JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Bloodless surgery is the standard today because of medical progress. Or NOT?
by Nathan Natas init appears diogenesister feels a need for a proper ass-kicking.. ok, if you insist.
i'm a dub proctologist.... attempting to hijack greatteacher's thread "jw parents in severe car accident,".
diogenesister seized my observation that "bloodless surgery is the standard today, not because of the wtb&ts but because of medical progress" with he carefully-crafted argument "bull crap.".
Finklestein ππ₯It really is ...the delusions of a few men....have cost us dear -
Bloodless surgery is the standard today because of medical progress. Or NOT?
by Nathan Natas init appears diogenesister feels a need for a proper ass-kicking.. ok, if you insist.
i'm a dub proctologist.... attempting to hijack greatteacher's thread "jw parents in severe car accident,".
diogenesister seized my observation that "bloodless surgery is the standard today, not because of the wtb&ts but because of medical progress" with he carefully-crafted argument "bull crap.".
Minimizing blood loss has ALWAYS been an objective (not a vital one but one nonetheless)of any sane surgeon basically because
1 Any intervention carries a risk, even one as established as blood transfusion
2 Blood is precious we do not have an unlimited supply
Nevertheless bloodless surgery is not and has never been the STANDARD - and I do not like noises being made intimating that as JW's tend to jump on that as if their potty policy was somehow right - that is the argument I am putting forth dear boy
Check out some of Orphan Crow's simply terrifying research on JW 's being the unwitting guinea pigs by (I believe ) unscrupulous medical research companies out to make a fast buck and their JW doctor-colluders attempt to suck up to the org & further their careers at the expense of patients who are at serious risk. They should know better. They cannot be ignorant of the absurdity of the JW position on blood.
So....everyone had something that yanks their chain & JW blood policy yanks mine. I fuuuuummmme when I think of the unnesessary deaths.
I apologized to greateacher & did not elaborate for the reason you so charmingly pointed out.
We are a very angry proctorscope but you are not going to drive me to exjw reddit with your rudeness, dude.
Dear Syrian Refugees
by Simon inwelcome to canada from one immigrant to another !.
calgary is welcoming it's first refugees from syria and iraq so tomorrow i'm going to take all the winter clothing that we have and donate it to a women / children's charity.
it's not much (well, actually, it's a huge pile ... everything from when we first moved over!
Yes, our school is doing boxes for the children of refugees in the uk and abroad on the boarders I think, warm clothes & medicines especially.
I agree that where you are born is pure luck - whether it is behind some imaginary line, a human construct called mexico or USA , greece or Syria - doesn't mean one group is more deserving of help than another.
However....,I would rarther be a refugee child with two loving stable parents than an american kid with abusive, neglectful parents who teach you that normal is abusing yourself because you are worthless.
John-1-1-Colossians-1-16-all-other-things - Part 2
by Wonderment incontinued from part 1 (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5097191899136000/john-1-1-colossians-1-16-all-other-things):.
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
1 John 5.19 says in the original: "and the world whole in the wicked is lying." The Kingdom Interlinear Translation adds (one) to that like this: "and the world whole in the wicked (one) is lying." The "(one)" is not explicit but is implied. The NWT refines that literal reading for modern readers this way: "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." Can you blame the translators for that?
I have to disagree with you here. In fact this is good example of translators reading their own pre conceived ideas into the text. It may seem 'obvious'to us that the authors are trying to convey dangers that contempories had no conception of, and Satan is the classic example of this.
There is no mention of satan in the hebrew bible until Job, here only the title ha-satan is used, 'the adversary', a noun description of a verb, it's a job title bestowed on a being rarther than the name of one.
This is what essentially is conveyed in the OT regarding Satan, part of the heavenly host - a fellow olympian of Yahweh looking down with scorn on the puny cares of man.Some obedient humans and angels are also called satan /adverary such as David 1 Samuel 24.
The new testement takes it's cue from secondtemple religious dualism in Babylon and early Zoroastrainism. The development of Satan as a "deceiver" has parallels with the evil spirit in Zoroastrianism, known as the Lie, who directs forces of darkness.
