JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
How would you respond?
by Iamallcool inif you tell a jw that he or she is in a cult and they asked you why do you say that?
how would you respond?.
Easy - Galatians 1: 8-9
I agree Sea Breeze that there are probably many scriptures one can use to demonstrate Watchtower doesn't have the truth as taught in the Bible. A good one is reference Galatians to demonstrate they do not teach what the apostles taught, as you say.
But I think there's an even simpler way.The Jews proved their faith by abiding by the law. But we were always taught a Christian now has their conscience to use instead (combined with the Holy Spirit).
Yet over and over exJWs will say they felt there was something 'not quite right' about the teachings and practices, behaviour and harsh treatments meted out by watchtower. That was our conscience reaching out to us .......but witnesses are forbidden to abide by their own consciences. That, to me, is what really marks out Watchtower as a cult
I Wonder How They Had the Cheek To Print this ?
by BluesBrother inawake!
5/22 pp.
"let no man deceive you with empty words.
Watchtower we get to thinking that we know better than the organization, we should ask ourselves: "Where did we learn Bible truth in the first place? Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization? Really, can we get along without the direction of God’s organization?" No, we cannot!
Following that line of reasoning, Watchtower, where did you learn your doctrines from? The Bible Students was it? You prideful people! Go back to that organization, then!
Or for that matter where did you learn about Christianity? Catholicism? The Adventists? How prideful to think you know better! Go back to your mother organization !!!
Afghanistan-Kabul falls to Taliban - U.S. Embassy staff evacuated by helicopter
by fulltimestudent inin a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
Justaguy My point was the horror of dropping those bombs, not whether they were a technological marvel, and whether its something that it's appropriate to gloat over.
It wasn't just the flash that killed, burning flesh off of bones. Firestorms raged for hours afterwards, killing thousands trapped under the debris. Black rain fell with contaminated soot and dust on areas miles around. By 1946, the blast heat and radiation had killed around 74,000 in Nagasaki and 140,000 in Hiroshima. Of course years later many were still dying of radiation including my step father-in-law who was a prisoner of war and made to clear rubble after the attack. His first wife and, later on, two kids also died of cancer and I often wonder if the two things were connected.
I'm sure you know that at the time Russia had entered the war against Japanese who were now discussing surrender Many historians do not agree dropping the bombs were necessary to end the war. But apparently believing so is "reductionist"🙄
Oh, and as to Europeans all speaking German if not for the Americans during WW2(and whilst I'm deeply grateful for every American soldier who fought)....try telling that to the (at least) 11 million Russians🙄
When it comes to modern warfare, I think your'll find this generally applies:
Redvip You forgot a big important factor. A lot of armament was sold and used, pockets were lined and wallets got fat. The goal of the war was achieved.
Virtuoso classical duo guitar performances
by Wonderment in“nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — frederic chopin.
that said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best.
both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality:.
Does anyone like Cameron de la Isla ?? Here with Paco...https://youtu.be/VKtAhJPZS6o
Virtuoso classical duo guitar performances
by Wonderment in“nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — frederic chopin.
that said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best.
both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality:.
Queequeg Any vids of you playing please? 😊( I'm a lifelong music fan and my husband plays)
Virtuoso classical duo guitar performances
by Wonderment in“nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — frederic chopin.
that said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best.
both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality:.
Still love this guitarist.....
How would you respond?
by Iamallcool inif you tell a jw that he or she is in a cult and they asked you why do you say that?
how would you respond?.
Basically what TD said.
If you Google it there are quite a few good basic definitions of a cult and what to look out for.
When you look at each of the primary markers for cults and compare them with Watchtower's behaviour, you pretty soon see they line up.
Sometimes it's a good idea to define a cult then compare these behaviours with, say, Scientology. So, for example, Scientology controls what info members are allowed to access. Then when witnesses go away and think about it, over time they realise their own religion lines up with these behaviours too.
East Pennines A$$emb£y Hall
by punkofnice inso, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
remember back in the early 1970's (?) we all pledged to give so much per month to build this place. Cost a fortune but at least it looked good and won quite a few architectural awards for its design. Maybe they will return my donations plus interest.... or not.
It still pulls in a few bob each
St. George Is that ridiculous income versus spend disparity because they ship all their profits off to Watchtower HQ in Warwick? Do I understand correctly? If a charity was that much in the red, year on year, it would pretty soon fold. If it's being sold obviously the faithful are too poor, or too few, to donate enough to keep the 8 in Scotch....
Edit: just seen Earnest's post. Thank you Earnest.
Where are the JWs on cross dressers?
by mickbobcat inso if a man lets say is heterosexual, married and happy but likes to in the privacy of his own home wear women's cloths and his wife is ok with it.
i know a person could just shut their mouth and who would know but i am talking about jw who is very concerned about telling the truth to the dubbers.
my guess is it would not be a dfing matter but they would not be a ms or elder.
There has been talks and articles, I believe, on this subject. Well on the subject of sex changes anyway. Basically they are to dress and behave as the sex they were given on their birth cert. And marry as such, too.
I've always wondered where that leaves the 1 in a 100 (apparently) kids born hermaphrodite (or intersex as they are now known). It's a bit absurd given half the world probably don't even have birth certs. Kind of shows what a western-centric religion this is.