Firstly, this is a publicity stunt on behalf of Lloyd. He's threatened to do this so I guess in order to not look like a fool he had to follow through with this laughably unprofessional piece of legal fakery.
Secondly, what a hypocrite !!!! It's he himself who, on a daily basis, criticizes people and damages their honour, reputation, privacy, family name, mental health etc etc such as Antony Morris - for merely buying whiskey etc. How utterly laughable!
The fact that this is just another rouse to try and scam £3000 off of other exjws is utterly sickening.
In fact I think we should ALL make videos doing a critique of his "incident" in support exjw You Tubers, Kim, @Cappy and @Burg3rtime!! Can anyone send me the file of the video please?