I remember studying the Greatest Man book when I was very little, but was it just for kids? I can’t remember.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Study Book
by Ding inwhat is the watchtower's current study book?.
is it what does the bible really teach?.
is it what can the bible teach us?.
Study Book
by Ding inwhat is the watchtower's current study book?.
is it what does the bible really teach?.
is it what can the bible teach us?.
The Greatest Man book?
The Revelation book?
How do JWs view the Ransom?
by Vanderhoven7 inlooking for a simple explanation of the ransom from a jws perspective..
Simply put Jehovahs witnesses haven’t the slightest notion of a Jesus who took on our sins as he was dying on the cross. That he bore the punishment for every one of our sins.
They often don’t even know that mainstream Christians believe this. I certainly didn’t.
They simply believe it was a like for like exchange....the man Jesus’ perfect life for the man Adam’s perfect life, as if on a weighing scale.
Is the JW blood card a legal document without it being notorized
by goingthruthemotions injust as the subject says.
is it legal without a notory?.
so glad me and my boys are out, we don't have to worrry about that false teaching.
This would only be relevant if the patient was unconscious or otherwise unable to convey their wishes. At the end of the day, it’s really down to whether the casualty doctor is willing to risk your life In an emergency when he is not able to validate your beliefs verbally with you. No court in the world is going to fault him for that.
In the uk, having worked in NHS hospitals for many years, I don’t think many doctors would be willing to let someone die over a grubby JW.org “calling card” with no blood written on it. After all, you may have picked it up off of the pavement just minutes before the no.3 bus slammed in to you!
Does Anybody Here Sympathize With The Looters That Cause Destruction?
by minimus ini realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
I too got involved as a teen in various protests. Being a good lefty white kid we would have been horrified at the idea of looting. Of course when things got out of hand (and they often do) the council house (“project“ to Americans) kids started looting TVs & ghetto blasters. Tut tut.
But destruction of property? Now that was right up our street. But it had to be a certain type of property.....fur coats. I’ll not incriminate myself online but I recall something about eggs and fur coats. I’m still rather proud of myself about that.
Magnum Bloody hell im glad I didn’t die slowly via one of your low speed lethal bullets!!
The last part of the last days 1967
by Fadeaway1962 ints lett just repeated from this watchtower.
Two thoughts come to mind
1) As you look at the way “last days!” Is plastered over the page, in bold, over and again, it appears so obvious that it’s meant to catch the eye of the naive and credulous post war reader. I mean it really looks like a trashy piece of advertising, something that’s trying to sell a product....”NEW improved religion. FREE eternal life. HURRY! STOCKS WONT LAST....DAYS!!!!”
People are too worldly wise to fall for that ish now.
2) As an avid reader, I notice that even books by famous authors published by world renown publishing houses always, and I mean always, have a typo somewhere in the piece....I guess they have maybe one or two editors who go over it and naturally mistakes are missed.
But watchtower? I don’t think I’ve ever spotted a typo or grammatical mistake in an Awake or Watchtower, and that’s saying something because I’ve read A LOT of them! They must have a veritable army of JW robots going over each article to ensure nothing is missed. Creepy, really.
Governing Body members will no longer be with us on earth during ''the great tribulation''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | october 2019. .
study article 41. stay faithful through the “great tribulation”.
14 during the great tribulation, a change will take place regarding the brothers who take the lead on earth.
they stopped counting the ‘mentally troubled’. You are not keeping up.
😂😂😂 @justaguynamedmorph what a burn.....as my kids would say!
Watchtower Society organization functions as the only spokesman on earth for Jehovah...Wait! There may be others
by RULES & REGULATIONS inpraise jehovah with his people.
w73 7/1 pp.
4 consider, too, the fact that jehovah’s organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by god’s holy spirit or active force.
I think they put that piece about being fallible to cover themselves because of all the child abuse issues and because so many know about 1975 and the UN scandal.
I think Jackson was sneakily referring to Jehovah using others for the “out working of his purpose”. That could include missionaries, elders giving talks, pioneers doing a Bible study, even worldly politicians if it moves “Armageddon” via the Great Tribulation nearer. At least that’s how he would justify that little speech to himself, as would PIMI witnesses, too.
Resolution passing with zoom
by jonahstourguide inhi folks.. i put this in practices as i thought that appropriate.
perhaps it should be in scandalous behavior.
not a big deal but an example of the cult-ish intimidation and behavior.. at the end of this mornings short wt review prior to the convention brainwash by jackson, ( melbourne australia) the elder stated "brothers we have a resolution to present to the congregation".
They’re such fools those elders. Don’t they realise by strong-arming people, they simply won’t pay....and the elders themselves will end up having to make up the short fall??
So...what do you think about The United States of America?
by minimus ini know the usa is not perfect.
there have always been social issues and differences.
politics has been for many people divisive.
I find the vast disparity in health outcomes, frankly, terrifying. I think there will be riots in the USA in the not too distant future. I think it’s going to be hard to be young and white in the USA with what I think is on the horizon. The fact they will be attempting to make amends for slavery and Jim Crow, when it’s not their fault, because it’s definitely not seen that way. The fact there are no go areas for certain races and profiles, and that large groups of people think there’s a good chance they will be murdered every time a cop stops them chills my blood.
on the other hand.....
I believe the states has the best educational establishments in the world.
My favorite authors hail from the states. My all time favorite author is Earnest Hemmingway, so....
My favorite musicians. Most of my favourite music: American. Even as a Brit I can say, when it comes to the 20th century, America is a giant, a monolith, in fact, when it comes to almost every genre of music! It was Birthed in the USA.
Much of my favorite dance comes from the states (and I adore dance}.
The standard of living for the average working person is vastly higher than probably anywhere else in the world and the opportunities are immeasurable for the young, energetic and talented!!!
The States has some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world. And the sheer space....heaven!
The average Americans are some of the friendliest, warmest people I’ve had the good fortune to come across.
Just one thing....er....religion. Cults. Hmmm. Less said the better on that.