I had heard some years ago that it was the Reed sea rarther than the red - don't know where but I do remember something about the likelyhood that some kind of tsunmi type event may have happened due to the eruption you mentioned. The water of the Reed sea being dragged back out to the Ocean, leaving a dry sea bed, before returning in the form of a huge 'Tsunami'type wave. Although I gathered the Reed sea was more of a small river ?
I guess this tit bit I heard was related to the research u guys are telling us about no?
Thanks, v interesting , will check it out, love a bit of biblical archeology despite my atheism!
i think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
Agreed. Those that find it important to thoroughly understand their beliefs (after all, to convince others you must be clear on all issues yourself)have loooonnng gone.
The rest are trapped, lazy, too old or...and here's one I think applies to many...too scared to know or think about what may be the real truth.
ever notice how most jws use the titles "brother" and "sister"?
in my experience, 99% of the time it was not a term of endearment.
it was actually a term of formality very much like "mister", "mrs.", "miss" or "ms.".
Very perceptive post, so true that the org use it as a marketing tool "How lucky we are.."etc, more like collegues..8 million co workers.
And yes, wouldn't dream of calling a mate brother or sister. It can be useful if you don't know or can't remember someone's name & you are addressing them though "thank you for letting me use your bible sister...this way to the loo's brother.."
i am intrigued to know if there is truly any evidence of financial irregularities in the jehovah's witness organisation or if any one or group are raking off funds or benefitting financially...?.
whilst i disagree wholeheartedly with most of their teachings and practices, dogmatism, legalism and superiority complex, i don't honestly think there's anyone making millions at the top.
yes you could say that the gb are comfortably off, don't have to pay bills etc but they do actually get up in the morning and 'work', they aren't going off in private jets to tropical islands or driving bentleys.
Just a small aside as per Joe's post above, my husband had a small decorating business and he was shocked at the time that on occasion people with large comfortable London homes paid for the work by cheque using church funds.
IE these where not elderly poor etc who may have had such work done via charitable Church contributions.
i'm just going to say my name is sawaveh.
i'm looking for some jw friend's.
i live in wa, moses lake, usa.
I converted from Catholicism to the JW faith long ago. Shooting down my Catholic beliefs was like shooting fish in a barrel for the Witnesses.
I disagree - it only seem's so from the witnesses extremely limited, dogmatic & unspirtual point of view.
I wish the Catholics would just ask them why the call their god a name a 13 century Catholic spanish monk devised. Also if the RC is sooo demonic why do the Witnesses use a bible that Catholic bishops put togther from the many hundreds of scriptures and decided what was 'orthodox inspired scripture' & what was not. I am not Catholic nor would I promote the faith it's just I don't believe the JW know as much about biblical or christian theology as they perport to & are just conditioned to repeat parrot fashion from their doctored bible.
i guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
I hate the thought of putting little one 's in tight, rough, hard or sweatily uncomfortable clothes ...chaffing their tender skin. Horrid man. Stealing childhood. we are in monkey suits for years in our pressured lives...let the kids be kids & free for as long as they can says I
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
I thought of another one - if you are putting air in your tires, the pressure is printed on the drivers-side door pillar.
Aha I knew that one - but no idea of the petrol one !!
Lisarose Short term memory halleleujah to that!!What was I just saying?
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
right next to the fuel symbol is a little arrow which will point either to the left or right where the filler cap is. Brilliant!
Is that every car Simon?Yup, new one on me! And I'm only in my 3 rd decade of driving age!! The - ember mneumonic is daft for the reasons you pointed out too!
Blondie Wow - great post! Fevier is february in french too,?to do with Feverel?
Ucantnome & Millie Right and left is my problem too! For years I had to visualize my pianist at ballet lesson's as a child who was on our left.
Then, in my 40's, someone says "Anna right is the hand you write with. DOH!!!!