Biahi Pete, that’s what they told me, too! I didn’t know why we sang that 🎶 Fear not those who kill the body, but cannot destroy the soul. If they teach that we don’t have a soul, maybe we should fear those who would kill our body. I asked my mom, and she told me not to think too much, or I would think myself right out of the truth. So sad.
I used to think about that song, too. Also as I grew older and watched Star Trek I’d think about the food replicator and Scottie’s aversion to the transporter machine. To JWs if we have no soul & we and are essentially our brains, JWs have a materialists view of life! That means when we die it is merely a replication of us - or a clone - that is resurrected.
Snare & Racket Co. My favourite, Hitchens said, had god asked him to take his child to a mountain, bind him then slaughter him like an animal.... he would say "F**£ you!" and suffer the consequences!
same could be said of shunning a DF child or allowing your kid to die for want of a blood transfusion. Love your child and bugger the consequences for yourself! Its supposed to be about self-sacrifice but Witnesses effectively put themselves first, in these situations, by not risking their own eternal life.