By Pushing Mass Vaccination, Governments Have Created Evolutionary Pressures on SARS-CoV-2
Now although I disagree with you on much of what you've been saying, there is no doubt that this is correct. But it really isn't the whole story.
For instance even with the type of vaccination programme this doctor advocates, there are two factors to consider.
Firstly, the virus would have mutated at some point anyway. For example someone with HiV gets the virus and finds it hard to clear it. Genomic sequencing has shown in the past that such patients have developed mutations similar to the Kent and South African variants on the spike protein.
The Doctor advocates immunising only medical workers and the vulnerable. But there are "grey areas" as to who is in the vulnerable category. Some people there is no contest - the very elderly, for example. For some there is no issue they don't require it, the healthy under 35's, say. But what about someone who is in their late forties, male, a little on the tubby side but otherwise healthy and married to a medical worker. Should this person be vaccinated? And so on up and down the line of that "grey area" section of the population. At what point are we willing to take the risk?