I don't believe the nonsense that there's one person out there for everyone. You can find another girl that will be just as compatible and you'll feel just as strongly about that won't be in a cult. Just move on. I absolutely promise you that your life will be better if you do. There is no doubt in my mind.
I know you really don't want to hear this, lovey, but it's 100% true. I mean if were true we have these 1 special soul-mates imagine what the chances of meeting them would be, let alone at the same age, language etc etc. Mother nature is not fussy. She want's you making babies asap!! There really are lot's of fantastic girls & boys out there, any number of whom you could be trully happy with, if only you will let yourself!
Is there more going on here? Would you like to be her knight in shining armour - and resue her maybe? I am very sorry if I have this wrong, but do I remember you mentioning she is homeless, & was sleeping on a bench or something? If so it gives you an idea of how uncaring the WT association is, a Christian org who allow their own to be homeless with no charitable branch -that it's just a business shines out in this area of JW - dom like no other. Even that I can easily imagine it say's a lot. They strongly discourage education, request money then provide no aid to needy members. How un-Christian!
Please take care of yourself and maybe seek some help, counselling, to try and work this out of your system. As to the phone call, I only know JW's do not celebrate, but if you wish to call a friend to give them a warm greeting go right ahead! Who know's, it may lift her spirits enough to get her thinking why simple good wishes for a holiday could be so wrong!
Take care x