This in wikipaedia:
Rabbinical Judaism
In Judaism, Satan is a term used since its earliest biblical contexts to refer to a human opponent.[26] Occasionally, the term has been used to suggest evil influence opposing human beings, as in the Jewish exegesis of the Yetzer hara ("evil inclination" Genesis 6:5). Micaiah's "lying spirit" in 1 Kings 22:22 is sometimes related. Thus, Satan is personified as a character in three different places of the Tenakh, serving as an accuser (Zechariah 3:1β2), a seducer (1 Chronicles 21:1), or as a heavenly persecutor who is "among the sons of God" (Job 2:1). In any case, Satan is always subordinate to the power of God, having a role in the divine plan. Satan is rarely mentioned in Tannaiticliterature, but is found in Babylonianaggadah.[20]
In medieval Judaism, the Rabbis rejected these Enochic literary works into the Biblical canon, making every attempt to root them out.[19] Traditionalists and philosophers in medieval Judaism adhered to rational theology, rejecting any belief in rebel or fallen angels, and viewing evil as abstract.[27] TheYetzer hara ("evil inclination" Genesis 6:5) is a more common motif for evil in rabbinical texts. Rabbinical scholarship on the Book of Job generally follows the Talmud and Maimonides as identifying the "Adversary" in the prologue of Job as a metaphor.[2]
Chinese Tiger Park bred 110 tigers in 2015
by fulltimestudent inthese tigers are known as siberian tigers, and have been considered endangered.. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-12/10/c_134903867.htm.
there are 10 good piks on the link..
Love your work ! Had a look with my tiger mad kids. Have you lived, or do you have a connection with China fulltimestudent? -
Baptism pool jumper!!!!!!!!!
by DwainBowman inthis happened a few years back.
it is so funny.funnier still were some of the commits, made by jw's on fb pages!!
!it almost happened at one in ga, when i lived there.
Why???I want to see it -
How about a CAPCHA test for ANY new post?
by Nathan Natas inmaybe it would be possible to turn the capcha test off for a user after they have "survived" ten posts without being thrown into gehenna?.
there must be some days it seems like a thankless pain-in-the-ass, but you are rendering a truly life-saving service.. love ya, dude, (and dude-harad and all the little dudettes) in an appropriate and totally manly way!.
- your idiot fellow traveller..
Nathan nut-assss -
my 2 cents
by SloppyMcFloppy inall religion is flawed because its led by man.
jw is not bad religon if it changed some of its doctrines and thoughts.
if it didnt "shun" members and "worldly people.
Sloppy I nearly got into Catholacism too..
But I am a believer in harm reduction and I think not all religons are cults, so if the JW got rid of their high control tactics..disfellowshipping etc & left much to the practioner's own conscience etc yes I would not have a problem with it.
As it is I think it is dangerous
Governing Body Member Geoffrey Jackson's Empathy For Survivors Of Child Abuse Hypocritical
by Brokeback Watchtower inso says the royal commission.
which we all can agree.
his expressed sympathy is a hollow sham and it is the same way with all the governing body's expressions of love and concern for all loyal member captured by their organization into servitude.
eyeuse2beadub you don't know how right you are...,,he literally does not care because...
If you have been a victim of abuse you have not waited on Jehovah & bourne your load
If you have not bourne your load without complaint you have not followed the rules
if you have not followed the rules you are not a witness
if you are not a witness you are worthless and of no account
John-1-1-Colossians-1-16-all-other-things - Part 2
by Wonderment incontinued from part 1 (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5097191899136000/john-1-1-colossians-1-16-all-other-things):.
the nw translation and some of its unique renderings, like john 1.1- "a god," and colossians 1.16 - "all other things," have been consistently at the top of the most debated topics here in this forum and elsewhere from the beginning.
the anger felt by detractors of the nwt rendering of john 1.1 (a god) has diminished considerably if compared to the furious debates surrounding the verse that raged on during the 1950 thru 1970s.
Isn't there some controversy around Jason BeDuhn & the NWT.
For a start I believe his Phd is in 'comparative religon'- ie he has no expertise in Biblical greek or indeed any of the bible languages, correct me if I'm wrong please?