I suspect Lloyds wife and her parents know about the abuse and were complicit in covering it up. And now he’s holding that against them.
What I must say in Dijanas defence is that when they moved to Croatia she was still a believing witness. We know witness wives are conditioned to forgive their spouse and leave it in Jehovah's hands. She probably believed she was doing her bit by reporting it to the elders. It also explains where these screen shots originally came from, or why they were taken.
NE I know we're being accused of creating the pdf of Marko's statement.
Never for a second would I believe you would create this. At worst I might think someone took advantage of your trusting nature. At absolute worst.
Simon But at the very least, people should be able to make an informed choice if he's really the kind of person they want to give money for, and whether that money truly goes to anti-Watchtower activities or enabling sleazy behavior.
He will never wake another Jehovah's witness up again. In fact he's more likely to drive them back in. If they find his channel they'll pretty soon find all this and then it's game over they won't trust a word he's saying.
He's a liability to us all.