LUHE that’s going on my boys wall...pronto!!
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
The power of comedy
by LoveUniHateExams inwe live in strange times, in the middle of a culture war where saying certain opinions have consequences.
<--- so much for free speech.. thank goodness for satire..
Another bad faith video
by DATA-DOG injust sharing this for all the people who hated me saying it.
funny how truth finally comes out if those of us who care enough to become lightning rods don’t let up.
it’s taken a year, but the left wing ( not the same as a traditional liberal ) nut-job bs is becoming quite evident, and this will continue across multiple subjects as time passes.
PP There were tons of idiots that kept berating all my workers because we kept on working all last year and none of my workers got the vaccine. We are all plumbers working out in the sun and wind and we were in the middle of hospitals, senior hospitals, unclogging showers and toilets.
Well anyone who doesn’t think that plumbers are essential workers is an idiot.
Maybe next time they (probably don’t)🙄 wash their hands after using the loo they’d like to think about what it would be like if nurses, doctors, nursing home chefs etc weren’t able to to do the fast disease would spread if we couldn’t access water for the scores of reasons we do. Doesn’t bare thinking about.
We may disagree about the threat COVID poses but I for one thank you very much for the essential service you provided at risk to yourself (and as a 53 year old, non-obese woman (with arthritis) I can tell you I’ve never been so ill in my life as I was with COVID*. Having said that I do appreciate for those in their 40s, 30s, 20s etc the risk is negligible & my 15 yr old kids basically didn’t even notice they had it).
*and before anyone thinks I’m just a wimp I’ve given birth naturally, without any pain relief to a breech baby and twins (not at the same time, mind🤣). In fact I’ve got a bit of a reputation as a hard bas***d 🤣My friends used to say I’ll be one of these old ladies who’ll be walking around on a broken hip for weeks when I’m old!
JW's coming on to this site to preach.
by Overrated inwebmaster for removing jw's that come on here to preach their crap.
i don't want to hear their fake stuff.
i come here to recover from their damage and to help others.
I enjoy engaging with JWs if they are genuinely willing to engage. Unfortunately many of them are “hit and run”posters, as Ding said.
However, you never know who is watching and as Blues Bro and JW facts mentioned, responding to them is a great way of showing how easy it is to dismantle their positions with logic & reason. Many people have woken up over the years having read threads on here - even if they are only lurking.
Daily text 15.4.21 Unbelievable hypocrisy. Don't be the master of another's faith
by Diogenesister inyoutuber "king of fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from watchtower in thursday's life and ministry 'daily text'.. (based on 2 corinthians 1:24 " not that we lord it over your faith").
"jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith.
Hybridous Are they really this daft?
Or are they mocking JWs to their very faces, as part of the scam?
Things like this text really do make me wonder....
Or, perhaps we have a PIMO writer on the Daily Text team. Given the number of leaks, it truly wouldn't surprise me!
Daily text 15.4.21 Unbelievable hypocrisy. Don't be the master of another's faith
by Diogenesister inyoutuber "king of fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from watchtower in thursday's life and ministry 'daily text'.. (based on 2 corinthians 1:24 " not that we lord it over your faith").
"jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith.
Youtuber "King of Fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from Watchtower in Thursday's Life and Ministry 'Daily Text'.
(Based on 2 Corinthians 1:24 " Not that we Lord it over your faith")
"Jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others. Someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith. Satan the Devil will not stop trying to persecute Jehovah’s faithful servants."
Just laughable 🤣😂
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
police officer friend tells me that driving overly-cautiously is a good sign the driver is intoxicated. Most officers, he says, would stop the driver to check. It's also a sign that a wellness check is needed. This sounds reasonable to me.
Yes I knew a cop retired guy that trained met officers in advanced driving skills etc long time officer said absolutely over cautious driving is a dead giveaway...but he means really over cautious, like doing 55 on a motorway etc.
It Depends where you’re driving, though, on a motorway or dual carriageway any competent driver should be doing exactly on the speed limit to drive safely but in a residential area driving cautiously at 20 or 30 mph depending is the decent thing to do. It’s actually illegal in London now in many places to drive over 20.
