Vienne you are a judgemental ass. It's not particularly wrong for someone who left at 15.
Plenty of kids sit in that hall and words just go in one ear and out the other. They often barely remember a thing about doctrine.
after my 4 and 6 year old sisters and i (5) were molested and covered up by elders, at 15 i'm disassociated for smoking.
then years later after attending a passover with family members, i'm not suddenly disassociated anymore and attempted befriending begins.
Vienne you are a judgemental ass. It's not particularly wrong for someone who left at 15.
Plenty of kids sit in that hall and words just go in one ear and out the other. They often barely remember a thing about doctrine.
here are some questions to ask witnesses.
how would you alter or improve or add to them?.
transparency questions.
What if these same Non-JWs die a few years before Armageddon...might they get a resurrection?
Do you think its fair that God would eternally destroy people simply based on the timing of their death?
@Nitty Gritty Of course not...
What if this scenario was happening during Armageddon? A building had collapsed on someone you were giving comfort to, say?As you correctly pointed out @Nitty Gritty, this is one of the major flaws in Watchtower theology. Had this scenario played out the day before Armageddon Witnesses would be able to answer that yes they may be resurrected as you have above.
Do you believe Jehovah will destroy billions of people at Armageddon?
Possibly, since the Bible speaks of only a minority being on the road to life.
Again, good answer @Nitty Gritty. This is a scripture many other Christians love to quote from the Bible so It’s rather hypocritical for other Christians to condemn JWs for claiming many will die at Armageddon.
this and several other articles are here:
I think we're over rating the ethics of journalists.
Yes I worded that poorly.
What I mean to say is, even my rudimentary undergraduate studies permit me to visualise what a legal & philosophical challenge to the Ghent judgement would look like. Something you've previously pointed out absolutely could be made. Instead this tends to repeat the standard JW formula.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
You boys sure they weren't simply gay?
Copy that Vidiot
You know, I'm going to say things must have gotten a lot worse over the last 10 or so years. I definitely saw some of the stuff others have mentioned, but I also knew some really nice JW guy's who ended up marrying in their twenties and thirties to girls of similar age. I know typically kids marry late teens early twenties, but there are some nice ones who marry later.
My best JW friend is a real career girl who has a MSc. She married a really nice guy (who rides a bike, too ;) ) and they were both in their 30s when they married. She is very pretty & slim, tho', too!
Pete......🤣😂 PIMP👏👏
this and several other articles are here:
I only had to get as far as the insinuation that JWs are baptised as fully informed adults, because they don't practice ",infant baptism", to know he's a Jehovah's witness.
No journalist would be so sly as to bring up that half truth as an excuse for shunning. Since a rudimentary investigation into the cult would demonstrate young children routinely get baptised and in fact the GB encourage it.
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
I'm just speechless
I offer you my sincerest condolences and please see Atlantis' post above*.
*Petra and Atlantis in my view are "a brother born for time of distress" indeed!
video from new publication.
now only 7 members of fds.
another incredible catch from a you tuber, this time jane doh, who caught watchtower fooling us again, this time over the reasons beth sarim was really built.. of course we knew rutherford lived in beth sarim during the winter (ostensibly because of his poorly chest🙄).
however even we didn't guess he blatantly got the poor jws, or bible students as they were, to cough up from the proceeds of their book sales enough to buy him a "cali-fornication" mansion (for he & the girlfriend😜) with absolutely no pretence (at the time) it was for the "ancient worthies".that came later.... how did she know?
because at the time it was built, in the 1920s, watchtower had no belief that anyone was to live on a "paradise earth" - they had not even formulated the concept of a paradise earth yet for the ancient worthies to live on and believed all jws were to live in heaven.
Another incredible catch from a You Tuber, this time Jane Doh, who caught Watchtower fooling us again, this time over the reasons Beth Sarim was really built.
Of course we knew Rutherford lived in Beth Sarim during the winter (ostensibly because of his poorly chest🙄). However even we didn't guess he blatantly got the poor JWs, or Bible students as they were, to cough up from the proceeds of their book sales enough to buy him a "Cali-fornication" mansion (for he & the girlfriend😜) With absolutely no pretence (at the time) it was for the "Ancient worthies".That came later...
How did she know? Because at the time it was built, in the 1920s, watchtower had no belief that anyone was to live on a "Paradise Earth" - they had not even formulated the concept of a Paradise Earth yet for the Ancient Worthies to live on and believed all JWs were to live in Heaven. In fact It wasn't until 1931 that they came up with a Paradise Earth at all! Jane Doe caught this little nugget and she further explains that it was in the 1939 book Salvation that they first used the excuse of the "Ancient Worthies" resurrection to paradise earth as the actual reason they built Beth Sarim. Completely contradicting earlier statements and forgetting they didn't have a paradise earth belief when they built it.
This from Watchtower (paraphrased) : In 1939 the book "Salvation" stated "Concerning Beth Sarim or "house of princes" the purpose of building it was that there might be tangible proof to the world that there were people on earth at this time with faith that the Lord will raise the faithful men of old to rule as princes over the earth."
when you look back the last 20 years , what a transformation!
back then witnesses were putting out poetry and most were singing the praises of the organization.
slowly and gradually, negative thoughts were allowed to be expressed about doctrines, elders and congregation life.
Simon 🤣🤣🤣👌
You know, I definitely had questions when I first came here. I was starting to doubt. But I still had faith Watchtower was essentially good and the only real hope for mankind. Then I heard about the ARC on here......
What kept me coming back??? The humour! You lot were so damn funny!
I’d never met such funny JWs before and I knew there was something different about the people on here....I felt enormous kinship such as I’d never really felt before.
edit Terry did you draw that? If so I really like it. I’m really into woodcut prints and it kind of reminds me of those.
youtuber "king of fader's" caught this unbelievable piece of cant from watchtower in thursday's life and ministry 'daily text'.. (based on 2 corinthians 1:24 " not that we lord it over your faith").
"jehovah has not given us authority to make personal decisions for others.
someone who makes needless rules is not protecting his brothers safety - he is trying to become the master of his brothers faith.
Yes, but that is just the sort of ammunition I used to use to defend myself when I was not doing everything "the society's way"
Its a valuable quote.
Good point BB. King of Faders came up with something else recently that I really wish I’d thought of. He said Watchtower claims the early JWs and Bible students saw things wrong with Christendom's churches and because they were righteous people they left them, because they saw these faults must mean it was “false worship”.
Yet when he points out the faults with Watchtower his JWs don’t deny it, but say they must “wait on Jehovah” to fix it.🤔🤔
So why didn’t the Bible students just “wait on Jehovah” to fix Christendom's faults?? What’s good for the goose etc etc 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👍🏻