Just to say Lloyd is living on the UK equivalent of £25,000 - £30,000 per month. Wow. Explains his behaviour towards other exjw content creators/activists a lot. He's not a narcissist, or not only.
He's a bastard.
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Just to say Lloyd is living on the UK equivalent of £25,000 - £30,000 per month. Wow. Explains his behaviour towards other exjw content creators/activists a lot. He's not a narcissist, or not only.
He's a bastard.
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alluded that people are jealous of him because he was an elder and went to MTS. As a result, he has special insight into the brainwashing.
That's absurd. He wasn't even an elder for one year and not only have hundreds of thousands of people have been to MTS, now including women, but even he himself admitted you learn nothing new there!
Aside from the fact we have thousands of apostate ex elders, now we have 'Shepherd the Flock', there is nothing an elder is drilled in that any ex JW wouldn't know.
This is what annoys me when interviewers or more particularly NGO lobby groups or public bodies/advisory groups etc court elders (of which women can never be) as some kind of experts in JW lore. Unless they do so for personal experience eg being on Judicial committee's etc, it continues to exclude women's voices who only tend to be consulted if they themselves are victims of CSA.
Aside from that, would Lloyd have conceived this insight into brainwashing on his own? Without Crises of Conscience, without Olaf Johansson, JWfacts.com or the many books on Cults? I doubt it.
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It's bad. This will answer none of your questions and provides Lloyd with a platform. I strongly urge Kim Silvio and possibly others who have interacted with Lloyd take him up on any offer to explain their side.
As Nicolaou said earlier please anyone making comments on Gold's Facebook etc stick to the facts of the livestream and anything Kim can verify.
As to the reason he is disliked by the community mention the verifiable things he publicly did. It would be good to have a basic list on here for folks to check.
The financials are important, too.
The six figure sum he earns whilst not remunerating his volunteers, who frankly do much of the leg work whilst he jets around on 'holiday.' The fact they did most of the important fact finding is evidenced by his recent videos which are repetitive and mostly income generating "filler".
He's a You tuber - which is fine - but don't call yourself an activist and raise money from the vulnerable off the back off it. Remember the whole Iccsa ball got rolling because of others. He had to hire a lawyer to fight his way in to being core participant having no 'relevance' - not being a survivor or parent of one. Not an academic or expert professional. Just an exjw with a you tube channel - why was he given pride of place? This is what happens when you don't listen to people.
He has raised money for things that haven't materialised time and again, including a documentary and legal fees for court cases that never happened - a couple of times, actually.
like many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
LUHE he used prostitutes immediately after leaving the Borg, before he met his wife, then stopped using them as time went on, then married his wife ... well, that would be a different situation. But what we have here is some grubby perv who likes using prostitutes, so he goes to Thailand for a month.
Yes and I think maybe some of his younger supporters think that those of us who don't find his behaviour acceptable are somehow making a value judgement on any man who has ever visited their local massage parlour.
It's a very different story maybe a young man who's left the cult and is nervous of relationships having had zero experience with women. Even though I wouldn't advise it, it's totally understandable if he went to a local lady. Or a lonely widower....that kind of thing. Im not a completely heartless, clutching-my-pearls over all-sex-work-in-any-situation type.
As to Lloyd I wonder if his only experience of sex being porn and this has made him a selfish or rough lover, one who expects women to behave the way porn actresses do. It might be she has not been able to orgasm when they first married due to religious guilt and this combined with his inexperience and expectations, exhaustion from working and having a baby (pre you tube wealth) has not made sex especially pleasurable for her.
I'm sure his porn addiction and infidelities have made things 100 times worse. His weight I wasn't going to mention it but that won't help.
I know many people will be horrified that we're picking over his sex life like this. But funnily enough I hope he reads what I've written and takes some of it to heart. If they plan to stay together I'd recommend a sex therapist because his wife is probably feeling *disgust with him at this point and it's going to be impossible to get over that "hump"😜in the road without help.
*Disgust/revulsion is an evolutionary mechanism to protect us from rotten food/excrement etc and once switched on is almost impossible to stop.
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Andrew had no idea Lloyd had asked his wife for an open relationship after being unfaithful in Texas, and after backing out of such an arrangement, directed his anger at Dijana and fled to Thailand.
And by "backing out" of "an arrangement" what he really means is him informing her of their new style marriage contract and she having the courage, after a further days thought on the matter, to say NO.
Yes, the "arrangement" she backed out of was one day old.
Oh, and she clearly came to the "wrong" conclusion!!
