Yes. By my own mother. All my life.
I was a straight A student. Top of my year. Used to tippex out my name when they put up the results of our yearly Exams & SATS etc (embarrassed)🙄. Loved school & never missed a day in my life, but because she wanted to force my dad to sell the family home (she left us with dad when I was 8 and my brother was 4) she told SS I didn't go to school So that they would put us in care (Dad had had a breakdown you see but she didn't want us herself, just the house). I always got myself & my brother off to school without fail our whole childhood (Dad's a drinker you see).The only thing I ever did wrong as a kid was break a window once when I was locked out.
Yet she made me think I was evil and it's taken me until middle age and I had kids of my own to realise what she did to me.
Sorry for the rant ....good to get it off my chest, actually.