Isn't there some controversy around Jason BeDuhn & the NWT.
For a start I believe his Phd is in 'comparative religon'- ie he has no expertise in Biblical greek or indeed any of the bible languages, correct me if I'm wrong please?
continued from part 1 (
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
Isn't there some controversy around Jason BeDuhn & the NWT.
For a start I believe his Phd is in 'comparative religon'- ie he has no expertise in Biblical greek or indeed any of the bible languages, correct me if I'm wrong please?
i don`t know if this has been addressed before , however it appears there is an inconsistency and a big one at that with the practice of shunning with jw`s.
elders / ministerial servants look out for the spiritual health of the congregation , and if they see something they feel is detrimental to the spiritual health of the congregation they are going to act to rectify it, .
they take appropiate action where they think is necessary . seems to me that Jehovah got his orders, or "new light" from Rartherfraud himself and refined his Satan his marching orders in 1919
I am glad you brought this up Smiddy, how come Adam & Eve (nevermind their innocent kids) - yet to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad, in other words innocent of wrong and right - were punished more harshly than the primary malefactor Satan , unless of course it was not satan and only a snake as it actually says
Where is the justice in that?
I shall write a strongly worded letter to my MP, the Queen, the Pope and the GB forthwith
since the overlapping generations doctrine was introduced, i have found the jws i know to be uncharacteristically silent on the subject.
i can't remember hearing a single dub try to defend this idiocy.
but that all ended recently.
jesus had much to say about the kind of giving his followers should practice.
for example, the following:matt 6:3 '...but when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...'.
matt 10:8 '... freely you have received; freely give...'.
Mathew 10.18 they will say they freely had a (cult) bible study so they freely give (cult) bible studies...other than that absolutely not, tight wads mostly
If you really want to help 21st century lepers' your bum homeless crack heads are the one's, self hating and hated, shunned and abused by family 9 times out of 10 or with underlying mental health problems...noone in the western world is so vulnerable to suicide & a miserable lonely death or violence
christopher hitchens has some insightful thoughts on judaism and christianity from a human sociological perspective .
part 1 .
in the last 5/6 years, i've read many threads, some made me laugh , others sad such is life , but was a very pleasant experience.
so i though it was time to introduce myself a bit.. im portuguese although living in the u.k. atm.
im from a (now) jw family and i have 2 sisters.
Thank you for the share...very inspiring!
If only all kids were so smart and brave..and all parents so loving and non judgemental.
I know you will go far..& be there for your parents when they need you, which they will. I am glad that you could see the limited education of your parents was the contributing factor to their acceptance of the JW's, education, reason and knowledge is THE best defence against cult - ism.
with all the focus on the shooters and the rehashing the cowardly acts of those determined to spread violence and fear, i think its good to talk about those who are not cowards and its their names we should remember most to take the power away from the martyr cowards.
i got you: san bernardino victim shielded female co-worker during shooting, saving her life. is it we are the same species?
I have immense faith in humanity because of people like Shannon, only 45 ðª
it has confirmed the news!
in italy selling assembly halls.. the managers are deciding which assembly halls keep continuing to use them for the assemblies, and assembly halls which sell the best buyer.
My only good memory of going to a circuit assembly at Clairton, PA high school is meeting my late wife. I was recently discharged from the Army in 1968 and at the urging of my mother who was a JW since 1961, went with her. I fell head over heels for this great young lady and we were married less than 8 months later. Needless to say, I went whole hog into the religion. Not sure now if it was her or did I really believe it.
HappyDadâ€Love the post!
Always said it's the one good that comes from being a JW - you can find yourself some darn fine life - totty!!
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.