Kim to answer your question: The Organization absolutely do not trust ordinary Jehovah's witnesses and I know this because Gerrit Losche outright said JWs ONLY FULLY trust Jesus & the faithful slave, yet only somewhat trust their JW 'brothers and sisters'.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
All KH Bank accounts to close and all received contributions sent directly to the WT
by James Jack in
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
AM I agree Vintage. I was told that one of the worst kept secrets is that many of the elders are alcoholics not Christians.
I've met quite a few JW elders in rehab for alcoholism. Some were very nice people and definitely considered themselves Christian. Interestingly I've never met any ordained people from other religions. That's because they put their people in private facilities (and I was NHS). Only Watchtower cares so little for their "ministers" they're thrown out on their ears and expected to cope alone
I trained an AI on the Young People Ask book, and asked it various questions. Here are the articles it came up with
by ComingOutaMyCage infull resolutions here:
That's really funny.😂
I watched a TED talk the other day where an engineer was claiming AI is going to kill humanity.
I think we don't have to worry for a while yet.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
As much as it’s been said that Lloyd never changed his JW mindset, it’s abundantly clear that in many ways Dijana still has the mentality of a pioneer sister who wanted a husband and family.
I agree. Few women would deal with this level of humiliation. It's also about money since she would have been raised very modestly.
Reading Lloyds JW history I find it hard to believe he ever really 'believed' it. Masturbation is one thing - even that wracks most JWs with such guilt they won't accept 'privileges' but online sex, porn and even in person prostitution? - (I'm absolutely sure he engaged in this pre marriage). Few men who trully believe would have a conscience that allowed them to become an elder or MS and at the same time engage in that. It's always been about power for him.
The argument was that they personally knew many people that were helped out of JW by LE's videos
Again, total rubbish. If they were ready to watch apostate videos at that level, if Lloyds weren't there they would have seen any number of other videos by other apostates, saying the same stuff and researched by men many years ago. Who never took a red cent for their efforts.
Not to mention people usually read before they watch pure apostate videos., this site, Rays work, Randy's & Barbara's sites and more recently Reddit posts, are more likely their first foray into the exjw world. Even articles/video documentaries by the mainstream media are likely to wake people up first, being apostate free.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Interesting Lloyd has been reduced to doing a sort of telephone "Questions from readers"🤔
I wonder how long before he uses the famous Watchtower technique of formulating his own.....🤨
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
In ancient Israel, committing adultery with a neighbor’s wife carried the death penalty for both the man and the woman. Polygamy, as practiced in ancient Israel, was not an open marriage.
The trouble is it wasn't just marrying another woman. It also included so-called 'concubines,' which is another word for random woman you are not married to. As long as these women weren't married to another man, the Bible doesn't seem to have an issue.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
LouAlso if her dad was an alcoholic then she will have been trained as a child in a trauma bond accidentally because alcoholics offer intermittent emotional availability.
Lou I enjoy "The fairy's" videos. I'm the adult child of an alcoholic with all of those issues as my mum left us and so I'd to care for my alcoholic dad and little brother at 8. I was running a household by 9 with terrible self esteem - both parents accusing me of being just like the other. Then Scapegoated by my stepdad, because he had to keep my mother's past a secret, including us, which made him angry.
No wonder the self hatred of witness theology appealed to me...I didn't even think I was worthy to pray.
It's taken me until nearly 50 to get some fight. I understand Dijana's fearful of her kids being without a family. Her brother is gone, Lloyds family shun them and if there's alcoholism in her parents background, she's fearful of relying on them
No wonder she takes him in. She doesn't want anyone to feel rejected or her children to be hurt by loosing a parent.😔
This whole "bunker" thing was bullshit from the beginning and I told him so. When you think of a crazed maniac stuck in a "bunker" where does your mind take you? That's right the end of world war two with you know who.
New Boy you cracked me up🤣
Anyone else heard this?
by BoogerMan inthe other day, i chatted to an elderly woman and her daughter who was about 45-50. total strangers.. we were discussing covid when the daughter said, "my neighbor studies with jw's, and the jw's told her 3 months before the virus started, that they had to stop going from door to door because something was coming.".
i've never heard anything like this before - have you?.
One thing JWs definitely don't the gift of prophecy.;
Ha ! That's an idea....ask them to challenge their neighbour on the many times watchtower is on record as getting things badly wrong. Next week's Bible study will be cancelled.
It was only a matter of time before they predicted the pandemic! Ask them to find it in print and they won't.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Says him and Tibor are looking for a larger industrial sized space to rent. Thanks the Patrons again because they’re paying for it, not him
What he really means (whilst claiming he needs donations coz it's a work space), he needs it Industrial sized for his industrial-sized ass to live in full time. Tight wad won't need to pay his own rent🙄 -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I think Dijana's parents have finally snapped. You don't get to leave Dijana & the kids and use our home to trash our religion, too.