I'm still confused as to how they fell into this person's hands in the first place.
Did Dijana or the elders screen shot it and send it to her cousin?
Has anyone established Dijana has a female cousin who is married to a non JW, for starters?
original reddit post (removed).
I'm still confused as to how they fell into this person's hands in the first place.
Did Dijana or the elders screen shot it and send it to her cousin?
Has anyone established Dijana has a female cousin who is married to a non JW, for starters?
as expected from a man who prioritizes the most vulnerable members of our community, marc has made a sober statement that explains why there's a deep conflict of interest between lloyds recent behaviour and the work they do at jw watch.
you can read it here:.
public statement of mark o’donnell.
Did they meet in a car-park, in secret, while he was married to someone else with no intention of ever marrying her?
Obviously not. So not the same thing at all.
The full context matters. Intent and behavior matters.
Fully agree with you here. We know people mature at different ages but In this case and era it's almost a dead cert they didn't even engage in sex until they were married anyways. I think there's been a few JWs on here that mentioned their spouse was 17 when they got engaged and they were in their 20s. Very different situation.
That's why I don't get hung up too much on the age of the women Lloyd engaged with because it's also about his intentions and the power imbalance. Obviously it's worse if the Thai girls were 15 but to me it's still pretty bad even if they were 18.
It utterly spins my head that people don't get why a young girl in a poverty stricken country, coerced, enslaved or otherwise, being bought by a 40+ yr old man from a wealthy nation that claims to represent rape victims, is beyond sic
original reddit post (removed).
I suspect Lloyds wife and her parents know about the abuse and were complicit in covering it up. And now he’s holding that against them.
What I must say in Dijanas defence is that when they moved to Croatia she was still a believing witness. We know witness wives are conditioned to forgive their spouse and leave it in Jehovah's hands. She probably believed she was doing her bit by reporting it to the elders. It also explains where these screen shots originally came from, or why they were taken.
NE I know we're being accused of creating the pdf of Marko's statement.
Never for a second would I believe you would create this. At worst I might think someone took advantage of your trusting nature. At absolute worst.
Simon But at the very least, people should be able to make an informed choice if he's really the kind of person they want to give money for, and whether that money truly goes to anti-Watchtower activities or enabling sleazy behavior.
He will never wake another Jehovah's witness up again. In fact he's more likely to drive them back in. If they find his channel they'll pretty soon find all this and then it's game over they won't trust a word he's saying.
He's a liability to us all.
jw broadcasting.
news and announcements.
2021 governing body update #10. .
Smiddy The trouble is if they send you a letter they wont give you their name and address or contact number all they do is refer you to either the local KH
Not always Smiddy! I was surprised to get one with a full name and address attached just over a year ago!
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Davros I can't help but wonder if certain ones in the ex JW community will use the same scrutiny they are giving to Lord Voldemort to defend any active witness who proclaims to be innocent of disgusting accusations like this?
I understand how you feel, particularly if you're a victim of CSA or rape yourself.
The difference is that in a Cong when CSA is reported or you have concerns etc the people involved are flesh and blood individuals whether you know them well personally or not but these are just stuff on the internet written by who knows. I'm just reading stuff online seeing pictures and names that could be copy pasted from a novel for all I know. It's completely a different situation.
We are always told not to automatically trust anything in the virtual world for very good reason.
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If Tibor is gracious,
Lloyd should be cancelled for this catch phrase alone 🤣
Witness my fury email address used was discontinued sometime in the past 20 days, apparently the Marko account has gone dead very recently too. Can you spell RED FLAG?
This doesn't look good. People I hope to god you've done your due diligence. Don't gaslight me by accusing me of not being willing to report CSA. If you had someone actually report it to you that's a million miles away from a bunch of texts gotten who knows where?
I just don't want him let off the hook for what he HAS done.
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Look he's just said this Marko doesn't exist. If this is true it's not just Lloyd whose reputation will be ruined.
Lloyds Croation video editor There is no Marko, and that was already proven years ago. But why do research when you can act like a justice warrior? If he does exist, his only relation to Dijana is being Croatian. By that logic I am Dijana's cousin as well. Our country is small but it ain't that small. Also, I love the fact the video about Marko has what appears to be some weird version of the Serbian flag as a thumbnail. The guy posting doesn't even know the difference between Serbia and Croatia
as expected from a man who prioritizes the most vulnerable members of our community, marc has made a sober statement that explains why there's a deep conflict of interest between lloyds recent behaviour and the work they do at jw watch.
you can read it here:.
public statement of mark o’donnell.
Countries that have lower age-of-consent laws tend to have a "Juliet clause" that limits the age-difference, precisely to protect them from abuse without also criminalizing young people in genuine relationships.
Because there is a world of difference between a 14 year old girl with a 16 year old boyfriend, and a 14 year old girl and a 30 year old man who's groomed her online to meetup in a car-park.
Interesting I didn't know it was called a "Juliet clause".
I fully agree the law needs to protect teens in teen relationships.
It's funny though my 16 yr old sons were saying a few weeks ago how grossed out they were by some kid in their year going out with a girl in year 9 (14)😆🤣🤣Apparently "she's a kid"😜
original reddit post (removed).
SBF Yes I have real reservations. The last sentence from the girl - "it's best for you to leave. This will not end well for us" for example.
I just think that's not the sort of thing a 14 year old girl would say.... particularly back then. There are some terms that have gained popularity on social media, that were used in the past, but not with such regularity. That one "not end well for" is definitely such a phrase and particularly so for a kid. I agree the phraseology used for "LE" seems very much in character. But if someone were to make it up, the problem they would have would be recreating the "voice" of a 14 year old girl of a given era.
Also, where did this person obtain these messages? Presumably LE would have deleted them so only the girl would have them (and why would she give them to anyone, not being a JW).
Of course if LE confessed to the elders they may have recorded some of it. But given that his father and best friends ran the Cong and supposedly covered it up, why would they allow anyone else access? Particularly a cousin by marriage of his wife in another country?
Curious mind you have convicted him, sentenced him and had him offed in jail all in a couple of weeks. Impressive.
With regard to these text messages yes, I agree. They could be complete fakes.
With regard to his other self confessed, observable behaviour, hypocrisy around representation of women & girls rape & CSA. GAS-lighting Kim and weaponising his followers against her, absolutely
guilty 100%.
original reddit post (removed).
It should be mentioned that the JLE email address in these screenshots would have had to be created between April 2004 and October 2005. In the UK, between October 2005 and sometime in 2010, all new gmail accounts were using googlemail.com as their domain address due to a dispute with another company.
I can attest to that since mine began it's life as Googlemail dot com in the UK at this time and transitioned to Gmail.