Can anyone remember the reasoning The Watchtower gave for Jesus speaking these words? If you have a reference that would be even better!
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
by Diogenesister incan anyone remember the reasoning the watchtower gave for jesus speaking these words?
if you have a reference that would be even better!.
2021-JW's accused of selling off assets and moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation.
by Atlantis in2021-jehovah’s witnesses accused of selling off assetsand moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation.. .
some of the folks here might want this article.
those young folks over there are really working overtime to assist the authorities.
Thank you Atlantis & Petra.
The guys in Oz are doing a phenomenal job.
Lara, Steven & Bill we really do appreciate what you are doing....holding Watchtower to account for their total disregard of the children of Jehovah's witnesses, baptised or not.
We know they care nothing for their adult Jehovah's witness workers. But as a community we all have to take a stand, sending a message to watchtower loud & clear - you will NOT disregard the welfare of the kid's trapped in your clutches!!!
Kingdom Hall in Barrington, Illinois
by Expanded-Mind ini often drive past a kingdom hall in barrington, illinois, where, when i was still a witness, i had visited a few times.
it wasn't too far from the hall i attended and we got to know people from this congregation.. i recently passed it by and it appeared there was a new sign in place.
yesterday i decided to pull into the parking lot on my way home, and it appears that the hall has been sold and is now occupied by seventh day adventists (i did a check online when i got home).
Selling KHs and other WT buildings to religious organizations is totally fine.
We cannot take a swim in a YMCA pool. Nor buy a school raffle ticket to help fund PE equipment for our kids school. Nor offer to help run the soup kitchen for the homeless in the basement of a disused church (or go to a gig in the church basement!)
But we can sell dedicated Kingdom Halls, built to Jehovah's glory, to one of Satan's churches.
Money for sell of KHs
by asp59 inhas anybody seen a chart or documents abouth money they supposedly spending in africa building halls?
as there selling millions worth of halls around the world.
they claim it's for africa.
Dreary weather
It was in a video they said actually on a few occasions money was required for building halls in Africa. If I can find it I will post a link etc
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
LUHE What do we do with a guy like that? You tell me!
Well true enough he must be taken out of circulation. No question. He would have never gotten out. Cannot be treated.
Also the Moors murderers. Cannot be treated, will never get out. I believe they forfited their right to life LUHE . I guess it's the more nuanced cases is our problem.
Edit: just to say the girls the boy hurt in my story were ok. One was admitted to hospital, since discharged. Nevertheless it's a frightening incident.
Go Bag and Catastrophes
by StephaneLaliberte ini live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
Sea Breezea day ago
I wonder why they didn't promote go bags in 1975? Weren't those Witnesses just as important as those today? What changed?
Smiddy What happened to the "Ark of Salvation" Jehovah`s protection for the faithful in troubling times ?
What is this with "Go Bags" anyway ? Where are they going to go ? If the GT is going to happen all at once around the world ?
Exactly!! When I found this board I first heard about "Go bags". I appreciate we don't have severe weather events like you guys in the states and other areas do, but this "Go Bag" for witnesses business was all new to me!
When I was in Jehovah was going to protect us no matter! We didn't need to make our own preparations!
Another thing was choosing houses for after Armageddon! We were taught that no buildings from "Satan's system" would survive, so it never entered our minds to think anything so, frankly, materialistic
The First Time I Went Over 120mph (193kph) I Was In A ____________ ,
by Sea Breeze inhonda vfr 750.
Waton In a training aeroplane practicing how to recover from a spin.
My husband's father was a top dressing pilot. Only 6 ever got to retire as far as I know in new Zealand. Dangerous job for a pilot.
Used to teach, always in old planes with low stalling speeds.
The First Time I Went Over 120mph (193kph) I Was In A ____________ ,
by Sea Breeze inhonda vfr 750.
Wozz a newb Do bored German Witnesses take a spin on the Autobahn while in service?
🤣😂😂 Yes!! For me the one and only time it was on the autobahn in Bremen when my girlfriend's husband was dropping me off after field service at the train station on his motorbike. A huge-BMW -I-have-no-clue!
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
Here's a story. You tell me the answer ....
what happened to my neighbours son. A boy who played with my twins until a couple years ago when he outgrew them (he's two years older).
He was a nice, well mannered boy. Not the brightest, but anyway. I loved him. He had a few very odd traits. When I first met him he was 2 1/2 and he would literally run into the road in front of cars if he mum started to talk to someone. Terrifying. He would come to play and for no rhyme nor reason he would break or damage something! Almost every time he came around, which was often.
After some years he was diagnosed with ADHD.
He was bullied at school.
His mother was the biggest narcissist I have EVER met. EVER. Which I think explained the running into the road for attention. A mother who regularly beat him until I threated to report her. She did stop and claimed it was a cultural thing.
His father was a nice, gentle man who took him to football practice and was the family backbone.
One day the police came around looking for his mother and said there's been an accident. My heart stopped beating ....but it was his father. Killed whilst riding his bike, during lockdown.😥 The boy tried to throw himself out of his bedroom window.
Almost instantly the boy changed. Started smoking weed on his doorstep with the ne'r do well's. He was so, so out of it each day in the way the young can get so smashed, you know?
Then something terrible happened. He got in a fight and stabbed someone with a screwdriver he was carrying (two girls!) It will be a political judgement because there's a big anti-violence against women thing in London ATM, due a policeman murdering a woman he kidnapped.
What do we do with a 16 year old like that? You tell me!😥
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
I agree locking people up, especially young people, for non violent crime is beyond absurd. It only serves to institutionalise them, to teach them how to be crooked, to make them feel they have no future so give up and rely on crime etc etc
I'm sort of contradicting myself here, too, but the moment a person cannot be redeemed, cannot be "treated" as such, there is no reason to put them in jail. And there are many such people...the psychopaths we were talking about earlier, for example. It is a severe personality disorder. Do we punish people when they have a disorder? Hopefully not. Do we treat them then? No, because it's not possible. So the only answer is long term high security psychiatric placement, which is what we do (in the UK at least).