JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Update on everything going on in JW Land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off by saying that i will be very vague in everything i say.
i am fairly "high up" in jw land and have to be somewhat careful how i word and say stuff.
sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.
sparrowdown you summed them up perfectly girl😷get ya mask on- don't breathe that borg meme in!!!! -
Update on everything going on in JW Land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off by saying that i will be very vague in everything i say.
i am fairly "high up" in jw land and have to be somewhat careful how i word and say stuff.
sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.
And I believe they are addicted to it. From time to time, some on this site mention that they feel that the GB don't really profit financially from the org. Well, maybe not, but they certainly get other benefits. Where else could they go - where else could Splane or Lett or Morris or Herd go - and be like rock stars? Without JWdom, they'd be like pudgy old Walmart greeters; nobody'd pay them a lick of attention.
As always Zoo's 👍
But, I'm not impressed because I suspect that at least some of these new recruits are attracted to the JW religion because they hope to better themselves materially because it is a "western" religion. It's a step-up in the world for them.
Yup Longhairgal, the section on 3rd world converts made my heart hurt . The thoughts of these poor hungry folk giving the rich western borg anything or turning down any educational chances they get makes me so mad. I agree that it's a combination of a rosy paradise future, nice new bibles & video's and a connection with America (with potentially a marriage mate to find from the western delegates at conventions)that gives the borg it's appeal. I find 150 baptisms a fantastical no. though!
so whats with the dresses
by Sabin inso here is the thing, i love trousers/pants always have even as a kid i was such a tom boy, always up trees, covered in mud, skate boarding you know the adhd type (basically off my tree out of control) as i got older i still liked my trousers, it's what i'm comfortable in that & p.j's.
i love my p.j's.
so i hated that every time i went to the hall i had to wear a stupid skirt.
I agree - they just don't get the message - those spikey 6 inch heels, the skirt may go to the knee but its tight as hell fishtail - personally U hate those clothes no taste whatsoever loads of gold etc bright pinks yuk! Where's the spirit if modesty & humility? Lack of vanity? Screams look at me I'm fertile if you ask me.
I know it's the only pleasure witness girls get but it's embarrasing.
In polynesia the men wear skirts as its traditional costume and so in china women wear trousers traditionally. Isn't it about what is considered acceptable in whatever culture you live ? So why can't we wear trousers which are normal wear for western women. Pathetic.
Are you in the UK & being shunned?
by Diogenesister incall on exjwreddit for experiences of those in the uk being shunned to send in to the uk charity commission.
(just realized the title of this post sounds like you're being shunned because you're in the uk!!
Ok I am not 100% informed about the AAWA debacle but from what I DO know Cedars was not responsible for it whatsoever.
It seems to me as if his real crime was that he did not show enough REPENTENCE for whatever it was he did not do. Sound familiar?????
If you are suggesting that he can't be trusted with a few lifestories and phone numbers it is beyond pathetic.
merry Pantsmas Toni xxxx -
Thrown out to the wolves!
by Pandx in(2. after offering prayer without the disfellow-shipped person present, invite him into the room.
) i needed answers to as why the elders would not pray when they talked to me in the room.
3 letters have been sent to get reinstated and all denied and forgotten!
Hi there, so sorry for what you are going through, get some support for you and your lovely wife from a therapist trained to deal with issues of undue influence & high control relationships ( religon) Please take care, treat yourselves, have fun enjoy each other & check out jwfacts.com and this great blog , its inspirational remember you guys atre worth so much more than this JW world of guilt and fear https://medium.com/@danielgenser/what-i-believe-to-be-true-and-how-i-have-come-to-believe-it-13df821c3ed
Anyone struggling with TTATT?
by stuckinarut2 infor all those struggling to reconcile the knowledge about the "truth" and how to live life, this video is fantastic!.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaiprrzvnjg .
/\/\/\ this! Thank you loved it! -
Did Jesus attend a "worldly celebration"?
by Westenddave inhello community,.
my question in a nutshell is whether there is justification in celebrating worldly holidays, such as the 4th of july in the usa?.
let's look at a parallel.
Ws (and other Protestants) do minimise the significance of the history leading up to the Hanukkah celebration, which is actually the entire theme of the book of Daniel. This is largely so that the book of Daniel can instead by misapplied to Jesus and subsequent end-times beliefs.
Jeffro is this why the Jews don't consider Daniel a prophet and actually its said these are "writings" or stories ( historians say pure fantasy and not historical) because the Maccabees were not god approved as such? Just wondered. It certainly seems that the Millerites and end time lot like the JWs are the only ones who set any great store in Daniel, is this not so? Do let me know if anyone knows anything please?
What's More Important...Taking care of immigrants or the needy in your country?
by minimus ini say take care of the needy ones first like our veterans and homeless and mentally ill, and then....take care of those not from this country.
I say take care of the needy ones first like our veterans and homeless and mentally ill, and then....take care of those not from this country.
Excellent. What have you done lately )time donation, acting as an advocate, worked at a homeless shelter, donated money, etc.) to take care of our needy ones?
Viv you are bang on..... You don't hear "help for hero's" complaining about not giving to oxfam, or Arpad Bassoon saying similar things about who takes priority or Ian Percy saying " only give to sailing charities" etc etc I could go on , the folk that do the most for others NEVER make statements like that.... Says it all really -
Blood Refusal Tragedy Sparks National Outrage
by cookiemaster inso, here's some news from my country.
there was this 20 year old jw girl who was a rookie driver.
she was in the car with her parents and for some reason decided to cross a railroad right before a train was coming.
Fukitol 👏well said