What police have to deal with
by LoveUniHateExams inso, the actions of cops have come under scrutiny in recent days, what with the trial of derek chauvin and the death of daunte wright.
i certainly hope justice is served in both those cases.. what is easy for people to forget, is just what police officers have to deal with on a regular basis, during their interactions with citizens.. here's a video breaking down one such interaction.. a car owner was driving his car but the tags weren't legally displayed.
cops wanted him to pull over but the driver continued driving for a mile and a half with a police car following with sirens and lights.
It’s actually a thing. It’s called “Death by cop”. It’s suicide*.
Frustrated, confused and depressed people, not to mention mentally ill. Is it time we brought in another type of official to deal with these cases? Like a cop immediately rings in the “mental health crew” ( provided they don’t drive off I suppose) and gets on with other business once they arrive? I mean in the UK the idea that a person on a traffic violation should be countered by an officer using firearms would be beyond absurd, but then I expect that drags us into that other long standing ding dong on here...gun laws.
*having said that there are many who would say it’s pretty selfish to drag others into (taking blame for) your suicide, assuming suicidal people could be said to be rational enough to be deemed “selfish”.
Does the practice of refusing service to churches violate federal discrimination laws?
by dropoffyourkeylee inconcerning recent threads about providing building repairs or other services for a church, i am wondering about how the wt stand would hold up under legal scrutiny.. example; a jw is self employed in the hvac business.
a church calls him to provide routine service for their heating and cooling system.
suppose it is in area which is predominately of a certain race or ethnicity.
Well if they were smart, of course, they'd simply say they were already booked up.
If they admitted they wouldn't carry out the repair because it's in a mosque I'm sure you could be sued for religious discrimination and actually I happen to agree with that. You're fixing radiators, not getting married there...why in the hell should you have the right to refuse based on the faith of the people who use said radiator/building??!
How long did it take before you realized that you missed the obvious?
by pistolpete inremember when the public speaker in the kingdom hall or convention related the ten plagues and the parting of the red sea?.
the finale when jehovah closes the red sea and swallows pharaoh's entire army of egyptian men.. when i was a little kid about 5 years old and listened to this story, i would think---wow jehovah is strong.
when i started school and started learning compassion as early as the first grade i started wondering?????.
Biahi Pete, that’s what they told me, too! I didn’t know why we sang that 🎶 Fear not those who kill the body, but cannot destroy the soul. If they teach that we don’t have a soul, maybe we should fear those who would kill our body. I asked my mom, and she told me not to think too much, or I would think myself right out of the truth. So sad.
I used to think about that song, too. Also as I grew older and watched Star Trek I’d think about the food replicator and Scottie’s aversion to the transporter machine. To JWs if we have no soul & we and are essentially our brains, JWs have a materialists view of life! That means when we die it is merely a replication of us - or a clone - that is resurrected.
Snare & Racket Co. My favourite, Hitchens said, had god asked him to take his child to a mountain, bind him then slaughter him like an animal.... he would say "F**£ you!" and suffer the consequences!
same could be said of shunning a DF child or allowing your kid to die for want of a blood transfusion. Love your child and bugger the consequences for yourself! Its supposed to be about self-sacrifice but Witnesses effectively put themselves first, in these situations, by not risking their own eternal life.
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon inanyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
MMM But look, I agree at the point he was put on the ground, he was probably feeling panic. But that’s the problem with a criminal throwing every fake excuse out to avoid arrest - if there is real distress, it is that much less believable. Even before he was on the ground, he was saying he can’t breathe. It was all boy-who-cried-wolf to some extent.
It’s interesting at the moment if you look on Reddit or youtube there’s an absolute flood of arrest videos with police officers put in the most dangerous and impossible situations. Because much of it is body cam footage, I’m pretty sure it’s officers themselves posting it (or maybe supportive admin or I.T. staff) I think as you say it’s an attempt to show the public the sort of situations they face on a daily basis. Situations which lead human beings to start having to seriously start protecting themselves first and foremost if they want to survive their careers.
Even though I mention the 2% of sociopaths in probably all walks of life, including the police, I’m well aware that the majority of coppers do the best they can as you say in often impossible situations.