- I’m referring to Evans’ previous history with Shelly (BCG), his tendency to attack her and her motives, along with other patterns of misbehavior. If you don’t believe me there’s a Reddit thread where he leveled false allegations that she wanted to torpedo Covert Fade’s book in order to write her own and that she was under the influence of “cedars-bashers”. But you still want to take his word for it, defend him at all cost and brush away all criticism. Who sounds like the JW now?
I can actually verify this and give some context. Funnily enough I mentioned this to my husband today...how weird.
Anyway I got into it with Lloyd because Covert Fade had a private conversation with Shelly over “a book”. Covert Fade then took to Twitter and reddit to besmirch her. Lloyd played no part in this but to his discredit he jumped onto reddit to insult Shelly , finally accusing her of ‘calling people out in public” at which point I made the point that it was Covert fade who was “callIng BCG out” all over social media. Since Alexandra James defended BCG he also took the opportunity to call her “regressive and hysterical”, both typical epithets men use to criticize women when they have no solid reason to, and I’m sorry this was beneath Lloyd.
It really was a case of the big boys gang muscling in on someone on reddit where they have a big, controlling presence and BCG doesn’t.
I am actually a patron of Lloyd’s and support his work, but I’m sorry I will call him out when he’s wrong and on this occasion he put his buddy before his principals.
JeffroLloyd definitely has beef with Shelly/BCGand it’s definitely aimed at her. He wouldn’t speak up toward a random dude over this.