I do like the title of the thread, though, Slidin’fast!!!❤️
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Harry, Meghan the Royal Apostates
by Slidin Fast ini just watched the oprah interview.
i know that many view them with little interest as just entitled wastes of space and i get that.. however, the description of how they were "trapped" and silenced and forced into perpetuating the system with little or no personal freedom rang bells for me.
they are effectively shunned, estranged and disparaged by their family and cut off from support.
Harry, Meghan the Royal Apostates
by Slidin Fast ini just watched the oprah interview.
i know that many view them with little interest as just entitled wastes of space and i get that.. however, the description of how they were "trapped" and silenced and forced into perpetuating the system with little or no personal freedom rang bells for me.
they are effectively shunned, estranged and disparaged by their family and cut off from support.
I will say one thing. Harry keeps banging on about safety...just wanting money for safety.
I actually think Harry has a screw loose because surely by now he knows how royal protection works!!
Abroad, royal protection officers don't have the right to carry guns automatically as no foreigner does. Even if they did, they wouldn't be privy to a states security intelligence which means their charges are not safe, since they could be blindsided by that lack of intelligence at any time.
So what happens is if the queen etc travels abroad there is a reciprocal and the country she visits organizes safety. It would cost our government millions to protect the Sussex's yearly, until they day they ALL die. Why would we do it if they don't work for us.
Handwritten letter's from JW children "sick"
by Fadeaway1962 inhttps://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/people/edinburgh-residents-targeted-with-handwritten-letters-from-child-members-of-jehovahs-witnesses-brand-the-move-sick-3153697?amp .
how the residents feel about receiving a letter from a jw children..
In this Edinburgh times article watchtower says adult's sending letters, together with youngsters drawings, to old age care homes lifts the spirits of recipients and teaches kids to do good to others.
If it were just that then yes, I'm all for it. But it isn't!! It's about making converts and in particular getting elderly converts to change their wills.
Why don't these witness kids write to the very many lonely, elderly Witnesses in care homes??Because they can't count time, that's why!
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Wrong Regarding Staying Out of Politics?
by minimus inwe were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
It's horrific that one man's narcissism and resentments toward his own government at a particular period in time should affect the choices and responsibilities of so many people at different times and in different eras (I'm thinking Malawi is a particularly egregious example).
Unfortunately the outcome of their neutrality during WW2 compounded this veiw - though we now know it was pure chance they ended up on the right side of history (see Rutherford's "Statement of Facts").
Should I continue to help an "unbelieving" husband?
by RiverPeace ini know there are a lot of 'wise heads' out there on this forum - so i would appreciate your suggestions.. several years ago, i studied with a guy, whose wife is a jw.
(he had studied with several elders before i came along).
the study went reasonably well.
I mean the thing is, if you can demonstrate the Bible is cobblers he won't become a witness anyway.
You could try showing him contradictions and go through Numbers and Judges, or some of the other murderous and ridiculous passenges?
Use socratic questioning, too.
As long as they stay our of the US politics and keep their dumb mouths shut, I'm fine with that. I don't want to hear their (or any other celebrity) opinions on how I should live, etc.
Er....Wing commander she's a yank...she's got every right to speak about US politics. 😂🙄
I don’t think she ever intended to be a full time “working royal”.
Shes nearly 40 for goodness sakes and has lived her whole life a free and independent woman who had a great time and did exactly as she wished. How on earth could she suddenly conform to that level of absurd formality, chock full of reams and reams of protocol every minute of every day.
Talk about a micro managed life.
That’s why they like to get them young so they can train them up! That - or marry people who’ve grown up around the court of St. James (why’s it called that btw?) - such as Diana and Fergie. Both of whom literally lived on Royal estates as kids. They knew the form.
But the most intolerable thing for Megan is she’s absolutely not allowed to have an opinion, or at least not make them public.
Harrys fairly easy on the eye, seems a nice guy and has a Bob or two. She’s got the title...why on earth would she want to put herself through that for a country she has absolutely zero connection to. However she should have made that plain from the start - and not make a fool of the Queen and insinuate she’s racist, which couldn’t be further from the truth. All new royal wives go through hell. In fact all royal women. Princess Ann suffered endless abuse in the 70s. Fergie in the 80s, too. Doesn’t make it ok, mind you.
I don’t blame her for leaving, but one thing does really annoy me, though, is they both bang on hypocritically about mental health. Yet, she’s deserted and shunned her obviously mentally ill father who both raised her (as a single parent from age 11) and put her through private school and uni.
Why I care about people who see racism everywhere
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i was watching a tv show and a black celebrity in quebec said that his latest incident of racial profiling was being asked questions by the police as he was walking in a quiet neighborhood at 2am while wearing a hoody.
then the other guest next to him validated his claim saying that she, as a white women, was never stopped like this by the police.
i became very frustrated and agitated.
.....Because fairness is important to you. I am the first person to speak out on unfairness, too, due to my past, when I see it. Especially racism. I saw it all the time as a child but from where I was it was very dark skinned girls who were bullied by their lighter skinned black friends. In fact I often found it interesting that these very dark skinned girls would often marry white men, precisely because they didnt disparage them for their colour and simply saw a beautiful women.
JW Net and Politics
by snare&racket inthis site was and remains instrumental in assisting people that want to leave the jw's.. there has been political discussion here for some time now, a good couple of years and it makes me feel a little uneasy.
i just opened up the site for the first time in some weeks, of the 10 posts being discussed, 4 were by the same poster, about politics, promoting their right wing beliefs.. this has been the trend for some time now, the same name behind a peppering of posts stirring the right v left of politics.. i remain forever grateful to the site and it's founders simon & angharad, i appreciate that simon shares some of these these political beliefs.
it would be a shame to see the site evolve from a place for jw freedom of thought and escape, to political squabbling, that the world is frankly tired of right now.. just to clarify, politics is my hobby, whilst my friends read the football scores, i'm reading polling data.
In the context of JW's and politics I have much to say as I was suppressed from being political or voting by the JW's. I was a pioneer that loved getting home early on Thursday nights to watch UK politics shows on tv. I was addicted to radio political talk shows and pundits. My parents actually chastised me for my interests, being a JW.
Just to say Snare & Racket my best friend and I grew up in 80s Britain. My friend, an intelligent girl and a real blue stocking who was literally top of our school in all the STEM subjects, once asked me in all seriousness "who Margret Thatcher" was (as her JW parents looked on approvingly)!!!!
Genesis 1:16 and apologists- vegetation before the Sun?
by joey jojo ingen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
What is more important right now, in my opinion, is why does the Universe appear to be conscious
I agree. How any kind of consciousness arrives is simply incredible.
It’s been described as watching a show on an old TV, you see the picture, but when you look inside the TV, there’s only parts...
The picture/energy/frequency is being broadcast..
Wow. Fantastic analogy.