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Tibor just proves you people love to speculate a lot more than you like actual proof. Especially when it goes against crazy theories like Lloyd using my name which I could easily sue him over.
😂💞LOve it. You guys over in Croatia have some strange legal theories. Anyone can use the name "Tibor" on a forum....it's not Trade Marked, you know.
Look, you're obviously pretty young, still being at college (probably why Lloyd employs you for less. He's as tight as a fishes ass). The reason Lloyd is so disliked goes back a long way, Tibor. One example: another activist was in touch with a journalist who was interested in doing a piece on Watchtower & CSA when Lloyd contacted said journalist behind the other activist's back, and bad mouthed him. So the journalist dropped the article altogether.
That's about the shittiest thing any so-called activist can do.
It's just a business for Lloyd. There's very little he adds to the conversation. Most of the hard work was done by people long before he came along. He tries to drive off the real competition & corner the market. He appears to "work" with others - but only those with no financial interest in their work and whom he will never have to renumerate. Worse some of them, such as Sherry, have actually financially supported him, paying for trips to Australia etc. He had zero interest in helping individuals until Sherry offered to do that side of things for him - so it gives the appearance he 'helps' people.
It's purely about the money for him. Which is ironic since that's exactly what he accuses watchtower of.
Kim Silvio It’s comments like these from Mark that make me uncomfortable.
Whilst Mark O Donnel is an incredibly hard worker and has done much for CSA victims (with, I may say, a hell of a lot of help from his wife) I find this comment disappointing also. Because the fact is he is no more educated than Mike or Kim and we know why....because Watchtower proscribed it. So I find it incredibly unfair of him and he should know better, frankly. He may understand the workings of a Cong but merely because his father was an elder and he still has all his papers. It's hardly something to crow about.
This is why I love Atlantis and Kim Silvio, Paul Grundy, AvoidJW.org, Simon etc and Kim & Mike too so much they absolutely don't let their ego's get the better of them. Atlantis shares his info with everyone, too!
"Activism" seems to turn some people's heads. They suddenly become self important and forget they rely on others for their sources and the community for giving them an audience. However when they do the work for nothing, as Mark does, I feel gratitude toward them and I believe it comes from a genuine place. I think Mark may have down voted things because he still has loyalty toward Lloyd as a friend.
Tibor is just a kid trying to pay his way through college, I imagine. He has no idea about Lloyds history and he's too young to fully comprehend the suffering of those Thai prostitutes, or the connection between grooming, child abuse and modern slavery/trafficking.
Kim Silvio that elephant video was the bomb!! Lloyd loves to virtue signal about the mote in everyone else's eyes, Yet he cannot pull out the beam in his own!!
You've raised an incredible daughter who is married to what seems to be a very good guyYes Sometimes the best we can do is make sure our own children get an education. As Mike and Kim have done
if you have been keeping up with the news, many cities are seeing an uptick in covid cases.
mask mandates are being implemented in many cities.. many pimos are relating that their pimi parents and grandparents are scared to go back and are having a hard time following the elder's exhortation to attend the memorial, because it might be the last.. a lot of pimi's are saying; that it doesn't make logical sense for large groups of people to meet in a crowded building passing and touching emblems and wine glasses while covid is still around and vaccines have not prevented the death of many who still got the virus.
the elders keep reminding the sheeple that "we must obey,even if it doesn't make sense.".
believe the mandate "you get your ass to the hall" is coming. I heard a comment from one of the prominent elders in my parts that covid is here to stay so let's get back to the hall.
It will go from:
"We are such a loving organisation that we're all meeting on Zoom to keep everybody safe"
"If you selfishly put your fleshly health before Jeeehovah and Kingdom Interests by attending on zoom, don't expect Jeeehovah to conceal you in the Great Day of his Anger!!!
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Reluctant Owner of Little Lloyd & The Green Screen Conspiracy Theory
JWBD so funny how your #LittleLloyd name has proper caught on😂😂
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Hmmn, being a grey-haired old white dude is something I excel at and I can even throw in a Downton Abbey accent ... good to know I have options!
😂😂Why did I always imagine you with a scally accent (The Wirrel style)with a dry sense of humour
as some of you might recall, i self-published a novel last fall.
i hoped “armageddon’s disciples” would be successful as my previous works (an alternate history trilogy) had done well.
not so with “disciples.” i’ve sold a total of nine copies.
Smiles Armageddon's Disciples sounds like a good plot for film. Maybe convert the story to a screenplay write?
Jeff that's exactly what I was thinking as I read your summary! It really has the making of a series in my mind.
Edit: Also Jeff consider posting on.any Reddit's for fans of Detective fiction, perhaps?