I think UnDubbed you'd just have to rely on getting a kindly Jehovah's witness to give you one.
Of course we know it wouldn't really be free because your kindly JW would have had to pay for it out of her own pocket.
i was researching the easiest bible to read (which the jw bible is not) and the best way to buy one online at low cost and it got me thinking.
the jw.org is doing videos and has a website.
have they joined the order-online phenomenon that is going on in the world today?
I think UnDubbed you'd just have to rely on getting a kindly Jehovah's witness to give you one.
Of course we know it wouldn't really be free because your kindly JW would have had to pay for it out of her own pocket.
another implausible field service story told by ralph walls at the 2021 convention.
get ready for this unrealistic, stupid, dull and boring, made up fiction that is presented at this assembly.. some years ago ( tells a story but doesn't know exact date ), a brother ( doesn't give his name ) in mexico ( doesn't name the town) from the rurals, dressed in a very simple garb ( to show he was not showy ) knocked at the door of a palatial mansion.
( a very rich ''worldly'' person must live here ).
That's what I was thinking FFghost my fellow logophile😂
"The rurals" sounds like a cross between rural and The Urals 😂
did anyone ever check the doctors who claimed something that backed up the wt society.. .
jw / ex-jw tales.
i remember the watchtower and awake magazines used to have tons of articles on every subject you could think off.. history, medical, science, masturbation, dating, homosexuality, etc.. this was before the internet.
Phizzy Fact checking via the Internet is such a wonderful resource.
And the great thing about Watchtower's indoctrination programme™ is that it only takes a JW to catch them out in a blatant lie once and it's game over.
They've taught us that "one drop of poison" makes the whole thing unfit for purpose - so a witness will apply that concept to the lie found written by their own religious leaders!
the light really is getting brighter, but what kind?
i can think of three types of figurative light in this context:.
1) that which jws refer to and they base on pr 4:18. light on a path... light that gets brighter.
Great points Magnum. If the Watchtower were God's channel the internet would be a wonderful tool they could use to reach even more people - especially those who live in inhospitable or isolated regions. Or begin new Bible studies with people in countries where it's dangerous for witnesses to operate in.
Instead the internet has created opportunities for witnesses themselves to do research into the organization, including its dubious history, and this has led to them leaving the religion in droves.
another implausible field service story told by ralph walls at the 2021 convention.
get ready for this unrealistic, stupid, dull and boring, made up fiction that is presented at this assembly.. some years ago ( tells a story but doesn't know exact date ), a brother ( doesn't give his name ) in mexico ( doesn't name the town) from the rurals, dressed in a very simple garb ( to show he was not showy ) knocked at the door of a palatial mansion.
( a very rich ''worldly'' person must live here ).
You can tell by the way it's formulated that it's a story.
Who says "silken robe" anymore, or the word "garb" for "simply dressed"? The man jumps from "I don't understand," to "I'm a famous engineer". It's just a very stilted, unrealistic pattern of speech.
It feels like he's taken a traditional folk tale and put a JW spin on it. All in all It's very disjointed with a very poor "punchline".
Zero out of ten Ralph Walls, that was awful.
'so who are the disinformation dozen?
1. joseph mercola .
2. robert f. kennedy, jr. .
By Pushing Mass Vaccination, Governments Have Created Evolutionary Pressures on SARS-CoV-2Now although I disagree with you on much of what you've been saying, there is no doubt that this is correct. But it really isn't the whole story.
Firstly, the virus would have mutated at some point anyway. For example someone with HiV gets the virus and finds it hard to clear it. Genomic sequencing has shown in the past that such patients have developed mutations similar to the Kent and South African variants on the spike protein.
The Doctor advocates immunising only medical workers and the vulnerable. But there are "grey areas" as to who is in the vulnerable category. Some people there is no contest - the very elderly, for example. For some there is no issue they don't require it, the healthy under 35's, say. But what about someone who is in their late forties, male, a little on the tubby side but otherwise healthy and married to a medical worker. Should this person be vaccinated? And so on up and down the line of that "grey area" section of the population. At what point are we willing to take the risk?
going to preach in countries where jehovah's witnesses are banned is a sign of faith!
powerful by faith 2021 convention of jehovah's witnesses - friday morning.
the latest video is about a sister preaching in a country where there are only 3 publishers.
PistolPete It shows how the WT takes advantage of Single Sisters and puts them in Dangerous places to recruit more members thus more money.
After all----it’s just a “Sister”
Now isn't that interesting?!! Single sisters get absolutely ZERO privileges normally, except being the mules of the org. But not, it seems, if it's a dangerous "privilege of service"!😠 How infuriating!
Single sisters are worthless to watchtower - after all she can't even produce children for the org to indoctrinate!
did you ever reach a point in field service , you knew you were lying to people ?
just before the pandemic , i had an encounter with a witness and i didn't let on who i was or my past.
i just very politely listened to his nonsense.
I really hope that dislike on me.wonderful's post was a case of "fat fingers".
Because if it wasn't, whoever you are, you are absolutely lying to yourself.
Another "poor bugger"🤣
I stopped going out officially in field service long before I really woke up me.Wonderful. But like a lot of POMI's when I informally witnessed I did so using my own "doctrine" - ie I refused to believe that every non JW would die, pretended to myself shunning wasn't a thing and never defended the blood doctrine that I no longer believed in.
for years everyone was told they had to get the flu shot.
because the flu was dangerous and it could even kill you.
now, hardly anyone talks about the flu or having a cold.
Yes I got my first bad cold, which turned into a chest infection, for almost 2 years. My kids got heavy colds, husband was fine. It's the first thing any of us have had since social distancing/lockdown's began.
Of course we all got Covid last year, which was like nothing I have ever had before. It was awful - felt so ill - but the lack of taste/revulsion toward food and even water was completely bizarre. We had +ve tests of course.
i was watching a video by smurf girl that said that her old halls where permanently closed.
so i did a google lookup of my old hall and it said permanently closed.
so is this that big that the cult is really shuttering all these halls for good?
Road to nowhere The people upset by letters are overreacting
yes I tend to agree. They would normally knock on your door....what's more intrusive? A letter you can throw in the bin, a personal visit is harder to say no to imho. I got one not long ago and I'm mulling over how to approach a reply. I want to help wake him up but it's got to be VERY subtle because their Aposta alarms are honed to perfection.
Dawn from the "Witness For Jesus" channel gave me some ideas for an approach. I thought about saying I went to the website as he suggested, but was shocked to see their video on compassion. That unlike the good Samaritan, JWs are taught NOT to show compassion to some people. Even a "cherished wife" should be killed immediately! if they "follow other gods" (ie don't believe).
That they used the Old testament even though Jesus was the end of the law. They only talk about showing compassion to other witnesses. They are like the lawyer in Luke 10 :29 "but he seeking TO JUSTIFY HIMSELF said "who is, then, my neighbour?"' They, too, try to justify their position and haven't learned the lesson from Jesus that everyone should be shown compassion even ones enemies!