Whits he bumping his gums aboot noo?
Aye that's right. I reckon someone asked if he had paid Mark aka John Redwood
What the deuce is that man on?😂 Does he think we should be impressed he didn't take a fee for going on the Aftermath?😂I guarantee it wouldn't even cross the minds of those with the real stories on aftermath to get paid.
Does he think we're idiots to believe he suddenly decided to pay Marc the last few episodes (£100 quid I think he offered. Not quite the three grand he often gets for livestreams)
Who the hell does he think he is to get an appearance fee for discussing CSA on mainstream shows? If that's what he demands for publicising child abuse its sickening. He's not even a victim and he's certainly not a professional. He didn't even take part in any judicial's around CSA (well, maybe except his own allegedly)😬*
*Probably shouldn't have written that. Should I? Still confused.