Love that book - "you're inner fish "by Neil Shubin!!!
Some folks still sport vestigial gill " holes" behind their ears - what more do you want!!
one of the biggest gulfs that life has had to cross was the transition from sea to dry land.. fish have conical shaped heads, reptiles have flat heads.
fish have no necks; their heads are attached to their shoulders by a series of bony plates.
land-dwelling animals all have necks; their heads can move independently of their shoulders.
Love that book - "you're inner fish "by Neil Shubin!!!
Some folks still sport vestigial gill " holes" behind their ears - what more do you want!!
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
LMSA Can't we just respect the copyright here and stop bending over backwards to defend some clown who slapped his logo on the back and pirated copies in an attempt to promote his website?
My point is he has admitted fault AND made restitution to the owners satisfaction, what do you want - blood? The people who started this shit storm had links to it on their YouTube channel - I have received links to it even on this site in the past. The complaints are hypocritical and WAY out of proportion to the deed done.
That ' clown' has helped way more people out than many folks ever will.
following is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
Not sure - but I guess they must be in laws? In which case your husband needs to not put it all on you to do this alone. You BOTH need to send it as a united front - they will soon get the message then!!!!!
I wish you all the best and know that feeling - just cos you are/ were dubs they think they have a right to interfere!
i came across an odd remark concerning the booking of a jw convention in an article from spokane.. visit spokane’s cheryl kilday: meeting expectations.
since cheryl kilday returned to the northwest 5 1/2 years ago, the spokane convention center has been expanded, a 750-room hotel has opened across from it, and a number of smaller investments have added dining and shopping options in the city’s core.
all of the changes have added options or improved the pitch for spokane for kilday, who as the president and ceo of visit spokane heads up the organization tasked with bringing more people and events to town.
Ha ha ha...I thought it would be one ( spooky stuff) or the other ( either dark = full calender busy) or very quiet
Kinda hoping for the wacky stuff!
Who is woodworth?!
if anyone had to guess, what do you think the average age of the community actually is?.
are more millennials actually waking up or is it pretty even amongst previous generations as well?
Giordano. So THATS why I love you so much 🙌🎸🌸🌈
Generation X here - raised by the greatest generation grandparents - double whammy, yeah!!!!!
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
Good points Tal & Kate - an addendum of sorts to this website? With points explored and refs to the book? That does mean extra space/ work for owner - or perhaps a sticky post on exjwreddit then?
The important thing is getting the info to places dubs will comfortably - ish look.
Its revolting that despite Cedars honest, straightforward attempts to resolve this with CH - which he has done TWICE to her satisfaction - meddling exJW Christians with an axe to grind have jumped in to shit stir , now for the third time when the whole thing was dead and buried according to cedars and CH.
What IS this doing to the reputation of serious minded exjw's, activists or not, in the eyes of wavering dubs?
this forum offers the stories of folks with as many variations as there are folks and a “great crowd” of lurkers whose stories may never be offered.
i am an outsider with a broken heart for some insiders that i love more than they know.
after reading nearly every “apostate” book ever written, lurking, being worn out searching the wt cd, i have come to an idea that i present for your appraisal..
this forum offers the stories of folks with as many variations as there are folks and a “great crowd” of lurkers whose stories may never be offered.
i am an outsider with a broken heart for some insiders that i love more than they know.
after reading nearly every “apostate” book ever written, lurking, being worn out searching the wt cd, i have come to an idea that i present for your appraisal..
In a word, no.
there is only one tenet that a JW must believe - that the governing body IS the faithful and discreet slave, the representatives of God on earth.
As you so correctly pointed out, if they don't know who THEY ARE can one be sure they know who you are? As for older ones there may be some room for them to not keep up with the chariot and believe that all the anointed 144,000 are the FDS but that's all the leeway a JW might get. To believe that ALL Christians are Christs brothers,saved , anointed with Holy Spirit or however you wish to put it - well, that would simply get you disfellowshipped if you spoke out which a Christian must do as Christ commanded to preach the good news.
sorry if this is going to be hard on you, were you perhaps thinking of joining for those you love???
as a young witness married couple in the 1990's we knew "this generation" of 1914 did not have long to go!
oh how cute a young pioneer couple we were.
we wont have kids till "afew more years pass" and we are in the new system.
I just got in under the wire I am now 55 with 3 teenagers. I would seriously consider adoption
as a young witness married couple in the 1990's we knew "this generation" of 1914 did not have long to go!
oh how cute a young pioneer couple we were.
we wont have kids till "afew more years pass" and we are in the new system.
Hi there and remember CALM DOWN SIR!! YOU MUSTN'T GET WORKED UP OR YOU WONT GET PREGNANT!!!That said, I wish you all the luck in the world..give it your ALL because u will never. Ever find anything that gives u more joy than kids of your own.
This is what I HATE so so so much about the org. I remember reading it was Ray Franze's only real regret...having no kids. I am so glad u are in a position to have kids but DO try to keep the misses stress free..enjoy yourselves , have the odd drink too( I think getting too worked up and health freaky has the opposite effect).
Thank goodness you and darkknight757 realized in time before it really WAS too late. Had my twins at 40...don't worry!!!